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Learn the rules for every variation of this hidden object card game
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Through mathematical magic, every card in the game of Spot It! contains 1 symbol that matches with another symbol on every other card. Your job as a player is to find that match and call it out before the other players do! There are 7 different Spot It! minigames to play, and we’re here to show you the rules for each. Keep your eyes peeled, and get ready to make some matches!

Basic Spot It! Rules

Each Spot It! minigame is played with 2-8 players. In every game, players race to see who can spot a matching symbol on 2 different cards, and the aim of every game is always to spot the most matches!

Section 1 of 2:

Object of the Game

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  1. Each of the 7 Spot It! minigames involve 2-8 players comparing (at least) 2 cards and racing to find the 1 symbol that appears on both cards. The player who spots it first says it out loud, then performs an action with it, like taking it or discarding it, depending on which minigame you’re playing. [1]
    • The winner of the minigame is the player who’s spotted the highest number of identical symbols by the time the cards are gone.
    • Any time you spot a match, call it out by saying the name of the symbol. For example, if you spot 2 snowflakes, say, “Snowflake!”
  2. Pick a minigame below and dive in! Or, play through each of the minigames once and see who collects the most victories. You might even play a Spot It! tournament, which starts with The Tower. After the player who wins each minigame chooses the next, and players compete in a total of 5 minigames. Count the points as follows: [2]
    • In The Tower , give each player 1 point for each card they collect, and the winning player an additional 5 points.
    • In Twins , award 1 point for each card collected.
    • In The Well , award 10 points to the first player who runs out of cards, and deduct 20 points from the last player standing.
    • In Catch ‘Em All , award 1 point for each card collected.
    • In Hot Potato and deduct 5 points from the person who loses the round.
    • In The Poisoned Gift , award 20 points to the player who got handed the fewest cards, and give 10 points to the player who came second.
    • In Triplet , award 1 point per card collected, and 5 points to the player with the most cards.
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Section 2 of 2:

Playing the 7 Different Games

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  1. This is the easiest game to play. Start by arranging the cards into a face-down pile. Then, take the 2 cards off the top of the pile and, at the same time, flip them over so every player can see. Players then try to spot a symbol that’s present on both cards. When they do, they call it out, and take the 2 cards for themselves. A new round starts with 2 new cards. [3]
    • Win the game by collecting the most cards by the time the pile is gone, signaling the end of the game.
  2. To start, place 1 card face-down in front of each player. Place the rest of the cards face-up in the middle of the table, as a draw pile. Then, on the count of 3, each player flips over their card and compares it to the card in the center, trying to find the matching symbol. When you do spot it, call it out! [4]
    • Then, take the center card and put it on top of your own card, and keep looking for matches using your new card and the new center card—the game doesn’t stop!
    • Win the game by having the most cards in your personal pile once there are no more cards in the center pile.
  3. To start, place 1 card face-up in the center, then deal the rest face-down to each player in piles. On the count of 3, each player flips over the top card of their pile and searches for a symbol on their card that matches a symbol on the center card. When you spot it, call it out! [5]
    • When you call a match, place your top card face-up in the center. The game continues as players try to make matches with this new card.
    • Win the game by being the first player to place all the cards in your personal pile into the center.
  4. Place 1 face-up card in the center of the table, and place 1 card face-down around it for each player at the table. On the count of 3, each player flips one of the face-down cards, then examines every card at the table for a symbol that matches with the center card. When you see a matching symbol, call it and take the card, then flip over a new card from the deck to take its place as you continue to play. [6]
    • Win the game by collecting the most cards by the time there are no more cards in the deck, signaling the end of the game.
    • Note that in this game, the center card never changes and stays put for the whole game. Players only take the cards around it.
  5. Start by dealing each player 1 face-down card, then decide how many rounds to play—5 is a good number. On the count of 3, flip your card and compare it to the other players’ cards. If you spot a match, call it out, then place your card face-up on top of the matching player’s card. The round ends when a single player holds all the cards. That player sets the cards aside, then deals another round. [7]
    • Win the game by collecting the fewest cards at the end of all the rounds.
    • If you’re holding more than 1 card (after a player has given you theirs), use your top card to make matches, and hand the other player all your cards when you spot a match.
  6. Begin by dealing 1 face-down card to each player, and set the rest of the cards in a face-up pile in the middle of the table. On the count of 3, flip over your card and look at other players’ cards to find a match with the center card. As always, if you spot it, call it! Then, grab the center card and place it face-up on that player’s card. Keep playing until there are no more cards in the center. [8]
    • Win the game by having the fewest cards in your pile after the center pile is gone.
  7. Set all the cards in a face-down pile, then take 9 cards off the top and place them face-up in a 3x3 grid. As soon as all 9 cards are on the table, each player tries to spot the same symbol on 3 different cards. When you spot a set of 3, call it out and take the 3 cards that share the symbol. Replace them with 3 new cards from the deck and continue playing. [9]
    • Win the game by collecting the most cards by the time there’s no more cards in the deck, fewer than 9 cards on the table, and no possible matches, which signals the game’s end.
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      • Spot It! was inspired by a British clergyman and mathematician, who came up with the core “problem” of the game. Later, mathematician Jacques Cottereau solved the problem and modeled his solution in a game called “Dobble,” which would later become “Spot It!” [10]
      • In the event of a tie at the end of a minigame, settle the tie by having the 2 players play a single round of Twins, winner takes all!
      • If 2 players call out a match at the same time, the player who physically picks up, discards, or hands over their card first (depending on the rules of the game) is the winning player of the call.
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