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Sometimes, there will be the case you want to practice a new hero that you purchased, or you want to try out your skills into getting a Savage killing streak on bots. This wikiHow will give you a guide that can let you play Practice Mode on Mobile Legends!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Beginning the Mode

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  1. You can open Practice Mode by clicking on the Mode button, and by pressing the VS AI & Custom button. One section will say Practice - tap Enter.
  2. You can select any hero that is available, from owned heroes to free heroes. Once you want to lock your selection, click on Okay.
  3. Once adjusted, click on Pick Your Opponent.
  4. Once ready, click on Start, and the battlefield will load.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Adjust the Settings

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  1. This will open a section of settings that can be used during Practice Mode. You will see four sections, including Allied Hero, Enemy Heroes, Summon Timber, and Common.
  2. You can adjust your level and gold by clicking on the explained buttons below, alongside with no cooldown and immunity:
    • Upgrade: Your hero/opponent will be upgraded one level (up to Level 15).
    • Max Level: Your hero/opponent will automatically be at level 15.
    • Reset Level: Your hero/opponent will go back to level 1 and goes back to base.
    • Add Gold: 2000 Gold is given.
    • No CD: You earn a short cooldown on your skills and battle spells.
    • God Mode: Your hero/enemy will be immune from any damage (including turret damage).
    • Add Gold for Roaming: You earn 300 Gold to the roaming progress (up to 1500) with roaming equipment.
    • Turn On AI: The opponent will start moving. (Easy AI/Normal AI/Hard AI can adjust the difficulty on the opponent when activated)
  3. For the bots, you can either click on Normal Bot, Damage Bot, Patrolling Bot, or Friendly Bot. The bot will stay where they are, with the exclusion of Patrolling Bot. To remove the bots, click on Remove Bot. The options on the type of bot are explained below:
    • Normal Bot: A enemy Layla spawns wherever you are. The bot does not attack and can easily be damaged.
    • Damage Bot: The bot spawns a high-HP Zillong along with damage stats. This is helpful if you need to experiment with equipment or skill damage.
    • Patrolling Bot: The bot will move from its spawn point and walk in a triangle near the Sanctuary Lord.
    • Friendly Bot: The bot is similar to a Normal Bot, but the bot is on your side.
    • All bots will have your equipment (if you have any) by default.
  4. To close the lanes, click on Close Lane. This measure can force minions to not spawn in the mid-lanes until the action is redone. The 5-second warning before minions are spawn can be heard to reaffirm.
  5. If you need to continuously spawn the Sanctuary Lord on your side or to reset the cooldown of the purple/orange buffs, click on the Creeps button. All creeps will respawn immediately.
  6. To leave Practice Mode, click on the Leave Button, or go to the settings and select the Quit Button (then click on Quit again).
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