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Taurus men are down-to-earth, hard-working, and dependable. They make wonderfully trustworthy and caring partners, so it's easy to fall for them and want to make them yours. If you're crushing on a Taurus man, know that there are tons of ways to make him miss you. Keep reading for a complete list of tips. [1]

Ways to Make a Taurus Man Miss You

  1. Be enigmatic in your conversations.
  2. Make yourself a little unavailable.
  3. Bring up some fond memories you had together.
  4. Give him a gift that he'll associate with you.
  5. Send a text that showcases your humor.
  6. Offer him a compliment.
  7. Act flirtatiously with him (both in-person and digitally).

Be mysterious in your conversations.

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  1. When you talk to him, only give him a little bit of information about yourself at a time and leave some details to the imagination. He'll end up thinking about you when you're gone and will likely blow up your phone with follow-up questions.
    • If he asks you what you're up to, only give him a little bit of information. Say something like, "I'm catching a movie with some friends 😊." He'll be left wanting to know more, like what movie you saw.
    • On a date, give only a few details about your past instead of revealing your whole life story. You might say something like, "I grew up here, but I've lived all over." When he's home from your date, he'll think of you and wonder about all the places you've lived.
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Be a little unavailable to him.

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  1. Try filling up your schedule with exciting plans that don't include him. Spend time with your friends and family, post about your adventures on social media, and wait to respond to his texts until you're home from your plans. He'll realize you're a catch when he sees that you've got such a full life without him.
    • Get drinks and dinner with your friends, go to brunch with your parents, and even go on some fun solo outings. Your Taurus man will be impressed by your independence, and he'll miss being by your side.
    • Resist the urge to keep your schedule open in hopes that he'll want to hang out. He'll miss you more if he sees that you're having a great time without him. [2]
    • Unless the two of you have an open arrangement, avoid making plans with other romantic partners (and don't use other people to make him jealous). This might make your Taurus man feel disrespected.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 1414 wikiHow readers who've dated Taurus men, and 56% of them agreed that the best way to approach them is by giving them some space and waiting for them to reach out. [Take Poll]

Encourage him to remember the good times you shared.

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  1. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and pleasure. If you haven't heard from him in a bit, appeal to that side of him by reminding him of all the fun experiences you've had together already. It'll likely inspire him to miss your presence and make more plans with you in the future. [3]
    • Text him a cute picture of the two of you together with the caption, "Omg this night was so fun! Hope you've been doing well 😚 "
    • If you run into him, mention the last time you went on a date. Say something like, "I've been listening to that band we saw a ton lately. That was such a good time!"
    • You might try sending him a song that has significance to your relationship. Text a special song along with the caption, "This song always makes me think of you. How have you been?"
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Give him a sweet gift that reminds you of him.

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  1. If you want him to long for you when you're away, give him a gift. Appeal to the romantic in him with a classic gift like roses, chocolates, or something that's sentimental to your budding relationship. It'll remind him of you every time you're away, and he'll start to miss you. [4]
    • You might try giving him his favorite candy along with a short and sweet note. You could write, "Just a little something for my favorite guy."
    • Give him something that's unique to his interests, like a book by his favorite author or a vinyl record of a band he really likes.
    • As a free alternative to buying a gift, send him a special, curated playlist.

Show off your sense of humor over text.

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  1. Taurus men don't want to flirt 100% of the time. Sometimes, they just want to be silly with their partners, too. When you're not together, send him funny texts. He'll get a kick out of your sense of humor and will miss being around such a cool, laid-back person.
    • Send him a silly GIF from a TV show that he really likes. It'll make him laugh and remind him of you when you're away.
    • Text a meme that you think he would find funny.
    • Tease him a little bit. You might say, "You're the hardest worker I know. Do you ever sleep?!"
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Compliment him.

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  1. Let him know what you like about him and be specific so that your compliments are unique to him. He'll miss hearing your kind words and will chase after you again in no time.
    • If you compliment his appearance, go with something specific. You might say, "You've got such a handsome face" or "I love your style. You always look so good. "
    • Try complimenting something about his personality, too. Try, "You're so down to earth. I love talking to you" or "I really admire how motivated you are."

Flirt with him in person and over text.

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  1. Ruled by Venus, Taurus men are often very sensual and romantic. Appeal to his sexy nature by sending him flirty messages and being physically affectionate when you spend time together. He'll want to be by your side all of the time and will long for you when you're not by his side.
    • Send him a flirty text to let him know you've been thinking of him. Text him something like, "Miss your cute smile. What have you been up to lately?"
    • When you greet him for a date, try touching his shoulder, hugging him, or even giving him a sweet kiss.
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Look your best when you see him.

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  1. Wear outfits that make you feel stylish and confident every time you see your guy. He'll think of how good you looked nonstop when you're gone and might even reach out for a chance to see you again. [5]
    • Try appealing to his senses by wearing a signature scent. A nice perfume or cologne might really drive a Taurus man crazy.

Embrace your sexuality in the bedroom.

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  1. [6] They are usually sensitive and caring lovers who want to please their partners. When the two of you get intimate, be open and honest about what turns you on and ask him what he likes, too. He'll think about the mind-blowing experiences you both shared and will likely really miss you when you're not together. [7]
    • If you're not quite ready to get to the bedroom, that's totally okay. Show off your sensual side by being flirty and confident and wait until you've gotten to know each other a little better.
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Be vulnerable with him.

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  1. If you have trouble opening up to him, he might back off or stop pursuing you. Get his attention by showing him who you really are. Be honest about your interests and passions, and don't be afraid to reveal your quirks. He'll start to miss being around such a unique individual, and he'll be drawn to spend time with someone who is so comfortable with themselves. [8]
    • Tell him about your true interests. Say something like, "I'm actually a huge basketball fan. I sometimes cancel plans to watch the game..."
    • If you have hobbies like making art or playing music, send him a picture of one of your drawings or a clip of you playing a song you wrote. It'll help him connect to you on a more personal level (a key to making him miss you).
    • It can be a little scary to be vulnerable, but it's key to forging a real bond with a Taurus man. Show him the real you and he'll be drawn to get back into your life once again.

Practice patience if it takes some time to hear from him again.

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  1. If you've tried out these methods and are still waiting on him to show how much he wants you, don't lose hope. Because of their (secretly) sensitive nature, a Taurus might be a little afraid to let themselves miss you. Stay focused on your independent life and keep responding when he reaches out. As you forge a deeper bond, he'll likely start to relax and show you how much he wants you in his life. [9]
    • If you've reached out repeatedly and he's not responding, it's possible he's not interested. This can hurt, but try to remember that there are so many people out there that would love to spend time with you (and miss you so much when you're gone).
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Learn How to Date a Taurus Man with this Expert Series

Taurus men are dependable, practical, and occasionally stubborn. Dating a Taurus man requires a patient, straightforward approach, and this expert series has everything you need to know.

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