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Learn how your north and south nodes impact your destiny
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If your north node is in Virgo, you might have a rich dream world, a vivid imagination, and a ton of creative ideas and ambitious goals. Your north node represents what your soul is journeying toward in this lifetime, and your south node represents the habits you need to overcome to reach your fullest potential. The north and south nodes are always opposite signs, so if your north node is in Virgo, your south node is in Pisces. We’ve compiled a full guide on what it means to have a Virgo north node and Pisces south node, including how it affects your romantic life, career, and karmic destiny.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • If your north node is in Virgo, your life's purpose is to develop healthy routines and embrace structure to achieve your goals.
  • The north and south nodes are always opposite signs—your south node is in Pisces. You're naturally compassionate, but need to set healthy boundaries to maintain your well-being.
  • The houses of your nodes are opposites, just like their signs. Your life’s journey is to let go of the habits from your south node’s house to embrace the traits of your north node’s house.
Section 1 of 5:

North Node in Virgo & South Node in Pisces Overview

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  1. Your north node represents the destination your soul is working towards and the goals you are capable of achieving in this life. Virgos are earth signs, and they’re very grounded, reliable, and organized. They’re known for their attention to detail and perfectionism. [1] Your destiny is to embody the meticulous, hardworking nature of Virgo in order to make your ambitious dreams a reality!
    • Virgo Fast Facts:
      • Symbol: The Virgin
      • Element: Earth
      • Modality: Mutable
      • Ruling planet: Mercury [2]
    • If you were born between these dates, you have a Virgo north node:
      • May 25, 1941 – November 21, 1942; December 16, 1959 – June 10, 1961; July 6, 1978 – January 5, 1980; January 26, 1997 – October 20, 1998; November 12, 2015 – May 9, 2017. [3]
  2. The north node illuminates the traits you need to work on to reach your full potential. These traits might not come as naturally to you, but they’re the key to fulfilling your karmic destiny. Virgos are naturally intelligent, and they love a good puzzle. They’re creative problem-solvers who won’t rest until they come up with concrete, effective solutions to problems. If your north node is in Virgo, the universe is pushing you to develop these problem-solving skills in order to tackle life's challenges. [4]
  3. The south node reveals the gifts you’ve carried over from a past life. These traits come naturally to you, but they can also become overdeveloped, leading to habits that keep you from success. The north and south nodes are always opposite signs, so your south node is in Pisces. [5] You embody the sensitive, intuitive qualities of this water sign, but you likely spend too much time up in your daydreams. [6] You'll need to come down from your dreamy headspace to achieve your goals in the material world. [7]
    • Pisces fast facts:
      • Symbol: The Fishes
      • Element: Water
      • Modality: Mutable
      • Ruling Planet: Neptune [8]
  4. Pisces are known for their compassionate, loving natures. [9] With a south node in Pisces, however, these traits can become too exaggerated. You could feel like you’re ruled by your emotions, and you might struggle with making logical decisions. You might also empathize with others too deeply, neglecting your own needs to take care of theirs. [10] To reach your full potential, you’ll need to balance logic and emotions and prioritize self-care to maintain your own wellbeing.
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Section 2 of 5:

Life Advice for Virgo North Nodes

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  1. Your south node is in Pisces, so you’re naturally a creative dreamer. Your struggle is learning to ground yourself in the material world, so that you can make these dreams a reality. [11] Embody the energy of practical, realistic Virgo to set achievable goals . Once you’ve decided which path to follow, you’ll be able to start working towards your ambitions.
    • Write out a list of all the possible goals you could pursue. Once they’re written out, start narrowing down your list until you’ve landed on one goal.
    • Think like a practical Virgo and consider factors such as your available resources, time, and experience when making your choice.
    • As time passes, you might be tempted to fantasize about new ideas instead of working on your existing project. [12] Try to fight this impulse and see your goal through to the end.
  2. Your south node in Pisces indicates that you might not pay enough attention to your day-to-day life, which can make you unproductive. You also prefer to “wing it" and go wherever your emotions lead you, rather than planning things out. Develop a consistent daily routine to make sure you get tasks done successfully. [13] Building these productive habits will help you reach your fullest potential!
    • Use a physical or online planner to keep track of all your appointments and commitments.
    • Establish an energizing morning routine . Reciting motivational affirmations, doing a morning workout, or preparing a healthy breakfast can set a productive tone for the rest of your day.
    • Implement a relaxing nighttime routine . Meditating, journaling, or reading can help you unwind after a busy day and get a good night’s sleep.
  3. Your south node in Pisces means you likely struggle with disorganization in your living space. Developing the meticulous, orderly nature of your Virgo north node can help you combat this. [14] An organized and neat living space will help get you in the right mindset to be productive and work toward your goals.
    • Schedule a weekly time to tidy up and de-clutter your living space .
    • Set up an organized workspace in your home. This will help motivate you and improve your productivity!
  4. Your south node in Pisces indicates that you’re naturally compassionate and empathetic. These qualities can be strengths, but if you’re not careful, they can become too overdeveloped. [15] You might neglect your own needs to take care of others, which can lead to compassion fatigue, exhaustion or burnout. [16] Set healthy boundaries with people and take care of your own wellbeing to avoid the negative effects of over-empathizing .
    • You might decide that you only have enough energy for one social outing per week, or you might need to be home from social gatherings by 11:00 p.m., no matter what.
    • Or, you could set a boundary around the type of communication you'll respond to. You might leave a conversation or hang up the phone if someone starts yelling or speaking disrespectfully.
    • Whatever boundaries you decide on, communicate them to your friends and family. Let them know that they will need to respect your boundaries in order to be close to you.
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Section 3 of 5:

Love & Relationships for Virgo North Nodes

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  1. Your south node in Pisces indicates that you’re a hopeless romantic. [17] You're hopeful and idealistic, and you believe in fairytale endings. When you’ve found the right person, your romantic personality can be a great thing. If you’re not cautious, however, you might ignore red flags or look at your partner through rose-colored glasses. Your north node in Virgo is calling you to embrace your more practical, realistic side when it comes to romance. Balancing these two sides will help you protect your heart and make sure you've found the right romantic partner before going all-in.
    • Pay attention to how your partner makes you feel to figure out whether or not you’re ignoring red flags.
      • Do you feel anxious or insecure around them, or do they make you feel safe and loved? Do they treat you with kindness and respect?
    • Take a page from practical Virgo’s book and make sure your relationship goals line up with your partner’s.
      • Do they want to be in a monogamous relationship, and do they see marriage in their future? If your expectations don’t line up, it can be tough to have a healthy relationship.
  2. With a south node in sensitive, empathetic Pisces, you tend to lose yourself in other people. In a romantic relationship, you might put your partner’s needs above your own too often, or you could let pieces of your own identity go in order to prioritize your partner’s interests. [18] Make sure to pursue your own interests and develop a healthy sense of self, even when you're in a romantic partnership. Remember, your perfect match will love you for who you truly are!
    • Nurture your connections with friends and family, and try not to grow distant with them when you’re in a romantic relationship.
    • Schedule time to pursue your own hobbies and interests, even if your partner doesn’t share them.
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Jobs & Careers for Virgo North Nodes

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  1. You naturally embody the compassionate, empathetic nature of Pisces, and your soul is journeying toward the logical, analytical skills of Virgo. [19] With these qualities, you could become a great therapist or counselor. The emotionally intuitive qualities of Pisces will help you understand your patients’ feelings, and the problem-solving skills of Virgo will help you come up with effective methods to help them.
  2. With a south node in imaginative Pisces, you could thrive as an artist, poet, or musician. [20] The creative side of these careers comes naturally to you, but you’ll need to work on the more practical side of things. Lean into your Virgo energy and develop productive routines to make these dreams a reality. [21] With a bit of organization and structure, you can share your unique ideas with the world!
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Section 5 of 5:

House Placements for Virgo North Nodes

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  1. The house of your south node reflects the habits and traits you’ve brought from a past life, while the house of your north node reflects the things you need to learn in order to thrive. The houses of your nodes will be opposites, just like the signs are.
    • In astrology, each of the 12 houses represent a specific area of life. For example, the 2nd house is the house of possessions, and the 3rd house is the house of communication. [22]
    • To find the houses of your north and south nodes, consult your birth chart. If you don’t have one yet, create a birth chart using an online generator.
      • You’ll need to know your birth location and time, so consult your parents or your birth certificate if you’re not sure!
  2. You might prioritize partnerships or romantic relationships too much. [23] Your goal in life is to work toward the self-love and independence of the 1st house, while letting go of the codependency of the 7th.
    • If you’re in a relationship, schedule alone time to explore your own interests and pursue your own hobbies. It’s important to nurture your individuality even when you’re in a romantic partnership.
    • If you just got out of a relationship, try staying single for a period of time to focus on healing before jumping into something new.
  3. You tend to isolate yourself from others. [24] Remember, you don’t have to go it alone! Your goal in life is to develop healthy partnerships and learn that it’s okay to rely on others.
    • Ask for support when you need it. Everyone needs help sometimes, and it’s natural to depend on your friends and family!
  4. With this placement, intensity and transformation come naturally to you. Your goal in life is to work on finding your inner peace. [25] You'll need to develop a healthy work ethic and a productive routine to create a sense of calm in your tumultuous life.
    • Try out mindfulness exercises like meditation, journaling, or reciting affirmations. Slowing down and listening to yourself will help calm the chaos.
  5. With this placement, you could struggle with possessiveness. [26] You might also cling to financial security. Your journey will be to embrace change and let go of attachments to material possessions.
    • Clean out your closet or de-clutter your house and donate the things you don’t need anymore.
    • A piece of clothing you don’t wear or a book you’ve already read could be just what someone else is looking for!
  6. You might not make enough room for others’ viewpoints or perspectives. [27] You're naturally passionate about your beliefs, but your opinionated nature can be overwhelming. Your goal is to learn to effectively communicate with (and listen to) those around you.
    • While talking to others, put yourself in their shoes and try to understand where they’re coming from.
    • Take the time to respond thoughtfully and respectfully, rather than interrupting or talking over people.
  7. You might focus too much on the mundane aspects of your day-to-day life. Your journey will be to embrace your spiritual side and expand your perspective. [28]
    • Read books or do online research to explore different spiritual beliefs or philosophies. You never know what might end up resonating with you!
    • Engage in respectful conversations with others to learn about their worldviews. This will help you broaden your perspective and start seeing the big picture.
  8. With this placement, you might be too focused on your public image or professional career. [29] Your goal will be to nurture your home life and prioritize your familial relationships.
    • Don’t take work home with you. When you’re with friends or family, pay attention to them and try not to get distracted with work texts or emails.
  9. You might be too attached to the comforts of childhood or family. [30] Your goal will be to work toward being more self-sufficient, so that you can establish yourself outside the home.
    • Practice making decisions independently. Although familial input is helpful in some situations, it’s also important to be able to make your own calls.
  10. With this placement, you might be too concerned about what other people think of you. [31] Your goal will be to truly express yourself and embrace your individuality. [32]
    • Take a break from social media for a while, and use the time to practice self-love.
    • Recite positive affirmations, or write down a list of all the things you love about yourself.
    • It’s natural to care about the opinions of others to a certain extent, but it’s just as important to be your own biggest fan.
  11. In your past life, you were likely all about individuality and self-expression. [33] Your journey in this life is to channel your creative energy toward helping others and bettering your community.
    • Volunteer your time for a cause you care about, or start a new group to make some positive change.
    • Your creativity and innovation are worth sharing with the world, and they could make a real difference.
  12. With this placement, you could struggle with building healthy routines. [34] Your life goal is to build good habits and follow a regular schedule to achieve your dreams.
    • Use a planner, either online or in a physical notebook, to help structure your life and stick to a routine.
    • Write down your schedule to keep you accountable and consistent.
  13. With this placement, you might be too stuck in material reality. [35] Your journey will be to enhance your intuition and explore your unconscious wisdom.
    • Seek out some mystical guidance. Learn how to read tarot cards or consult a psychic to open your mind and expand your perspective.
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      1. https://i.thehoroscope.co/south-node-in-pisces-the-influence-on-personality-and-life
      2. https://i.thehoroscope.co/south-node-in-pisces-the-influence-on-personality-and-life
      3. https://i.thehoroscope.co/south-node-in-pisces-the-influence-on-personality-and-life
      4. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      5. https://i.thehoroscope.co/south-node-in-pisces-the-influence-on-personality-and-life
      6. https://i.thehoroscope.co/south-node-in-pisces-the-influence-on-personality-and-life
      7. https://www.apa.org/topics/covid-19/compassion-fatigue
      8. https://www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/pisces-sign
      9. https://www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/pisces-sign
      10. https://i.thehoroscope.co/south-node-in-pisces-the-influence-on-personality-and-life
      11. https://cafeastrology.com/zodiacpisces.html
      12. https://i.thehoroscope.co/south-node-in-pisces-the-influence-on-personality-and-life
      13. https://www.astrology.com/houses
      14. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      15. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      16. https://advanced-astrology.com/north-node-in-second-house
      17. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      18. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      19. https://advanced-astrology.com/north-node-in-9th-house
      20. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a30198931/north-south-node-meaning-placement-birth-chart/
      21. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      22. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      23. https://advanced-astrology.com/north-node-in-fifth-house/
      24. https://advanced-astrology.com/north-node-in-11th-house
      25. https://cafeastrology.com/nodesofthemoon.html
      26. https://advanced-astrology.com/north-node-in-12th-house/

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