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The DjVu file format (derived from the phrase "déjà vu") is an alternative document format similar to PDF. it compresses images into a single file without sacrificing much quality. In order to view DjVu files, you'll need special software installed on your computer. Luckily, this software is completely free.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Installing the Software

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  1. DjVu files are a type of document file, similar to PDF. They require special software in order to open. One way to open these files is to use a plugin for your web browser. This plugin will enable you to open the DjVu files in your browser window. You can also use a standalone viewer that is included with the plugin software.
  2. This is a Japanese website, but the instructions are in English.
  3. This will ensure that you get the correct installer for your system. Click here for instructions on determining if you have a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system .
  4. The installer file will begin downloading.
  5. Most users can leave the installation at the default settings, no adware will be installed. [1]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Viewing DjVu Files

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  1. After installing the software in the previous section, DjVu files will automatically open in the reader program.
  2. The reader program acts like most document readers. It allows you to move between pages, zoom in and out, print, and more.
    • You cannot edit DjVu files in the reader or by using the plugin. Click here for instructions on editing a DjVu file.
  3. Click the "Selection" menu and click "Select Region". You can then drag a selection box around any part of the document.
    • Copy the selection by clicking "Selection" → "Copy". You can also press Ctrl + C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac).
    • Paste the selection into any other document. The selection will be pasted into the document as a PNG file.
  4. When you installed the software, you also installed browser plugins for all of the browsers you use (except Google Chrome). The browser plugin offers much of the same functionality of the standalone viewer.
    • Drag a DjVu file into your browser window. You will likely be prompted to allow the DjVu plugin to run. You can also right-click on the DjVu file, select "Open With", and then select your browser from the list of programs.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Creating and Editing DjVu Files

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  1. This is a free program that will allow you to create new DjVu files from image files on your computer or from your scanner.
    • You can download DjVu Solo from djvu.org/resources/ , in the "Old (but useful)" section.
  2. Most users can keep the settings at their defaults. This will not install any adware.
  3. You can find it in your Start menu, or by searching for "DjVu Solo".
  4. You can click and drag it into the DjVu Solo window, or you can click the Scan button top scan a document using your scanner.
  5. Change the file-type drop-down menu and select "All Supported Image Files". You can add multiple images at once if you'd like.
  6. You can click and drag each thumbnail to rearrange the order of the pages.
  7. Once you are satisfied with the order of the pages, click "File" → "Encode As DjVu". Select "Bundled", unless you are using the DjVu file to create webpages.
  8. You can use DjVu Solo to open DjVu files and then rearrange, delete, or add pages.
    • Open the DjVu file in DjVu Solo.
    • Delete a page by right-clicking the thumbnail you want to remove and selecting "Delete.
    • Add new pages by right-clicking a thumbnail and then selecting "Insert Page(s) After" or "Insert Page(s) Before". You can then browse your computer for additional image files.
    • Rearrange the pages by clicking and dragging the thumbnails.
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      1. www.openthefile.net/extension/djvu

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      Article Summary X

      1. Go to https://www.cuminas.jp/en/downloads/download?pid=1 .
      2. Select your operating system and click Next .
      3. Click Download .
      4. Run the installer.
      5. Double-click the DjVu file.

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      • Reza Na

        Aug 12, 2016

        "I am in Iran and most sites don't allow downloads for DjVu readers from here. This article cited a website to ..." more
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