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Learn the basics for this classic lawn game with our help
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If you’re looking for a yard game that’s fun for all ages, bocce ball is the perfect thing to play. Bocce ball (also known as bocci or boccie) has been popular since Ancient Egyptian and Roman times, and it’s still a relaxing way to fill your afternoon. Keep reading, and we’ll walk you through all the rules from setting up to winning the game!

Bocce Ball Overview

  • Earn points by throwing your team’s bocce balls closer to the pallino ball than your opponents.
  • The starting team throws the pallino past the halfway mark on the bocce court.
  • The starting team tosses one of their bocce balls to get as close to the pallino as possible.
  • The opposing team tries to throw their ball closer to the pallino.
  • Turns continue with whichever team is not closest to the pallino until all the bocce balls are thrown.
  • The team with the closest bocce ball scores 1 point for every ball closer to the pallino than their opponents.
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How to Set Up Bocce Ball

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  1. Get a bocce ball set . A standard bocce set typically contains 4 green balls and 4 red balls. It also includes a smaller ball, called the pallino, also known as the pallino or jack .
    • Bocce balls come in different sizes based on skill levels. Use smaller bocce balls if you’re a beginner or playing with children. Stick to regulation-size bocce balls with a diameter of 107 mm (4.2 inches) and weight of 920 g (~2 lbs) if you want to play more professionally.
  2. You can play bocce with 2, 4, 6, or 8 players. Give each team all the balls of a single color. [1]
    • If you play with 3 players per team, then one person will get to go twice each round, or frame.
    • Avoid playing with teams of 5 or more because not everyone will get to throw bocce balls during the frame.
    • If your bocce ball set comes with 4 different colors, give each team all the balls with the same pattern engraved in their surface.
  3. Play on a constructed bocce court for the most official game. If you don’t have access to a court, then find a flat grassy area and stake the corners of the court. [2]
    • Mark a foul line about 3 meters (10 ft) from the ends of the court if they aren’t already there. Players cannot step past the foul line when they toss a bocce ball.
    • Place a regulator peg in the exact center of the court to mark the halfway point. This marks the minimum distance players have to toss the pallino during each round. If you don’t have a peg, just have all the players agree on how far everyone needs to throw the ball.
    • If you want to build a bocce court , regulation sizes are a maximum of 4 meters (13 feet) wide and a maximum of 27.5 meters (90 feet) long. Give your bocce court a raised barrier that’s about 20 cm (~8 in) high.
  4. As an alternative, randomly decide which team gets to throw out the pallino first. [3]
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How to Play Bocce Ball

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  1. Any player on the team may throw the pallino. They get 2 opportunities to throw the pallino past the half-court line. If the team fails to get the pallino across half-court or crosses the foul line during their throw, the other team tosses the pallino instead. [4]
    • In some professional or tournament games, you must toss the pallino so it lands in a 5 m (16 ft) zone that ends 2.5 m (8 ft) from the far end of the court
    • If you're not playing bocce on a court, throw the pallino wherever you want. Just be sure to decide on a minimum distance with the other players.
  2. Any player on the team that threw the pallino can take their turn. Players must stand behind the foul line during their turn. To throw the ball, players can either toss it underhanded into the air or roll it on the ground. Try to get the bocce ball as close to the pallino as possible. [5]
    • If the bocce ball hits the back wall of the court or goes out of bounds without touching the pallino, then it’s considered a dead ball and removed from the court.
    • If a player crosses the foul line during their toss, then they lose their turn and the other team gets to go instead.
  3. Any one player from the opposing team can take their turn. The goal is to get the ball closer to the pallino than the starting team.
  4. If the starting team is still closer to the pallino, then the opposing team takes another turn. If the opposing team is closer to pallino, the starting team takes their second turn. [6]
    • If you toss a ball closer to the pallino than another ball, it’s considered “inside.”
    • Try to hit the pallino or another team’s ball when you toss your bocce ball. This can push your opponents further away or nudge the pallino closer to one of your balls.
  5. Any ball that’s closer to the pallino than the previous closest ball is considered “inside.” Whichever team is “outside” takes their turn. After all 8 balls have been thrown, the frame ends.
    • A team may take multiple turns in a row if they’re not able to throw a ball “inside.”
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How to Score Bocce Ball

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  1. After everyone is done tossing, the team with the ball closest to the pallino has the opportunity to score. The other team does not earn any points for the frame. [7]
    • If each team has a ball an equal distance away from the pallino, no points are awarded and another frame starts immediately.
  2. The closest team always scores at least 1 point for the closest ball. If there are any other balls that are closer than your opponent’s, score 1 additional point for each one. [8]
    • If the bocce ball is touching the pallino, it's called a "kiss" or "baci" and is worth 2 points instead.
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How to Win Bocce Ball

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  1. At the end of each frame, tally the points that were scored. Start the next frame at the end of the bocce court where you just picked up the balls.
  2. A team must have a 2-point lead in order to win. Alternatively, play until a team reaches either 15 or 21 if you want a longer game. [9]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I just play in a yard?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course! You can play anywhere that you'd like. It's also a popular beach game.
  • Question
    What happens when I hit the Jack and it moves?
    Community Answer
    It's acceptable to hit the Jack. The rules don't change, the closest to the Jack rule still applies for scoring.
  • Question
    Can I play the ball off the wooden sides of the court?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can play a ball off of the rail. It makes for some very fun shots.
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      • If you don’t have the space at home to play bocce ball, check if there are any courts in your area. Otherwise, visit your local park to play a quick game.
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      • Check that there’s no one in the area where you’re tossing the bocce balls to ensure nobody gets hit or injured.

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      Article Summary X

      The goal of bocce ball is to get more points than the other team. Score points by rolling your bocce balls closer to the white ball than your opponents. To get started, split up into 2 teams, and give each team 4 balls of the same color. Then, throw the white ball, called the pallina, halfway down the court. Have each team take alternating turns rolling their bocce balls toward the white ball. You can hit the pallina with your balls to reposition it, or hit the other team’s balls to knock them away from the pallina if you'd like. If a bocce ball goes out of bounds or hits the wall of the court, it is a dead ball and is ignored at the end of the round. After all 8 bocce balls are thrown, go to the pallina and check to see which team ended with a ball closest to it. You can do this visually, or use a measuring tape to get precise measurements. The team with the closest ball is the only team that can score that round. Award 1 point for each ball that is closer than the opposing team’s closet ball. A maximum of 4 points can be awarded in a single round. After points have been calculated, each team picks their balls back up and the winning team rolls the pallina to start a new round. Play until a team reaches 12 points to determine the winner. To learn how to set up a play area for bocce ball, keep reading!

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      • Donna Marie

        Aug 28, 2016

        "We have played this at family reunions. Lots of laughs. Everyone lines up on one side of the court in their lawn ..." more
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