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On January 1st, New Year’s resolutions sparkle with hope and the promise of a better you. However, by the year’s end, you may find that many of those resolutions have been abandoned halfway or left completely unattempted. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry--you aren’t doomed to unfinished resolutions forever. In fact, if you pick a single, focused New Year’s resolution that’s both inspiring and manageable, you’ll be more likely to check it off come December 31.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Narrowing Your Focus

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  1. If you’ve already tried a resolution and failed, you may be setting yourself up for failure again. Instead, pick a new resolution! It’ll give you a fresh start and get you a little more inspired. [1]
  2. You may have big plans for self-improvement, but avoid creating a to-do list-style document crammed with resolutions. Rather, focus on just one. That way, you can put all your energy into achieving it, and you won’t be disappointed when you don’t check off all 20 resolutions on your list. [2]
  3. Your resolution should address a single behavior. If you address multiple, you’re more likely to get overwhelmed and throw in the towel. [3]
    • Instead of committing to eating well, exercising, and drinking water, focus your attention on one of the three.
  4. Vague goals seem more abstract, and therefore are more difficult to achieve. By contrast, specific goals are more actionable. [4]
    • Instead of resolving to eat better, commit to eating an extra serving of fruit and vegetables each day.
    • Don’t pick a vague resolution like “make new friends.” Instead, pick something like "make at least 2 new friends this year at my child's school.”
    • Try to write your resolution in clear writing, with specific goals in mind and a plan of action. If possible, create a deadline so you can measure your progress. [5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Choosing a Meaningful Resolution

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  1. What are you passionate about? What gets you excited? If your resolution inspires you, you’ll be more motivated to work towards it. [6]
    • Think about your favorite life experiences. What do they have in common, and how can you create more of them?
    • For example, if you adore animals, consider making a resolution that involves volunteering at an animal shelter or a vet clinic.
  2. If your resolution is intimately connected to your values and your life plan, it’ll be more achievable. [7]
    • Perhaps you value giving. Pick a resolution that incorporates this value, such as donating a certain amount of money to your favorite charity.
    • Ask yourself what you’d like to contribute to the world and how you can strengthen the important relationships in your life.
  3. The most effective and motivating resolutions are the ones that bring you closer to your ideal self. That doesn’t mean you should resolve to make a major transformation. Instead, pick a resolution that helps you grow in some way and gets you a little closer to who you want to be. [8]
    • If you want to be a more fearless person, resolve to participate in an activity that scares you. For example, if you’re scared of responsibility, you might take a leadership position in a club or organization.
  4. Make sure you pick a resolution because you genuinely want to achieve it, not because you think it would benefit someone else or make an ex jealous. If you pick a goal that means a lot to you, you’ll be more likely to follow through. [9]
    • Don’t resolve to lose weight so your partner will like you more. If you decide to lose weight, it should be so you feel better.
    • Before committing to a New Year’s resolution, ask yourself, “Why do I want to do this?”
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making Your Resolution Manageable

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  1. While it’s tempting to go for a life-changing resolution, you actually have a better chance of achieving a smaller one. People tend to overestimate their ability to achieve difficult resolutions. Plus, difficult resolutions are harder to stick to, increasing the likelihood that you’ll lose hope and give up completely. To avoid this, choose smaller goals that you have a good chance of achieving.
    • Instead of making a resolution to cut out all junk food from your diet, you might decide to limit yourself to several junk food items per week.
    • Rather than resolving to call your family every day, make a commitment to call them two times per week.
    • Remember to be honest with yourself about what’s realistic.
    • Oftentimes we make the goals too difficult or unattainable, so we get into what is called "all or nothing" thinking and give up. Try to avoid this pitfall. [10]
  2. Even if your resolution is specific and realistic, it might still be a little overwhelming. Make your resolution more manageable by dividing it into a series of subgoals. These should be measurable, concrete, and time-based. [11]
  3. When making a goal for the future, people often forget about the day to day constraints that might make achieving that goal more difficult. Imagine you are going to start your New Year’s resolution tomorrow. What obstacles or inconveniences might you encounter? Write them down. Then, assess if it’s still a realistic resolution. [13]
    • For example, if your resolution is to head to the gym everyday after work, consider if you’ll really want to drag a gym bag to the office each morning.
  4. Social support can be super helpful in making your resolution a reality, so it’s a good idea to pick a resolution you feel comfortable sharing with family and friends. That way, they can hold you accountable, offer advice, and cheer you on! [14]
  5. Don’t leave your resolution until New Year’s Eve. You should start planning your resolution at least a few days before the start of the new year so you have time to ensure it’s specific, meaningful, and manageable. With a little planning, you’ll feel more prepared to conquer it come January 1st! [15]
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  • Question
    I am undisciplined, but my resolution is to be more mature. Any helpful tips?
    Community Answer
    Possible resolutions include reading a certain number of books, learning to do a handstand, being organized and helping more.
  • Question
    My resolution this year is to buy land worth 20 million Uganda shillings. What are some of the things i should stop doing to make my goal by October 2024?
    Community Answer
    Save more and spend less. Focus on needs instead of wants. Once you buy your land you can buy your needs. Be sure to keep a finance journal.
  • Question
    What if I have many resolutions but need to address them all at once?
    Community Answer
    Divide your year into parts. Say you have 5 goals/resolutions for the year. Divide your year into 5 parts, and devote each part to one of your goals.
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      • Don’t default to cliche New Year’s resolutions. Think outside the box to find something that’s deeply meaningful to you.

      1. Susan Pazak, PhD. Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Professional Life Coach. Expert Interview. 22 April 2022.
      2. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Healthychristmas/Pages/NewYearresolutions.aspx
      3. Susan Pazak, PhD. Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Professional Life Coach. Expert Interview. 22 April 2022.
      4. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/mind-guest-blog/why-we-think-we-can-keep-those-new-years-resolutions/
      5. http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/resolution.aspx
      6. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Healthychristmas/Pages/NewYearresolutions.aspx
      7. Susan Pazak, PhD. Licensed Clinical Psychologist & Professional Life Coach. Expert Interview. 22 April 2022.

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