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Learn how to properly conduct a person-to-person firearms sale in Virginia
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You have a gun you want to sell and someone has expressed interest. How do you sell that gun if you're not a federal firearms license (FFL) dealer? If you and your buyer live in the state of Virginia, they have to get a background check completed first. Once they're approved through the Virginia State Police, you're free to complete the transaction. Read on to learn everything you need to know about selling a gun yourself as an unlicensed person.

Things You Should Know

  • If you want to privately sell a gun in Virginia, the person buying the gun must first get a background check through an FFL dealer.
  • Use a private bill of sale form so you have a record of the transaction.
  • Get Virginia State Police approval for private sales at gun shows.
  • Call the Virginia State Police Firearm Transaction Center first if you plan to give someone a gun as a gift.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

FFL Dealer-Facilitated Sales

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  1. This sounds similar to what you have to do if you want to sell your gun to someone who lives in another state, but it's not quite the same. The FFL dealer merely conducts the background check—they don't actually have anything to do with the sale. Just search your local area online or use a map app to find the best dealer for both you and the buyer. [1]
    • Since Virginia passed a universal background check law in 2020, background checks are now required for all gun sales, including person-to-person or private sales. [2]
    • For the sake of convenience, it's usually also best to go ahead and complete the sale immediately after the background check is approved—so look for an FFL dealer that works for both you and the buyer.
  2. A bill of sale creates an official record of the transaction and the transfer of ownership. While it's not legally required, it's still a good idea to write one up and keep it for your records just in case. There are lots of free forms online that you can download and use so you're not starting from scratch. [3]
    • Send a copy of the bill of sale to your buyer before you go to the dealer to finalize the transaction. That way, you can be sure that you agree on the price and a method of payment in advance.
  3. [4] Bring a government-issued photo ID with you that includes your current address, and make sure the buyer does the same. The dealer will need to verify that you're both Virginia residents and include the information on the required background check forms. [5]
  4. The Firearms Transaction Record is the ATF form that the FFL dealer requires you both to fill out. The first part requires information about the firearm you're selling. The final section requires you to provide identification information. [6]
    • If the dealer was making the sale, they would fill out the seller's portion. But since this is a private sale that the dealer has nothing to do with, you'll fill out that section yourself.
  5. The dealer may use VCheck, Virginia's online system, or may call the 1-800 number. Either way, they'll typically find out within a few minutes if the transaction is approved. If additional information is required to approve the transaction, the dealer will discuss this with the buyer. [7]
    • The dealer typically charges a fee to run the background check. The fee varies depending on the dealer but is usually less than $20. Make sure you and the buyer are on the same page about which one of you is paying the fee.
  6. As long as the transaction is approved, you're good to go! Get your copy of the bill of sale along with your money, then hand them the firearm. While the law doesn't require you to complete the transaction there at the dealer, it just makes sense to go ahead and do it there. [8]
    • The dealer might instruct you to go to a private room, or even out in the parking lot, to complete the transaction once the background check is complete.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Gun Show Sales

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  1. When you register as a vendor, you pay a fee to the gun show promoter to have a table at the event. You can use that table to display the firearms and other goods you have for sale as well as to complete transactions. [9]
    • This isn't the same thing as becoming an FFL dealer—it just means you have a table at the event and can display the firearms and other goods you have for sale. You're still considered a private party for the purposes of a firearm transaction.
  2. You can find pre-printed forms online or draft your own. Leave the information about the buyer and the firearm blank—you can fill that in for each transaction. [10]
    • Having the forms ready to go saves you time at the gun show while also ensuring that you have a record of every transaction you complete there.
  3. The Virginia State Police are present at every gun show to verify buyers. At a gun show, it's the buyer's responsibility to get clearance from the State Police before they finalize a transaction with you. They'll have a form from the State Police certifying that they're clear to buy a gun from you. [11]
    • If you're not a licensed dealer, you can only sell firearms at gun shows to fellow Virginia residents. [12]
  4. Don't take money from a buyer for a firearm until they've been cleared by the State Police. Once they have the okay, fill out your bill of sale, take their money, and hand over the firearm. [13]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Gifting a Firearm

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  1. This is always the safest way to go, and what the ATF recommends. With a gift card, the person can choose the gun that best suits them. And you can't be held liable at all if something goes sideways (or if it turns out the person can't legally possess a firearm). [14]
    • This makes things much easier if you're thinking about buying a gun as a gift for someone who lives in another state. Just buy a gift card for a dealer that is local to them.
  2. The background check law only applies to sales—your recipient doesn't need one if you're giving the gun to them as a gift. [15] But you can never transfer a firearm to someone you know isn't legally entitled to possess one—that's federal law. [16]
    • Generally, the person you want to give a firearm to has to be over the age of 18 with a clean criminal record. If you have questions about whether they're legally allowed to possess a firearm, it's a good idea to give them a gift card to an FFL dealer instead.
  3. As long as you're certain the person can legally own a firearm, you're free to give one to them directly. [17] There's no background check required as long as you're giving the firearm away as a gift free and clear, not exchanging it for anything of value. [18]
    • For example, if you're trading a gun to a family member in exchange for them doing some work around your house, that wouldn't qualify as a gift and your family member would need to get a background check.
    • The Virginia State Police recommends calling the Firearms Transaction Center at (804) 674-2292 before you make the actual transfer. [19] This way, you can make sure your transfer follows all applicable federal and state laws.
  4. If you want to give the gun to someone who lives in a different state, federal law comes into play. Even though no money is changing hands, you still have to go through an FFL dealer and the recipient has to pass a background check. [20]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Are there restrictions to buying multiple guns, or a combination of a handgun and a long gun?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    It is illegal in Virginia to buy more than one handgun within 30 days. However, you can buy one handgun and a long gun, or multiple long guns. The handgun restriction doesn't apply to law enforcement and licensed private security employees, or to anyone who has a concealed handgun permit.
  • Question
    I’m a NJ resident. I would like to gift a rifle to my son-in-law who’s a VA resident. How do I do this transfer? Can I just drive from NJ to VA and hand it to him?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    No, you need to conduct the transfer through an FFL dealer in Virginia and your son-in-law will have to pass a federal background check since the firearm is being transferred across state lines.
  • Question
    If I’m 18 or older am I able to have a handgun given to me and carry it?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    No. You have to be 21 or older to possess a handgun in Virginia, regardless of whether it's given to you. Since you're not legally allowed to possess a handgun at 18, this would technically be an illegal firearms transfer.
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      • Contact the Virginia State Police Firearms Transaction Center at (804) 674-2292 if you have any questions about a firearms transaction. They'll help you ensure that your transaction follows all applicable state and federal laws. [21]
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      • Failure to complete a background check means both the seller and the buyer are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. [22] The maximum sentence is 12 months in jail and a fine of $2,500. [23]

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