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Trying to get a book published at a young age is exciting and admirable! After all, most people don’t publish their first book until they are in their twenties or thirties. Before you begin looking for publishers, make sure your manuscript is as polished as possible. While you are revising your manuscript, begin to write a one-page query letter. Once you are ready, browse your local bookstore or the Writer’s Market to find potential publishers. Send your query letter and manuscript to one publisher at a time.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Polishing Your Manuscript

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  1. 1
    Set your manuscript aside for a week. Work on something else related to your book, like designs for your book cover, finding publishers, or drafting your query letter. Once you come back to read your book, you will have a set of fresh eyes to revise it with. [1]
    • This way, you will be able to see flaws in your book that you couldn’t see before.
    • Writing skills develop most reliably through constant writing. Get in the habit of journaling every day. Reading frequently can also help you gain an appreciation of language. [2]
  2. 2
    Check your plot for continuity and flow. Make sure the characters behave true to the personalities you have created for them. Conversations between your characters should tie back to the plot as well. The relationships between your characters should also be convincing. [3]
  3. 3
    Maintain a single point of view (POV) for each scene or chapter. Each scene or chapter should have only one character’s perspective. When introducing a new character’s POV, make sure the switch is clear. Avoid switching perspectives within a scene, paragraph, or sentence. [4]
  4. 4
    Replace adverbs with stronger verbs. Strong verbs are more descriptive than adverbs. They will get your message across much better than adverbs. By using strong verbs, you can also avoid using too many unnecessary or irrelevant words. [5]
    • For example, instead of saying, “She yelled loudly,” say, “She shouted.”
    • Instead of saying, “He ran quickly,” say, “He sprinted.”
  5. 5
    Have your teacher or one of your parents read your book. A fresh set of eyes will be able to spot spelling and grammatical errors, as well as holes in your story or your characters. Take their edits and advice into consideration. If you need a second opinion, then have your other parent read the book. Then revise your book again. [6]
    • The more you write and read, the more you'll naturally feel the texture of words and the more likely you will be able to find your voice and tone without getting bogged down with having to consciously remember grammar rules. [7]
  6. 6
    Join a local critique group. Ask your English teacher about local writing groups, or visit your local library to find a list of local writing groups. Go with one of your parents to a meeting. Read your book to other writers, or give it to them to read and critique. Make sure to take their feedback into consideration. [8]
    • Also check out the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators’ (SCBWI) regional chapters for writing meet ups. You can find these on their website.
  7. 7
    Go to a reputable writing conference with an adult. Writing conferences are a great way to find editors to read your manuscript. Some conferences allow their writers to submit their manuscript to editors or agents who have also attended the conference.
    • This is a great way to go around editors and publishers who have the “no unsolicited manuscript” rule.
    • Ask your local public library about writing conference dates and locations.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Writing a Query Letter

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  1. 1
    Make the first paragraph your book’s hook. Write 1 to 2 sentences describing who the book is about and the problem or conflict they face. Describe the story’s setting and what year the story takes place. Also, explain why the story is important and what the protagonist has to do to triumph or resolve their conflict in the end. [9]
    • For example, “During the summer of 1921 in a rural Louisiana town, a girl, who has never believed in fate, spots her ring around the neck of another girl. Who is this girl and why is she wearing her ring? Dalia will soon find out that answering this question will make her face parts of her past she has sworn to forget.”
  2. 2
    Write a mini synopsis in the second paragraph. Use 5 sentences to expand on the story of your book. Write more information about your main character and the conflict they are facing. Also, describe in-depth how the conflict will change their life. [10]
    • Read inside covers of your favorite novels for guidance on writing a mini synopsis.
  3. 3
    Use the third paragraph to write about yourself. Using a sentence or two, describe your writing experience. Add another sentence describing any awards or writing credentials that you may have such as winning 1st Place in a writing contest, or publishing a story in your school’s newspaper. [11]
  4. 4
    Write a strong closing paragraph. Thank the publisher for their time and consideration. Offer to provide the first few chapters of your manuscript, or the whole manuscript upon request. Sign the letter with your name and contact information underneath. [12]
    • For example, “Thank you for your time and consideration. I will provide the full manuscript upon request. I look forward to hearing from you.”
  5. 5
    Revise the letter. After you write the first draft, set the letter aside. Come back the next day to review and revise it. Revise it for clarification, and proofread it for grammatical and spelling errors. Remember that the query letter is the first impression of your book. [13]
    • Let your parents or a teacher read and edit your query letter as well.
    • Your query letter should be no longer than a page.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Finding a Publisher

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  1. 1
    Browse your local bookstore and make a list of potential publishers. Go to the section of the bookstore that pertains to your writing genre, whether it is teen mystery, romance, horror, or novels. Look on the inside cover of books to find potential publishers. Make a list of at least 10 different publishers.
  2. 2
    Check the Writer’s Market at your local library. Visit the reference section at your local library to find a copy of the Writer’s Market . Write down the contact information of publishers pertaining to your genre. The book may also list information about how to approach the company’s editor. Additionally, there are market books for specific genres like short stories, children’s books, romance, science fiction, and mystery.
    • The Writer’s Market is a book that lists all of the publishers that are currently accepting submissions.
    • If a website is listed for the publisher, visit the website to make sure that the company is still in business and accepting submissions.
  3. 3
    Use the hashtag #MSWL to find publishers. The hashtag stands for Manuscript Wish List. Type the hashtag into Twitter. The hashtag will lead you to agents and publishers accepting submissions. Scroll through the entries to find ones that are of interest to you. [14]
    • Visit the website of the publishing companies to find more information about their submission guidelines.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Submitting Your Work to a Publisher

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  1. 1
    Finalize your manuscript. Make sure your manuscript is double-spaced and written in a clear font like Times New Roman or Courier New. The font should also be in 10 to 12 pt. font. Number the pages and use 1-inch margins. Print your manuscript on high-quality paper.
  2. 2
    Send your query letter and manuscript per the editor’s specifications. Some publishers may want you to mail them your manuscript in a stationary box. If they do, place the query letter on top of your manuscript inside of the box. Use a packaging box at the post office to send your manuscript. Address the box to the editor that requested your manuscript.
    • Provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope in the package for the editor to use in the event that they need to send your manuscript back to you.
    • Alternatively, some publishers may want you to copy and paste your query letter and the first 3 chapters of your manuscript into the body of an email. Make sure the letter and manuscript are formatted properly in the email.
  3. 3
    Wait for a response. It may take 2 months or longer until you hear back from an editor. While you may never hear back from some editors, others may send a rejection letter back within a week. While you are waiting, contact other publishers, or start working on a second story.
    • If you receive a rejection letter, read the letter thoroughly. The editor may offer advice on where to send your manuscript, or they may critique your story. Make sure to take their advice and critiques into consideration.
  4. 4
    Track your submissions on a spreadsheet. Write down the name of the publisher and the date you sent the submission. If you receive a rejection letter, write down the letter’s date. This way you can calculate how long the whole process took. [15]
  5. 5
    Avoid being discouraged. It is not uncommon to be rejected by a whole slew of publishing companies. This is a normal part of the process. [16] The main difference between writers who get published and writers who don’t is perseverance. Tell yourself you can do it because you can! [17]
    Judy Blume, Writer

    Rejection is part of the process. "I would cry when the rejections came in … but I would wake up in the morning optimistic and saying, ‘Well, maybe they didn’t like that one, but wait till they see what I’m going to do next.’ And I think you just have to keep going."

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Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Promoting and Self-Publishing Your Work

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  1. 1
    Submit excerpts of your book to a journal. You can submit short stories, poems, and excerpts of your book to literary journals that support emerging writers. While many journals tend to publish a wide range of work, it is still a good idea to look for publications that fit your genre and writing style. This will increase your chances of getting published. [18]
    • Double check the page limit before you make your submission.
    • Some examples of journals that you can submit your work to are Canvas , Cicada , The Claremont Review , Stone Soup , Launch Pad , New Moon Girls , and many others.
  2. 2
    Enter your work into a contest. A writing contest is another great way to get your work recognized and published. Many publications host writing contests. Publications typically publish their winners' work. Make sure to target publications that fit your genre and style of writing. [19]
    • Publications that host annual writing contests are 805 , Amazing Kids eZine , Blue Marble Review , Creative Kids , Cricket Media , "Young Writers", and many more.
  3. 3
    Self-publish your work. Some publications provide online platforms for young writers to self-publish their own work, like Figment and New Moon Girls . These platforms allow aspiring writers to create their own portfolios to showcase their work. This is a great way to meet other aspiring writers as well. Some of these online platforms require an annual membership fee of $25 to $30. [20]
    • Alternatively, check out independent publishing platforms like Lulu and CreateSpace. These sites allow you to create, publish, and sell your book all through their site.
  4. 4
    Avoid publishing scams. If you decide to go the self-publishing route, be wary of publishing companies that use flattery and promises of greatness to get your business. Also, make sure to ask self-publishing companies how they plan to market your book. If press releases and listings in a catalog are their strategies, you may be better off marketing your book yourself. [21]
    • Additionally, don't let these companies fool you into thinking that obtaining an ISBN is difficult and costly. You can typically purchase an ISBN for $100 to $125.
    • You can protect your copyright by registering your book with the Library of Congress online for $35.
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Write Your First Book with this Expert Series

Have you always dreamed of being an author? Writing a book is a lot of work, but you can do it with consistency, hard work, and a good plan. This expert series has everything you need to write and publish your first book.

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  • Question
    I have almost finished writing my own book. I was wondering how old you have to be to publish it.
    Community Answer
    Any age, but if you're under 18, ask your parents to negotiate on your behalf; they will need to sign the contract and ensure that you are getting a fair deal too. Look for a publisher that will publish a young author's book.
  • Question
    Do you think someone would publish a book by a ten year old?
    Community Answer
    Many publishers work with talented, young writers, but it's important that you maintain a professional and mature demeanor. Your parents or guardians will need to be very involved throughout the process - signing all the contracts, talking to the publishers, accompanying you to publicity events, managing your money and taxes, etc.
  • Question
    How do I end a chapter?
    Community Answer
    How you end a chapter is all up to you. Most authors prefer to end a chapter with suspense, others just end it with a statement leading into the next paragraph and chapter. You could try having a friend or someone read your story and ask them where they thought a chapter brake was, as friends and family are often the best resources. If you are still having trouble try reading another book of the same type and genre. Pay attention to how they lead of into the next chapter and try to mimic it in your own story.
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      • Never give up on your story. If being an author is your dream, work hard to fulfill it. Never give up and always keep trying. It's the only way to get somewhere!

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      • Don't be discouraged if your book doesn't get published even after you have sent it out a few times. Start planning a new book, but tweak it using what you've learned from your previous rejections.
      • Need inspiration? Listen to music, watch a movie, or read your favorite book! It always helps when you're having trouble.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you've completed a manuscript and want to publish a book at a young age, check out online platforms like Lulu and CreateSpace, which let you set up a profile and publish your work. Alternatively, try entering your work into a writing contest with a publication like 805 or Amazing Kids eZine. To contact publishers directly, use the #MSWL hashtag on Twitter to let agents know you're looking for a publisher. Then, when they contact you, write a query letter summing up your story in 2-3 paragraphs, and submit it to the publisher along with your manuscript. For tips on how to finish your manuscript and how to write a query letter to a publisher, read on!

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