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Expert tips from spirit guides and manifestation maestros to lead you to the boyfriend of your dreams
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You’ve heard about people manifesting a new job or good grade in math class, but a boyfriend? Is that ethical? Or even possible? It turns out that manifesting a relationship is totally doable, and as long as you do it with pure intentions, you don’t have to worry about karma coming for you later. In this article, we’ll show you exactly what to do and think to attract your perfect future boyfriend. All you need is a clear image of what you want and a piece of paper to get started!

Things You Should Know

  • Get hyper specific about what you want in a boyfriend and why you want it. Manifest for positive reasons like love and happiness for the best results.
  • Write down your wish and visualize yourself in a loving relationship with the boyfriend of your dreams. Then, put yourself out there to make it happen!
  • Replace your self-limiting beliefs with positive thoughts and energy. Embody the traits you’re looking for in a partner to raise your vibration even more.
  • Do your best to let go and allow the universe to do its thing. Believe in yourself and trust that your boyfriend will appear at the time he was always meant to.

Get clear on what you want.

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  1. List physical characteristics, like height and eye color, plus their emotional and romantic qualities. Maybe you want someone who’s kind, sympathetic, silly, and spontaneous. Decide what you want from your future boyfriend—support while you’re in school? Someone to challenge you? [1]
    • Get as specific as possible. Vague ideas risk attracting more of the same or someone who’s not a good fit.
    • For example: “I want a boyfriend who’s tall with blue eyes and dark features. He’s hilarious but has a serious side, loves helping others, and balances me out when I’m stressed. He’s reliable but spontaneous and loves traveling.”
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Put your wish on paper.

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  1. Include the date and journal or write a letter to yourself using clear, concise, positive wording. Write everything in present tense (“I want” instead of “I would like” or “I wanted”) since you never know when your wish will come true.
    • Try not to type your wish. Handwriting something is an act of creation that the universe finds favorable. It shows you’re putting in the effort!
    • Keep your wish in your journal, tack it up on a vision board, or sleep with it under your pillow so it stays top-of-mind during your manifestation process.

Visualize your future boyfriend.

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  1. Go to a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and silence your phone so you’re distraction-free. Picture yourself spending quality time with your boyfriend, going out for drinks, laughing, and making happy memories. Remember that warm, loving feeling you get when you think about him. [2]
    • Try regular meditating or making a vision board to help you get in the headspace to visualize clearly and happily.
    • Hold on to that fuzzy feeling you get during your visualization. That positive energy is exactly what the universe needs to send your wish to you!
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Get rid of self-limiting beliefs.

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  1. Let go of negative beliefs about your ability to find or deserve love. Identify the thoughts that make you feel like you’ll never find a boyfriend—they might be things like “I’m bad at relationships” or “Every relationship is doomed to fail.” Choose to believe the opposite instead—“I’m good at building relationships” or “My relationships can succeed.” [3]
    • Acknowledge that you’re full of love, empathy, generosity, and understanding. You have all the tools you need to find and build a lasting relationship!
    • When you let yourself stay full of negative thoughts, you prevent yourself from being open to finding Mr. Right.

Recite daily positive affirmations.

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Embody the traits you want to attract.

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  1. For example, if you want an adventurous, spontaneous boyfriend, start acting spontaneously yourself. If you want a caring, empathetic boyfriend, begin cultivating empathy in your daily life. This puts you on your future partner’s radar. [5]
    • Use your list of boyfriend qualities to brainstorm things you can do to develop some of the characteristics that you’re searching for.
    • This does not mean you have to change who you are to attract a boyfriend. Instead, think of it as becoming a higher-vibing version of yourself.

    John Keegan

    Dating Coach
    John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.
    John Keegan
    Dating Coach

    It's good to invest in yourself even before you start seeking a partner. Notice qualities you admire in others and practice honing them in your own life. Being your authentic self will help you attract like-minded partners who have the same shared values.


Take meaningful action toward your goal.

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  1. Get out of your comfort zone and go to new places or try new activities you don’t normally do. Be more open to casual dates and to making new friends, too—you never know who will end up being the one! [6]
    • Think of manifestation as both a spiritual, introspective practice as well as a path of action to help you reach your goals. You need both parts to succeed.
    • Think to yourself, “How would a confident person who knows what they want approach dating?” and then try some of those ideas.
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Be patient.

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  1. It comes down to divine timing—it may happen in a few days, or it may take weeks, months, or longer. Try not to obsess over the timeline. When you worry and fret, you start putting out negative vibrations which can delay your manifestation even more. [7]
    • Remember that the universe will fulfill your wish at a time when it will do the most good. It can be frustrating, but do your best to stay patient and positive!
    • Focus on things you’re currently grateful for so you don't obsess over things you’re waiting for. Try starting a gratitude journal to help the time pass.

Look for signs that it’s working.

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  1. Pay attention to small details, like constantly seeing a guy’s name, birthday, or something else about him pop up wherever you look. Acknowledge your intuition, too—you might just “have a feeling” that something’s changing or coming before it happens. [8] Others signs could be:
    • You feel an instant attraction to someone you’ve just met
    • You feel a pull toward someone (maybe you dream about them or have déjà vu around them)
    • You keep seeing angel numbers like 222 or others, which are considered a message of love.

Trust the universe.

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  1. Don’t obsess over a specific person or whether your manifestation was successful. Obsession and preoccupation put out negative energy and erase all of the hard work you’ve done so far. Sit back and have faith—you’ve put in the effort, and the universe will reward you when the time is right! [9]
    • Remember, the universe’s plan is always for the greater good. If you don’t find a boyfriend quickly, know that he’ll arrive when it’s best for you.
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Expert Q&A

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      • Manifesting a boyfriend is ethical as long as you’re doing it with good intentions. A boyfriend manifested through love is great! One manifested through jealousy will probably not end up working out.
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      • Make sure you’re not manifesting a boyfriend for negative reasons like jealousy or self-consciousness. If you do, you may attract a partner who isn’t a great fit for you (if you manifest one at all).

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about manifestation, check out our in-depth interview with Jennifer McVey, Cht .

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