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Opening and activating your chakras contribute to your overall well-being and help your instincts join forces with your feelings and thoughts. According to Hindu , Buddhist , and Kabbalah belief, chakras (called Sephirot in Hebrew) are vast pools of energy in our bodies that govern our psychological qualities. [1] So what happens if your chakras are blocked or overactive? If your chakras aren’t balanced, it isn’t easy to find peace within yourself. To help you unblock and activate your spiritual chakras, we’ve put together a guide to becoming aware of the chakras, as well as a reliable technique designed to open them.

How to Open Your Chakras

Open your chakras through introspective activities like meditation, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation while visualizing your energy centers opening and balancing each other. Open your root chakra first, then slowly work your way up the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, Third Eye, and crown chakras.


Open all 7 chakras to find balance.

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  1. Overactive chakras simply compensate for the inactivity of closed chakras. Once you’ve opened all of the chakras, the energy evens out by itself and becomes balanced. There are said to be seven main chakras (Sephirot) in all. We have four in our upper body, which govern our mental properties, and three in the lower body, which govern our instinctual properties. They are: [2]
    • The Muladhara (root) chakra.
    • The Svadhisthana (sacral) chakra.
    • The Manipura (solar plexus) chakra.
    • The Anahata (heart) chakra.
    • The Vishuddhi (throat) chakra.
    • The Ajna ( third eye ) chakra.
    • The Sahasrara (crown) chakra.
    • In Hebrew, the order of the sephirot is: Chesed (upper right), Gevurah (upper left), Tiferet (middle), Netzach (lower right), Hod (lower left), Yesod (middle), and Malkut (lower middle).
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Open the Root Chakra (red).

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  1. When you open this chakra , you’ll feel well-balanced and sensible, stable and secure. You’ll feel present in what’s happening right now and connected to your physical body. [3] If the root chakra is under-active, you might feel anxious, scattered, and even unwelcome in social situations. If it's overactive, you might find yourself acting materialistic and greedy. Here’s how to open and balance your root chakra:
    • Use your body and become aware of it. You can do yoga , walk around the block, or even clean your house.
    • Stand up straight and relaxed, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and slightly bend your knees to ground yourself . Move your pelvis forward a little, and keep your body balanced so that your weight is evenly distributed over the soles of your feet. Sink your weight forward and stay in this position for several minutes.
    • After grounding yourself, sit cross-legged, and let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch gently in a peaceful motion.
    • Concentrate on the root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.
    • Silently, yet clearly, chant the sound "LAM."
    • Let yourself relax, focusing on the chakra, its meaning, and how it affects your life. Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. You may feel a "clean" feeling rush over you.
    • Visualize a closed red flower. Imagine very powerful energy radiating from it, slowly opening and showing four red petals full of energy.
    • Contract, the perineum, hold your breath, and release.

Open the Sacral Chakra (Orange).

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  1. Your sacral chakra deals with raw feelings, fluidity, and sexuality. If it’s open, you’ll be able to release your feelings freely and go with the flow. [4] You’ll be open to connection and passion, and you might even feel more outgoing. If it's under-active, you can get stuck in an unemotional or impassive state and have a tough time opening up to other people. If it's overactive, you might be overly sensitive and emotional and have a high sex drive. Follow this process to open the sacral chakra and achieve balance:
    • Sit on your knees, with your back straight but relaxed.
    • Lay your hands in your lap, palms ups, on top of each other. Put your left hand underneath, let the palm touch the back fingers of the right hand, and let the thumbs touch gently.
    • Concentrate on the Sacral Chakra and what it stands for at the sacral bone (lower back).
    • Silently, yet clearly, chant the sound "VAM."
    • Let yourself relax, still thinking about the chakra, its meaning, and how it affects your life.
    • Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. Again, you may have a "clean" feeling.
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Open the Navel Chakra (yellow).

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  1. Also called the solar plexus chakra , your navel chakra is connected to confidence, generosity, and joy. When it opens, you’ll feel an abundance of warmth, control, and empowerment. [5] If your navel chakra is under-active, you’ll tend to be passive, indecisive, and apprehensive. If it's over-active, you might tend to be arrogant and aggressive. You can open your navel chakra like this:
    • Sit on your knees, with your back straight, but relaxed.
    • Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs and straighten the fingers (this is important).
    • Concentrate on the Navel Chakra and what it stands for, at the spine, slightly above the navel.
    • Silently, yet clearly, chant the sound "RAM."
    • Let yourself relax and continue to think about the chakra, its meaning, and how it affects your life.
    • Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed.

Open the Heart Chakra (green).

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  1. The heart chakra is all about love, caring, and endearment. When it’s open, you’ll seem compassionate and friendly, always working in amicable relationships. [6] If it's under-active, you might tend to act cold and unfriendly. If it's over-active, you’ll tend to be so "loving" towards people that you suffocate them, and that might even make you look selfish. Find balance and open your heart chakra with this easy process:
    • Sit cross-legged.
    • Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch both hands.
    • Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breastbone.
    • Concentrate on the Heart Chakra and what it stands for at the spine level with the heart.
    • Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "YAM."
    • All this time, continue to relax your body and think of the chakra, its meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.
    • Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed, and the "clean" feeling returns and/or intensifies within your body.
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Open the Throat Chakra (light blue).

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  1. When the chakra is open , expressing yourself is easy, and you might find yourself pursuing art and other forms of creative expression. If your throat chakra is blocked, you might have trouble expressing your feelings, frequently use negative words, and feel disconnected from others. [7] Lying is another telltale sign of a blocked throat chakra. However, if the throat chakra is overactive, you might tend to speak too much and have trouble stepping back to listen to others. Unblock your throat chakra like this:
    • Sit on your knees.
    • Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them up a bit.
    • Concentrate on the Throat Chakra and what it stands for at the base of the throat.
    • Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "HAM."
    • All this time, keep on relaxing your body, thinking of the chakra, its meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.
    • Keep doing this for about five minutes, and the "clean" feeling will intensify once again.

Open the Third Eye Chakra (Indigo).

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  1. Opening your third eye is thought to provide a deep window into your spiritual life. [8] You can tell it’s open if you have excellent clairvoyance and tend to dream a lot. If it's under-active, you tend to look to other people to think for you. You might find yourself relying on beliefs and feeling confused most of the time. If your third eye is over-active, you might tend to live in a world of imagination all day long. You can open your third eye with this easy meditation:
    • Sit cross-legged.
    • Put your hands in front of the lower part of the breast. The middle fingers should be straight and touch the tops, pointing away from you. The other fingers are bent and touch the two upper phalanges. The thumbs point toward you and meet at the top.
    • Concentrate on the Third Eye Chakra and what it stands for, a little above the center of the two eyebrows.
    • Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "OM" or "AUM."
    • Relax your body and continue to think of the chakra, its meaning, and how it affects your life.
    • Keep doing this until the same "clean" feeling seems to come back or intensify.
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Open the Crown Chakra (purple).

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  1. It’s linked to wisdom and the experience of being one with the universe. When this chakra is open, you’ll find it easier to be open-minded and become more aware of the world and its connection to yourself. If it's under-active, you can tend to not be very spiritual and you can get stuck in rigid thinking. [9] If the crown chakra is overactive, you’ll tend to intellectualize things all the time, and you might even prioritize spirituality over your bodily needs (food, water, shelter). Try this to open your crown chakra:
    • Sit cross-legged.
    • Lay your hand on your stomach. Let the little fingers point up and away from you, touching at their tops, and cross the rest of the fingers with the left thumb underneath the right.
    • Concentrate on the Crown Chakra and what it stands for at the very top of your head.
    • Silently, but clearly, chant the sound "NG" (yes, this chant is as hard as it looks).
    • All this time, your body should now be totally relaxed, and your mind should be at peace. However, do not stop concentrating on the Crown Chakra.
    • This [[Meditate for Beginners}meditation]] is the longest and should take no less than ten minutes.
    • Don't use this meditation for the Crown Chakra if your Root Chakra is not strong or open. Before dealing with this last chakra, you need a strong "foundation" first, which the Root exercises will present to you.

Open your chakras with crystals.

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  1. Crystals are a powerful, quick way to unblock your chakras. Choose a crystal that corresponds to the properties and color of that chakra. Lie on the floor with your back to the ground, and place the crystal on the chakra’s location on your body. [10] Close your eyes and envision that crystal’s color surrounding the specific chakra and slowly spreading through your body. Open your eyes slowly after 5-10 minutes. [11] Check out each chakra’s color and corresponding crystals you can use below:
    • The root chakra (red/black): jasper or black tourmaline
    • The sacral chakra (orange): such as carnelian or citrine
    • The solar plexus chakra (yellow): yellow jasper or citrine
    • The heart chakra (green/pink): green aventurine or rose quartz
    • The throat chakra (blue): turquoise or angelite
    • The third eye chakra (indigo): sodalite or lapis lazuli
    • The crown chakra (violet/white): amethyst or clear quartz
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Cleanse Your Spiritual Energy with this Expert Series

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What exactly is a chakra?
    Karina Menali, L.Ac., DACM, Dipl. OM
    Licensed Acupuncturist & Diplomate of Oriental Medicine
    Dr. Karina Menali is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, Faculty Member at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Owner of Kai Wellness. She specializes in holistic health, Chinese herbal medicine, and functional medicine. Dr. Menali also helps patients through emotional and spiritual trauma. She holds a BA in Psychology and Sociology from The University of Massachusetts, Boston, a Master's from Emperor's College in Santa Monica, CA, and a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.
    Licensed Acupuncturist & Diplomate of Oriental Medicine
    Expert Answer
    Chakras are "energy centers" in your body that correspond with your glandular system.
  • Question
    How can I open my chakra naturally?
    Karina Menali, L.Ac., DACM, Dipl. OM
    Licensed Acupuncturist & Diplomate of Oriental Medicine
    Dr. Karina Menali is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, Faculty Member at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Owner of Kai Wellness. She specializes in holistic health, Chinese herbal medicine, and functional medicine. Dr. Menali also helps patients through emotional and spiritual trauma. She holds a BA in Psychology and Sociology from The University of Massachusetts, Boston, a Master's from Emperor's College in Santa Monica, CA, and a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.
    Licensed Acupuncturist & Diplomate of Oriental Medicine
    Expert Answer
    According to ancient Yogic practices, chakra centers can be activated through meditating, chanting mantras, doing specialized breathing exercises, using certain ayurvedic herbs, and doing physical exercises like yoga asana.
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      • Try to meditate on a daily basis even if you don't have much time. It can be for as long as you want.
      • When activating the "third eye" rub lightly in a circular motion around the area where the third eye chakra is located.
      • Sit in a quiet and warm area. Treat this exercise as you would a meditation. During the summer, you could sit in a field or in a garden. During the winter, a warm room with no distractions. If you have a sauna, although few people do, it is an excellent place to sit, calm yourself, and clear your head.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Before attempting to open your chakras, it's wise to make sure you already have experience with meditation. If you're completely new to meditative practices, quickly diving into chakra work could be overwhelming or even backfire. Instead, take time to build a regular meditation habit first. Once you've trained your mind to focus and you understand how to direct energy through your body, you'll be ready to start exploring your chakras. Rushing the process rarely yields good results.
      • When you are focusing on opening the heart chakra specifically, try visualizing people who are close to you and mean a lot — like family, friends, or a romantic partner. Picture their smiling faces and recall moments you shared together. Tapping into feelings of love and connection with those around you can help activate the loving energy of the heart chakra.
      • When first learning to open your chakras, don't worry if you can't seem to master every single one in just one session. Be patient with yourself and understand it's a process that takes time, practice and consistency. Work through the chakras systematically, focusing on one at a time over multiple meditations rather than trying to stimulate them all at once.
      • As you chant the mantra sounds associated with each chakra, remember the goal isn't perfect pronunciation. Don't get hung up on vocalizing the sounds just right. Instead, focus on the vibration you're creating and direct your intention to opening and activating that particular chakra. The mantras are meant to be a guide, but the power comes from within you.
      • To get the most out of any chakra work, create an environment where you can completely concentrate without distractions and truly sense the energy flowing through your body. Maybe light some candles or incense, play soft music, or do whatever helps you relax. Having the right setting makes it much easier to go deep within yourself.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To open your root chakra, which is related to how physically aware and comfortable you are with your body, use your body more by doing things like yoga, going for walks, or cleaning around the house. If you want to open your heart chakra, which relates to love and caring, meditate while holding your right hand in front of your heart and focus on how you want your life to change. Keep meditating until you feel completely relaxed. To learn how to open your other spiritual chakras, like your throat chakra, keep reading,

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      • Annemarie Wessels

        Jul 2, 2017

        "I feel absolutely amazing. When I opened my crown chakra, I felt as if I was floating and not aware of my body at ..." more
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