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Bingo is a fun game, that can have a lot of variations to it - Card Bingo is one of them.

  1. Depending on how many players you have, deal out your cards.
    • If you have six players, deal out eight cards each, leaving four cards left over.
    • If you have seven players, deal out seven cards each, leaving three cards left over.
    • If you have eight players, deal out six cards each, leaving three cards left over.
    • If you have nine players, deal out five cards each, leaving seven left over.
    • If you have ten players, deal out five cards each, leaving two left over.
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  3. When you're ready to start, have the players lay all of their cards face up, as the caller slowly looks at the card in the full deck and names the number and suit.
    • Example: Caller calls out "Jack of Diamonds" - One person should say "Got it", turn over the Jack so it's face down, and the caller moves on to the next card.
  4. and win that round.
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  • Question
    Can playing card bingo be played by a large group of people? Say 30 or even 85?
    Community Answer
    No, because there are only 52 cards per deck.
  • Question
    Is there a variation for 20 players?
    Community Answer
    Shuffle 2 decks together and deal 5 cards to each of the 20 players. You will have 4 cards leftover (put these aside). Use a new deck for your dealer deck. Shuffle and turn one card over at a time, calling out the suit and card.
  • Question
    How would I organize a game for a group of 30 or more people?
    Community Answer
    Set up tables of 4 people, with one deck of cards per table. Deal out all cards as usual, 13 per player. There would then be a caller (who does not play), who pulls the cards and announces and shows card to all. Note: usually call an ace a 'one' to avoid confusion between 'ace' and 'eight'. You could have multiple winners.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Two regular decks of playing cards
      • Table
      • No less than 6 players and no more than 10

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Card Bingo is a fun variation of Bingo that uses regular decks of playing cards. To play, first deal each player a hand of cards face down. Deal 8 cards each for a 6-player game, 7 cards each for a 7-player game, 6 cards each for an 8-player game, or 5 cards each for a 9-10 player game. If you’re playing with fewer than 6 people, deal 8 or more cards to each player. Set aside the leftover cards. Then, place a second full deck of cards in the middle of the table. Each player lays their cards face up in a row in front of them. Choose one player to be the caller. The caller flips one card from the top of the second deck face up at a time, calling out the rank and suit. If a player has a card with the same rank and suit as the one called out, they flip it face down. The game continues until one player has flipped all of their cards face down. When a player completes their hand, they yell out “Bingo!” to win the game.

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