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Some people just seem to draw others to them like a magnet, easily making friends, starting relationships, and connecting with professionals in their careers. But what is it about these magnetic personalities that make them so captivating and irresistible? Luckily for you, we’ve got the low down on these friendly, approachable people. We’ll tell you what a magnetic personality is, the common signs of a magnetic person, and how you can develop your magnetic qualities. Read on to learn how!

Things You Should Know

  • A person with a magnetic personality draws people to them due to their confidence, optimism, and attentive listening.
  • Magnetic people are true to themselves and don’t pretend to be anything they’re not.
  • A magnetic person is considerate of others, creative and curious, and can laugh at themselves.
Section 1 of 3:

What is a magnetic personality?

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  1. With their confidence, friendliness, and positive outlook, a magnetic person has no trouble making friends, finding dates, or climbing higher in their career. They’re the type of person that makes you feel like the only one in the room—they always give their undivided attention, ask you about yourself, and make you feel heard. [1]
    • A magnetic person isn’t necessarily the most attractive or outgoing person in the room. Their kindness and interest in others are what draw people to them.
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Section 2 of 3:

Signs and Traits of a Magnetic Personality

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  1. A magnetic person stays true to themselves and is proud of who they are. They don’t feel the need to be anyone else or to put on a mask to be accepted by others. A magnetic person’s passions and personality always shine through, whether they’re a career-focused go-getter or a laid-back gamer. [2]
    • Magnetic people also encourage others to accept themselves. They know that celebrating your quirks and individuality shows people that you’re confident, kind, and non-judgmental.
  2. Magnetic people trust their abilities and aren’t shy about acknowledging their accomplishments. They aren’t afraid to fail because they know they have the strength to brush themselves off and push forward to reach success. A magnetic person is well aware of their weaknesses too and actively works to better themselves in their personal and professional life. [3]
    • Magnetic people aren’t arrogant or cocky, though. They’re open to constructive criticism from their boss, coworkers, or friends because they know it helps them learn and grow.
    • You don't necessarily need to find your life's passions to be confident. You can fake it 'til you make it!
    • Reader Poll: We asked 510 wikiHow readers what qualities make a person magnetic, and only 12% named passion as the most irresistible trait. [Take Poll] While there's certainly nothing wrong with being passionate, confidence and kindness go a long way on their own!
  3. Compassion, understanding, and kindness are what draw people to a magnetic person like a moth to a flame. When a friend, acquaintance, or stranger has a problem, magnetic people are there to support them, come up with solutions, or be a shoulder to cry on. They put themselves in others’ shoes and feel their emotions with them. [4]
    • Magnetic people also help others feel validated and heard. If a friend comes to them with a relationship problem, they listen intently, don’t interrupt, and acknowledge how they must be feeling.
  4. Magnetic people are considerate of others and respect their time and feelings. They make every effort to show up for the people in their life because they understand that their words and actions are important. A magnetic person is also in tune with others’ needs and can anticipate when a friend wants their advice or their partner needs support after a long day. [5]
  5. Magnetic people understand the power of positivity. Their cheerfulness and ability to look on the bright side help them make friends, find solutions to problems at work, and ultimately feel more satisfied and fulfilled in life. A magnetic person shares their hopeful outlook with others, so it’s no wonder why people like being around them. [6]
    • Magnetic people usually have a healthy balance of optimism and realism. While they always hope for the best, they know their own limits.
    • For example, if they’re working on a big work project, they’ll go into it with a positive mindset but make plans to tackle issues that inevitably come up.
  6. A magnetic person always gives others their full and undivided attention. They put down their phone, make eye contact, and wait to speak until you’re finished. Then, they’ll ask you deep and clarifying questions about your story or yourself because they’re genuinely interested in you. [7]
    • A magnetic person also remembers and follows up on the conversations they have with people. If you told them you were excited to see a new movie, the next time you see them they might ask you if you saw it and how it was.
  7. A magnetic person is always ready with a well-timed joke to lighten the mood and connect people together. They don’t laugh at people or put them down though—they stick to cracking jokes about themselves or sharing silly situations they’ve seen on their travels. Their constant laughter puts people at ease and makes them seem laid back and friendly. [8]
    • Magnetic people tend to laugh at themselves , too. They don’t take themselves too seriously and can accept their flaws and pitfalls.
  8. Rules and tradition don’t define a magnetic person. They’re unconventional and original, coming up with creative ways to solve problems at work or fix a friend’s dress on a night out. Whether they paint, sculpt, play music, or build inventions, they’re not afraid to share their unique vision and perspective with the world. [9]
    • A magnetic person’s creativity might stem from being open-minded . They love collaborating with others and hearing their opinions, believing that no idea is too small or too out of the box.
  9. A magnetic person overflows with enthusiasm and joy. They want people to share their zeal for life, whether that’s finding the simple pleasure in enjoying a delicious meal or tagging along with them on a trip to a tropical destination. Whatever they do, people just can’t get enough of their positive, infectious energy. [10]
    • Magnetic people often use their energy to make the world a better place. They might volunteer in their community or learn new skills to help train their coworkers.
  10. A magnetic person always seems to know what to say and how to say it. They intuitively pick up a friend or coworker’s mood and use their words to make them feel validated and comfortable. Magnetic people think before they speak and choose their words and tone carefully to ensure they don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. [11]
    • Someone with a magnetic personality is generally just a great communicator. They speak to others politely and directly, which helps them come across as confident, charming, and friendly.
  11. Learning is one of a magnetic person’s biggest passions. Whether they’re interested in sports, history, or gardening, they’re always reading up on new ideas and theories to stay on the cutting edge. They also seek out new hobbies and interests to broaden their horizons and learn from others’ experiences. [12]
    • Magnetic people enjoy teaching others and using their knowledge to help people. For example, they might use their computer skills to lead a workshop that streamlines a task at their job.
  12. A magnetic person’s enthusiasm, confidence, and positive outlook helps motivate others to do better. They might help a friend go after their dream job or assure a coworker to tackle a big project all on their own. Magnetic people’s desire to be the best version of themselves shows others that they should do the same. [13]
    • A magnetic person doesn’t force others to be or act a certain way. They wait for their friends and coworkers to ask for their help and then gently nudge them in the right direction.
  13. Life is an exciting mystery to magnetic people; they want to know everything they can about the world and all of the people in it. If they don’t know someone, they’ll introduce themselves and get to know them. They’re genuinely interested in what other people have to say and love asking questions about their experiences. [14]
    • Travel is often important to magnetic people. They love exploring new places and being exposed to different cultures.
  14. Magnetic people are sincere with their words, actions, and intentions. They’re not out to fool or deceive anyone by pretending to feel or think a certain way. If they’re upset with a friend, they’ll talk about their frustrations with them openly and work out a way to move on from the issue. [15]
    • Being vulnerable is really important to a magnetic person. They express their feelings without shame or embarrassment and seek help from their partner, friends, or family when they’re going through a tough time.
  15. Magnetic people spend every day growing and developing into a better version of themselves. They set goals in their personal and professional lives, make plans to tackle them, and remain resilient when obstacles come their way. Success is typically in their future because a magnetic person knows they can change and learn from their mistakes. [16]
    • Magnetic people don’t usually shy away from challenges. While they don’t like failing, they know that taking a risk helps them learn from their experiences and accomplish even greater things.
  16. A magnetic person always seems to have a kind, approachable smile on their face. They’re pleasant to everyone they meet, whether they’re an old friend from school or a stranger on the street. A magnetic person hopes to make people feel happy and joyful, which is why they’re always quick to give a friendly greeting or genuine compliment. [17]
    • Magnetic people don’t think they’re better than anyone and treat everyone like they’re equal.
    • A magnetic person is also kind to themselves . Being less critical of themselves and giving themselves grace helps them be more compassionate to the world around them.
  17. Magnetic people build up their partners, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. They celebrate their coworkers’ promotions and cheer on their partners’ hobbies and passions. If a magnetic person’s friend is sick, they’re likely already on their way over with soup, medicine, and a movie. [18]
    • A magnetic person is also supportive of their community. They might help pick up trash on the weekends or volunteer at their local food bank.
  18. Magnetic people are true leaders; they’re often the ones rounding up their friends to make vacation plans, delegating tasks to their coworkers, or explaining an assignment to their classmates. With their charisma, empathy, and go-getter attitude, it’s no surprise that people like following and listening to magnetic people. [19]
    • Like all good leaders, magnetic people are open to others’ ideas and opinions. If a coworker doesn’t like the changes they’re making, they’ll take their feedback to heart and find a compromise that makes everyone happy.
  19. People are so drawn to magnetic people because they know what to say to get people to like them. This simply comes down to their great communication, social skills, and emotional intelligence. They always smile when they meet someone, ask them how they are, and mirror their body language to show them that they’re interested. [20]
    • Magnetic people aren’t people pleasers, though. While they want to be liked, they stick up for themselves and their needs when they feel like they’re being walked over.
  20. A magnetic person has a deep understanding of what’s going on around them and inside themselves. They use their gut feelings to guide their decisions, which helps keep them authentic and honest about their life goals, friendships, and feelings. [21]
    • Magnetic people can also easily pick up on how others are feeling. For example, they might sense that their friends had a fight and help them solve the issue.
  21. A magnetic person is calm, cool, and collected. They handle pressure well and are often their friends’ first call when they’re in a sticky situation. Distractions rarely get in a magnetic person’s way because they organize their tasks and prioritize what’s important. [22]
    • Sometimes a magnetic person’s temper does get the best of them. To control their bubbling emotions , they might take deep breaths or remove themselves from the situation to calm down.
  22. Magnetic people look so approachable because they stand up straight, roll their shoulders back, and look people in the eye. Their posture communicates to friends and strangers alike that they’re confident, capable, and friendly.
    • A confident person’s body language might also help them be more positive and successful. Making eye contact and actively listening can make you feel better about yourself and decrease your stress levels. [23]
  23. A magnetic person’s approachable aura also comes from their simple and stylish fashion sense. [24] They tend to wear casual, well-fitting clothes that signal to others that they’re friendly, confident, and take good care of themselves. [25]
    • While it’s what’s on the inside that truly matters, magnetic people often show off their personality with their style. Whether they rock polka-dots, athleisure, pant-suits, or grunge band tees, they embrace their uniqueness.
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Section 3 of 3:

Developing a Magnetic Personality

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  1. Being honest about your strengths and weaknesses helps you tackle challenges in your personal and professional life with ease. Just take a moment to reflect on your positive qualities, skills, and accomplishments. Then, think honestly about the areas you can work on in your life and make a plan to improve them. [26]
    • For example, you might want to improve your time management . So, start writing down all your tasks for the day and work on the hardest item first.
    • Developing self-confidence can take time, so fake it until you make it! Just looking confident by standing up straight and smiling can help you feel more assured. [27]
  2. Nothing is more magnetic to others than when you give them your pure, undivided focus. To be a good listener , look people in the eyes when they speak. When they talk, imagine how they’re feeling instead of comparing their story to your experiences. [28]
    • To communicate your understanding and sympathy without interrupting someone, nod or say, “Yeah” as they’re speaking.
    • Being an active listener can also cultivate your empathy . This makes you more understanding and considerate about others, which in turn makes you seem friendlier.
  3. Magnetic people are authentic to themselves and motivated to go after their passions. To find your purpose , reflect on the hobbies and interests that you enjoy. Then, think about what you want to accomplish in life and how that aligns with your passions and values. [29]
    • To accomplish your goal , write down the major steps you need to make towards it. Then, break them into manageable chunks to make them easier to check off.
    • For example, if plants and an active lifestyle are important to you, you might want to be a gardener. So, your goals might be to study horticulture in school and intern with a gardening master.
  4. Practicing grounding exercises like meditation and yoga can help you connect to your inner self and develop self-acceptance and compassion. Just start meditating for 5 minutes each day to get used to the practice. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. [30]
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      1. https://bizfluent.com/13720609/how-to-command-presence-in-the-workplace
      2. https://bizfluent.com/10-qualities-of-a-magnetic-personality.html
      3. https://psych2go.net/9-traits-of-magnetic-personalities/
      4. https://bizfluent.com/13720609/how-to-command-presence-in-the-workplace
      5. https://psych2go.net/9-traits-of-magnetic-personalities/
      6. https://psych2go.net/9-traits-of-magnetic-personalities/
      7. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/click-here-happiness/201904/15-ways-build-growth-mindset
      8. https://www.abundancenolimits.com/signs-you-have-a-magnetic-personality/
      9. https://www.abundancenolimits.com/signs-you-have-a-magnetic-personality/
      10. https://www.learning-mind.com/magnetic-personality/
      11. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20170627-the-tricks-to-make-yourself-effortlessly-charming
      12. https://www.abundancenolimits.com/signs-you-have-a-magnetic-personality/
      13. https://www.learning-mind.com/magnetic-personality/
      14. https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/10/27/7-ways-positive-body-language-will-radically-improve-your-life/?sh=36eaf04133e4
      15. https://www.doctornerdlove.com/be-more-approachable/
      16. https://psychlearningcurve.org/dress-to-impress/
      17. https://www.usf.edu/student-affairs/counseling-center/top-concerns/what-is-self-confidence.aspx
      18. https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/posture_stand_tall_youll_like_it
      19. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/happy-healthy-relationships/202108/listening-understand-instead-respond
      20. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/202301/5-ways-to-find-your-purpose
      21. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5645519/

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