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Learn how to get the most out of a Planet Fitness Wellness Pod
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The Planet Fitness Wellness Pods are a new machine at select Planet Fitness locations that provides you with a relaxing experience before or after your workout. These complex machines have a range of settings and options to customize your relaxation experience, which can be hard to navigate when you’re trying it out for the first time. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about the Planet Fitness Wellness Pods, including what they do, how to use them, and more.

Wellness Pod Planet Fitness: At a Glance

The Planet Fitness Wellness Pod provides an immersive, multisensory experience equipped with heat and aromatherapy, nature videos, guided breathing, meditation, city exploration, a heart monitor, and lifestyle tips. It is intended to help you relax and unwind before or after a workout.

Section 1 of 5:

What is the Planet Fitness Wellness Pod?

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  1. The RelaxSpace Wellness Pod is a wellness machine at Planet Fitness that’s equipped with heat settings for your upper and lower body, fans and ventilation for aromatherapy, a sensor to monitor your heart rate, and different videos to display on the 43-inch screen above you. [1]
    • The videos include natural landscapes, city tours, guided breathing, meditation, and lifestyle tips.
    • Are Wellness Pods included in the Planet Fitness membership? The RelaxSpace Wellness Pod is exclusive to Planet Fitness Black Card members. The Planet Fitness Black Card membership is $24.99 a month before taxes and fees.
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What the Planet Fitness Wellness Pod Does

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  1. The heat settings help soothe muscle pain, increase flexibility, and loosen stiff muscles. The available scents help relieve stress. The selection of videos helps shape your experience by providing you with relaxing sounds, visuals, and breathing guides. The lifestyle tips help with mindfulness and encourage you to be more present.
    • The sensor below the touch panel lets you monitor your heart rate.
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How to Use the Planet Fitness Wellness Pod

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  1. When scrolling through the self-serve kiosk at the front desk, look for the RelaxSpacePod and schedule your appointment. After scheduling your appointment, return to the front desk at the specified time, and the attendant will let you know when you’re allowed to enter the black card spa.
  2. Lay on the soft, curved bed to stretch your body out , which increases muscle blood flow and ability while decreasing your risk of injuries. Rest your head on the pillow to get the best, most comfortable view of the screen. [2]
  3. Select the heat setting on the touch panel and choose from low, medium, or high heat for your upper and lower body. Select the fan setting and choose from low, medium, or high speed. Choose your video by selecting your preferred option on the left side of the screen. Select the scent setting to change your scent. Scrub through your video and adjust the brightness and audio using the player menu on the bottom right.
    • For aromatherapy, you can choose between fresh pine, spring water, lemon leaf, and tropical scents. They come out of the fan vents at a regular or boosted intensity every two minutes. Nurse practitioner Susannah Kerwin suggests using lavender if you’re looking for a chill, calm experience.
    • Check your heart rate by tapping the heart option on the screen and placing your finger on the sensor below the touch panel.
    • Change the language by clicking the globe in the upper right-hand corner. You have the option of English, Spanish, or German.
    • If you have any other questions about how the machine works, watch the provided tutorial.
  4. The machine will inform you when your time in the pod is up—although you can end your session early at any time by selecting “End Session” in the upper right-hand corner, and you can always view your time remaining by looking at the timer in the upper left-hand corner. Once your time is up, step out of the machine, spray it with the provided cleaner, and wipe it down using the provided wipes.
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Do all Planet Fitness locations have wellness pods?

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  1. The wellness pod isn’t available at every Planet Fitness location. Select locations in certain areas, including Marysville, Washington and Tigard, Oregon, have the pods. But since the wellness pods are relatively new, they’re only available at certain locations. [4]
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What to Wear in a Wellness Pod

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  1. Like with other gym equipment, you want to wear clothing that is comfortable and allows for flexibility. Sweatpants, shorts, leggings, and joggers are great options for pants. For tops, go for T-shirts, quarter zips, and sports bras if you’re a woman. [5]
    • Gym clothes should be made of breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that dry quickly to help relieve sweat and keep you comfortable.
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      • Certified aromatherapist Renee Hughes says that if you have allergies to certain scents or are pregnant, avoid aromatherapy.

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