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The Bible says, "So I say to you live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." (Galatians 5:16). Paul instructs Christians to live by the Spirit, rather than the flesh, so that we won't 'gratify' the sinful nature. How does one accomplish this? Here are some tips on how to live by the Spirit.

  1. "Sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; Idolatry and witchcraft; Hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; Drunkenness, orgies, and the like." (Galatians 5:19,20). Paul groups these sins together because they are the basic fruits of the sinful nature. Paul says "if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeed of the body, you will live." If we put to death all of these acts of our sinful nature we will live, but the choice is ours. We can chose to walk in the flesh or in the Spirit as Christians.
  2. (Galatians 5:21) Jesus said that "you shall know them by their fruits." Also James said "show me your faith without deed and I will show you my faith by what I do." If we are true followers of Christ, we will live differently. We will live out the fruit of the spirit rather than the misdeed of our flesh.
  3. "The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Patience, Faithfulness, Joy, Kindness, Gentleness, Peace, Goodness, and Self Control. Against such things there is no law." (Galatians 5:23)
  4. "Since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit." (Galatians 5:25). This means that we should seek to walk in these fruits in all that we do in life and in every situation that we find ourselves in.
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  • Question
    I want to live right with Christ, but I keep sinning. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Remember God loves you and knows you are human. Make a real effort to repent for your sins and prevent them in the future. Talk to your religious leader for advice.
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    How can my heart heal regarding a hurtful, selfish brother?
    Jonah Hamman
    Community Answer
    Jesus dealt with many hurtful people. Talk to your sibling honestly and calmly. You might bring in a mediator, whether it be a parent or pastor. If needed, ignore his hurtfulness and "turn the other cheek."
  • Question
    Is masturbation a sexually immoral act?
    Michael Pike
    Community Answer
    This is a very sensitive topic for Christian believers, and one on which there will probably a certain amount of disagreement. The Bible does not often describe the exact definition of "immorality," but most believers would agree that "immoral" means not in line with the moral code God gives us in the Holy Bible. Since sex and sexual activity were designed by God to be healthy and safely enjoyed only within the bonds of marriage, masturbation outside of marriage is not healthy in a moral sense. The Bible describes anything that takes a shortcut to pleasure or fulfillment apart from God's will and guidance as compromise, and compromise in a moral choice is not God's best for us.
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      Two Simple Keys

      1. Learn about Jesus and believe that He died, rose from the dead as your Savior and then pray for repentance to the one, true God repenting, similar to: "I turn from my sin, all my wrong doing; I want to change, and I truly thank you for everything you have done and that I am now freely forgiven and saved from the penalty for my sins -- as a free gift and you do place a new life in me. Thank you for your gift for me of receiving The Holy Spirit in Jesus' name."
      2. Walk in love, telling others that "There is one mediator for us, The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is Lord and Savior for everyone who believes, repents and follows him -- and so, ( walk in the Spirit) :"

        "Follow Jesus Christ" which includes going to Christian meetings with people of like faith, being Baptised , in the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, as a sign of accepting your new life, praying to God, reading the Bible, and showing God's love by kindness, forgiving others, making peace, having a faithful, loving relationship with believers (Don't live by feelings; judge no one harshly, not even yourself; live and walk in Christ's Spirit, in The Spirit of God in faith, hope and charity. So, live in the Spirit and no one can snatch you out of My hands and My Father's hands; that is safety, secured.) But, when you (in your mind) are convicted of sin -- repent, asking for, accepting forgiveness, expecting consequences for some wrongs and going on as a Child of God, all in Christ Jesus' name -- with God as the one, true Judge of all things both good and bad. God's love is perfect and casts out all fear.


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      • You will be able to recognize people's spiritual condition by their Fruit. "A good tree can not bear bad fruit... Nor can a bad tree bear good fruit." (Matthew 7:18). Thus a Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit of God, produces Fruits, and may receive Gifts, of the Spirit.

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