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BF sick? Try these caring texts to cheer him up from any distance
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So, your boyfriend’s sick and you can’t be by his side to help out. While that’s a total bummer, don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to comfort him when he’s under the weather via text. Check out these example messages and ideas to help him feel better.

How to Comfort a Sick Boyfriend over Text

  • “Feeling any better today?”
  • “The sooner you get better, the sooner I can give you a big squeeze!”
  • “Get well soon, baby! If you need anything at all, call me.”
  • “Sending you so many hugs! How are you feeling?”
  • “I miss having you around. Hurry up and feel better!”

Ask him how he’s feeling.

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  1. If you’re not sure where to start, send him a general “How are you feeling?” question. Checking in periodically will let him know you’re thinking of him even when you can’t physically be together. [1]
    • “How are you doing? Has your fever gone down yet?”
    • “Feeling any better today?”
    • “Thinking of you! Any news?”
    • “Sending you so many hugs! How are you feeling?”
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Remind him to get some rest.

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  1. If your boyfriend has a hard time taking it easy, don’t be afraid to send him a few reminders to do so! This is a great way to amplify a simple “get well” message. Plus, you can even add some other flirty incentives to keep him resting.
    • “I know you have a lot on your plate, but make sure you get some sleep today. Sweet dreams!”
    • “Work can wait until tomorrow (or the next day). The most important thing is you feeling better, so just take it easy today.”
    • “Remember, the sooner you rest and get better, the sooner we’ll be together 😉”
    • “Focus on resting up! After all, we’ve got that exciting date coming up.”

Tell him you miss him and can’t wait to see him.

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  1. Chances are he misses you, too! So, don’t hesitate to send a text to let him know he’s on your mind. This is a great way to show how much you care and comfort him . [2]
    • “Missing you so much.”
    • “Counting down the days until we’re together again.”
    • “The sooner you get better, the sooner I can give you a big squeeze!”
    • “I miss having you around. Hurry up and feel better!”
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Ask him if he needs anything.

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  1. Being sick takes a lot out of you and makes doing daily tasks seem impossible, and sometimes, asking for help can be hard. So, reach out and let him know you’re available to pick up any slack, whether that’s cleaning his apartment, walking the dog, or running a quick errand. [3]
    • “I can come over and pick up the dogs! I’ll gladly take them on a walk while you rest.”
    • “Placing an order for Walmart. What’ll make you smile? I’ll have it sent your way 😊”
    • “I’m running to the grocery store later today! Can I pick anything up for you?”
    • “Need help with the laundry? If you leave it outside your door, I’ll come by and pick it up.”

Let him know food is on its way.

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  1. Your boyfriend may not have the energy to prepare anything in the kitchen or run out to grab a quick meal, so this is easily one of the most helpful things you can do. [4] You might also text him something like:
    • “Are you hungry for anything?”
    • “Have you had anything to eat today? I can send something over!”
    • “T-minus 10 minutes until the arrival of the best soup ever.”
    • “Chicken noodle soup will be at your door in 20 minutes. The best cure ever 😙”
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Remind him you’re around if he needs you.

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  1. Sometimes, when we’re sick, the only thing we want is a little company. Send a text to your BF to let him know you’re there for him no matter what. Not only does this say, “Get well,” but it also shows you’re willing to support him even in sickness. [5]
    • “I have my phone on me, and I'll be checking it, so text me if you need me!”
    • “Wish I could be there with you, but don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.”
    • “Get well soon, baby! If you need anything at all, call me.”
    • “I’ll have my phone with me at all times. No matter is too small ❤️”

Record a cute voice memo.

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  1. If he’s been alone for a while, a quick voice memo could be really comforting. Tell him about your day or describe how amazing he is. This way, he can listen to it when he’s able and instantly feel loved. Plus, he could even listen to it on repeat if he wanted to! [6]
    • “I have the funniest story to tell you…”
    • “I’ve had this song stuck in my head all day… please tell me you know it!”
    • Dating coach Collette Gee suggests video calling him once he starts feeling a bit better, as seeing your face could make him smile.
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Tell him a silly joke.

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  1. Make your boyfriend laugh with a text to lift his spirit. Being sick is no fun, so bring some light back into his day with a corny joke or silly remark! After all, laughter is the best medicine. You know his humor best, so send him something you know will make him LOL. [7] Here are some ideas:
    • “OK, next year we’re going on a flu shot date.”
    • “Sending you some hot cologne… (VapoRub)”
    • “Cheers to you with a cold glass of Emergen-C.”
    • “Knock, knock! Who’s there? Eddy. Eddy who? Eddy idea how to cure this cold!”

Recommend movies or TV shows.

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  1. Days can stretch on and on without something to watch when you’re sick. The only thing worse than not having anything to watch is not enjoying anything you turn on. Send over a short list of series or films he might like. This is a sweet way to show you care.
    • “This is my go-to comfort movie.”
    • “I know you probably need a good series to binge today, so here are some good ones I know you haven’t seen!”
    • “This movie is so good, even if you fall asleep a few times in between 😉”
    • “So, this is a great time to finally watch Lord of the Rings 👀”

    John Keegan

    Dating Coach
    John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.
    John Keegan
    Dating Coach

    Have virtual dates to spend quality time together while you’re apart. You could watch the same movie on a Zoom call, or read the same book and chat about it later. Have a mission together to stay connected.

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Send him a picture of something you saw during the day.

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  1. Depending on how long he’s been sick, he might be feeling isolated. So, keep him in the loop! Snap a quick pic of yourself getting ready for the day or of the sunset after school. This will not only make him feel a little more connected to you but also a little more connected to the outside world.
    • “I saw this and thought of you!”
    • “How beautiful is this sunset?”
    • “Missing mornings with you. Hurry up and get better 😘”
    • “This puppy is almost as cute as you.”

Play a game to help him pass the time.

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  1. While you may not be able to hang out in person while he’s sick, you can totally still play games ! Play a round of Truth or Dare over the phone, opt for 20 Questions via text, or send him the link to an online game. Here are some of our favorite online games to play:
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Send him a care package or card.

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  1. Believe it or not, something as simple as a care package or get-well card can make him feel so much better. Make him a care package or send a card that makes you think of him. Fill the package with things you know will help him perk up, like tea, cough medicine, and his favorite candy. You could even include a gift card or stickers in a card as a special surprise! Then, once it’s in the mail, send him a text like: [8]
    • “The ultimate emergency sick kit is on its way!”
    • “I left some treats outside your door! Feel better soon! xo”
    • “All my not-so-secret recipes for feeling better are waiting for you outside. Love you!”
    • “Keep an eye on the mailbox. Nothing much, but something to make you smile ❤️”

Expert Q&A

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      • Write him a get-well-soon card with a message like, “Hope you get to feeling better soon!” or “Missing you so much!” to bring him extra comfort. [9]
      • If your boyfriend is crabby or distant while sick, don’t take it personally! He may just want some alone time or might not want you to see him ill. So, give him some space when he’s sick—he’ll come back around.
      • If he doesn't answer right away, don't worry too much! It's normal for sick people to be sleepy; the more rest he gets, the sooner he'll recover.
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