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Salatul Kusoof is a prayer in the Muslim faith known as the "eclipse prayer,” which occurs when the moon comes between the sun and Earth. The prayer is unique because there is no first call or second call to prayer. While not obligatory, saying Salatul Kusoof is an encouraged act of worship, with each of the 2 rak'ahs consisting of 2 ruku, 2 qiyam, 2 sujood, and 2 recitations.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Starting the Prayer

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  1. Solar eclipses happen when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, which occur around 2-5 times every year. Lunar eclipses occur when the Moon enters the shadow of Earth, which occurs only 3 times per year. Search online for a calendar of the year’s eclipses so you know when they are. [1]
    • Lunar eclipses can last for up to 100 minutes and can only happen during a full moon.
    • Solar eclipses can last up to 7 and a half minutes and can only happen during a new moon.
  2. Perform ghusl before you pray. Wash your hands, arms, feet, legs, and face as normal before praying. If you’ve just woken up, are menstruating, or have had sex since the last time you prayed, wash your entire body. This will help make you body clean for the prayer. [2]
    • If you’re not sure whether you need to do ghusl, it’s best to do more than you need to. When in doubt, wash your entire body.
  3. Think about how the sun and the moon represent the different aspects of your faith, and how one of these disappearing might be frightening. Then, say “Allahu Akbar” and move into the next part of the prayer. [3]
    • For example, a common intention for the eclipse prayer is confirming and trusting one’s faith even when it’s hard to see a higher power at work.
    • If you’re having a hard time coming up with an intention, you can make your intention something more personal, like the health of your family and friends.
  4. As with any other prayer, read or recite the opening chapter of the Qur’an. Make sure your voice is extremely quiet, especially if you’re in a Mosque. You should begin praying as soon as the eclipse begins. [4]
    • Try not to start the Fatiha before the eclipse begins. If you can, time it as closely as possible to start when the eclipse starts.
  5. Pick a surah that is the around the same length as the second chapter of the Qur’an, Surah al-Baqarah, or slightly shorter. You could even choose to recite this chapter if you don’t want to choose a different one. If you’re in a mosque, recite the surah that the Imam has chosen for the prayer. [5]
    • Make sure you’re standing for this part of the prayer, as you will soon need to start doing the movements for praying.
    • For instance, many people choose to recite the Surah an-Nisa or the Surah al-Imran.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Praying the First and Second Rak’ahs

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  1. Make this first ruku longer than a usual prayer, with your back straight as you bow down. Keep your voice quiet, and recite "Subhana Rabiyyal Adheem,” meaning “Glory be to Allah who is my Lord, the Greatest.” If you don’t want to say anything, you can simply pray silently. [6]
    • If you’re in a mosque, listen closely to the recitation from the Imam and follow along in your head.
  2. As you say it, slowly return to a standing position. If you’re in a mosque, follow the movements of the Imam and other congregants to know when it’s time to stand up. [7]
    • This phrase means “Allah listens to the one who praises Him,” and is usually said after a ruku to acknowledge that God hears your prayers.
  3. This is different from other prayers, when you would usually go into prostration. In Salatul Kusoof, repeat the ruku once more by restarting the prayer session. Pick a surah that isn’t as long as the one in the first ruku, such as Surah ali-Imran, or another surah that is around that same length. [8]
    • If you’re in a mosque, listen to the Imam and follow along with the surah in your head.
  4. Enter into the second ruku of the first rak’ah. Again, recite "Subhana Rabiyyal Adheem,” and keep your voice quiet. As a general rule, hold the position for 30-45 seconds longer than you would in your everyday prayers. [9]
    • If you’re worshiping in the mosque, follow the Imam to see when you should bow.
  5. Hold the position for longer than you would in a normal prayer, and then straighten your back to sit up in a kneeling position. Return to sujood after a few moments of kneeling to finish the rak’ah. [10]
    • Some Imam’s may not enter into a second Sujood immediately if they plan to recite a sermon.
  6. Like the first rak’ah, make sure the second rak’ah has 2 bows, 2 standing positions, and 2 prostrations. Say the same surahs as you did in the first rak’ah, or pick different ones for this repitition. [11]
    • In most cases, if you’re worshipping at a mosque, the second rak’ah will begin immediately and include the same surahs as the first rak’ah.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Completing the Prayer and Service

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  1. Once you finish the final sujood of the second rak’ah, sit up into a comfortable kneeling position. Say the At-Tashahhud for both rak’ahs, which is a testimony of faith. This may be longer than you’re used to, since you are saying 1 for the testimony of faith, and another for blessings. [12]
    • Some congregations also say a third At-Tashahhud during special prayers. If you’re worshiping alone, it’s up to you to decide how many you’d want to do.
    • To recite the At-Tashahhud, you say: “At Tahiyyaatu lilaahi was Salawaatu wat tayibaatu As Salaamu 'alaika ayyuhan nabiyyu wa rahmatul laahi wa barakaatuh As Salaamu 'alainaa wa 'alaa 'ebaadillaahis saaliheen, Ash hadu allaa ilaah ilallaah Wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhuu wa rasuuluh.”
  2. Turn to the right and say "As-salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah,” meaning “And unto you peace.” Then, turn to the left, and say the same. If you’re worshipping in a mosque, your neighbors might also smile and nod as you say this, as signs of peace and blessing. [13]
    • Some people may place their hands over their heart or offer to shake hands during the Tasleem. This is a personal practice that can be common in some mosques.
  3. Normally, after a special prayer, such as the Salatul Kusoof, the Imam will briefly talk about why the event is important. Be respectful and listen to the sermon to gain more insight into the significance of the eclipse. [14]
    • Make sure to allot enough time in your day to listen to the sermon for 5-10 minutes after the prayer.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    I haven't memorized the longest surah, so what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    It's sunnah to recite a long surah. If you have not memorized all the surahs, then recite the longest surah that you know.
  • Question
    Can I recite any short surahs for this prayer?
    Top Answerer
    That is permissible. However, it is sunnah to recite a either one of the longest surahs in the Qur'an or the longest surah you know.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to miss the eclipse?
    Top Answerer
    If one is able to, they are encouraged to attend the eclipse prayer rather than looking at the eclipse themselves.
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      • Always be quiet and respectful of other congregants when worshiping in a mosque.
      • If you’re praying at home, make sure the area where you’re worshiping is free from distractions.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To perform Salatul Kusoof, start by completing ghusl, like you would for any prayer, to cleanse your body. Before you start the rak’ahs, set your intention and recite the opening takbir, the Fatiha, and a long surah of your own or your Imam’s choice. Then, bow down in ruku position and recite the first rak’ah. After that, repeat the ruku by restarting the prayer session and recite the Fatiha and another surah. Once you’ve finished the surah, go to sujood position and complete the second rak’ah. Remain kneeling for the At-Tashahhud, then say the Tasleem to finish the prayer. For more tips, including how to identify solar and lunar eclipses for performing Salatul Kusoof, read on!

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      • Muhammad Qaasim

        May 15, 2022

        "I am 14 and this was my first time praying salaatul kusoof and this helped me a lot! jizaakallah khair!"
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