If you're looking for a fun fireworks-inspired gag, you might be interested in making some inexpensive, fairly safe, and 100% legal small firecrackers. As long as you can buy party poppers in the state/country you live in, this guide can provide a method for making a smaller and safer version of fire crackers. Compared to regular fire crackers, these are much more safe, quieter, and unlikely to cause any serious damage to body and property.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Acquiring the Explosive

  1. They can be found at:
    • Party Shops
    • Novelty shops and stands (like at carnivals)
    • The toy aisle in some grocery and department stores
  2. There will probably be a label on it and sometimes a band to protect the string to stop it from firing when not wanted (in packet).
  3. Using a tool such as a screwdriver (or other thin wedge), pry away the first disk (the one at the base with the warning) to reveal the streamers.
  4. (There are some fun things to do with these)
    • You may need to use a toothpick or alike to thread some of the string through the small hole.
    • You may also need to widen the small hole slightly.
    • Although removing it should be safe as long as the string isn't pulled with reasonable force, they are explosives so still express caution while doing removing.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Detonating Your Firecracker

  1. Once you have removed the explosive there are a few ways to detonate it:
    • By simply pulling the string from the rest of the explosive.
    • By igniting the explosive directly with fire (instant ignition).
    • By using a fuse (candle wick works) to lead fire down to the explosive.
  2. Although it is quieter than most fire crackers, it is still loud and could cause hearing damage.

Method One: Pull String Method

  1. Firmly hold the body of the explosive and the string in the other.
  2. The small piece of flint inside should light the gunpowder immediately and there will be a satisfying "bang."

Method Two: Direct Flame Method

    • Get a tealight candle.
    • Remove the wax part from the tin.
    • Remove the wick and the wick base (you can use later this for the 'Fuse' method).
    • Optionally, cut back the tin so only a small 'tray' is left.
  1. Alternatively you can hold it with hand protection on (gloves) but it is more dangerous.
  2. Don't expect it to work first time, but prepare for it to go off as soon as the flame touches it.

Method Three: Fuse Method

  1. Alternatively, for a faster burning fuse but a more dangerous method, dip the cotton string in oil, petroleum jelly, or other flammable substance.
  2. Let the flame get down to the base part of the explosive and hope for the bang.

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      • When pulling the explosive through the base, do not pull too hard or it might detonate
      • When handling, treat is as if it is about to detonate, so if it accidentally does you won't be too shocked!


      • Keep face and unnecessary body parts away from blast because although serious damage is unlikely, minor temporary damage is still possible including irritation, redness, and mild stinging
      • Using fire is always dangerous so always take caution when using matches, flammable substances and keep hazards away
      • Always use ear protection and keep ears away when firing to prevent permanent hearing damage

      Things You'll Need

      • Party Popper
      • Screwdriver/Knife
      • Scissors
      • Toothpick
      • Tea light Candle
      • Cooking Oil/Petroleum Jelly
      • Matches/Lighter
      • Hearing protection (earmuffs or sound canceling headphones work)
      • Gloves

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