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This simple little basket can be made from something as simple as a sheet of paper . Use it to hold sweets, loose change, or anything light and small.

  1. Start out with a square sheet of paper . If you can't get square paper use A4 and fold it to get a square then tear off the side.
  2. Diagonal to diagonal and the other 2 corners. Fold the paper in half from the top to the bottom and from the left to the right. You should have 4 folds.
  3. These are the sides of your origami basket.
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  • Question
    What type of paper should I use if I'm putting food in the paper basket?
    Robert Homayoon
    Origami Expert
    Robert Homayoon is an Origami Expert known for his engaging YouTube videos and accessible instructions. He has been teaching origami on YouTube since 2009. His channel has a following of over 676,000 subscribers, and his videos have garnered over 211 million views. Robert uses his channel to highlight his passion for teaching people origami, crafts, and how to solve puzzles. He graduated from SUNY Albany in 2007 and earned his D.M.D degree from Temple University Dental School in 2013.
    Origami Expert
    Expert Answer
    A food-safe parchment or wax paper is a great option because it’s designed to come into direct contact with food and has a non-stick surface. Another excellent choice is greaseproof paper, which resists oils and moisture and keeps your box sturdy even if you're storing something like cookies or chocolates. Avoid using standard printer paper or heavily dyed craft paper directly with food because these aren't food-safe and may cause poisoning.
  • Question
    Where do you recommend going for other projects?
    Community Answer
    wikiHow has articles on how to Fold an Origami Lily , Make an Origami Heart , and Make an Origami Flying Bird , as well as others - try a search on "origami" in the wikiHow search box to find more!
  • Question
    Can you explain step five further?
    Megan Qiu
    Community Answer
    Take one of the triangles on the side and push it a little forward, but don't rip the paper.
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