Q&A for How to Abide in Christ

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    A tip on the bottom says to read about people who are abiding in Christ. I am guessing that this means faithful elders who have gone before us and crossed the finish line! Any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Gladys Aylward, George Muller, and all others in the Trailblazer series. Try The Hiding Place, too.
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    I am saved and I think I am far away from Christ. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Because Christ is always there with you just pray. Go to church. You just need to feel closer to Christ again.
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    What scripture should I be reading daily to enhance my understanding of Jesus Christ?
    Community Answer
    The Gospels are always a good place to start, since they tell the story of Jesus Christ and his life and ministry. You may also find it beneficial to read about the early church in books like Acts to see examples of how Jesus worked through his believers..
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    How do I live a life free from fear as a child of God that is as a Christian?
    Community Answer
    You'll never completely stop being afraid of some things—fear is as natural of a response to scary situations as pain is to physically harmful situations. But if you always remember that you believe in Heaven, the worst-case scenario in any situation is that you'll see the face of God a little earlier than you expected. And that can help you be brave.
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    I am saved and most of the people are looking upon me, but I have a problem with dating. I tried but I'm failing, what should I do?
    SR Byrd
    Community Answer
    Try praying to God, He listens and knows what you're going through. Also, try to read your Bible, Jesus's words relate to today just as well as they did 2,000 years ago. Just wait and see what plans God has for your life, He loves you more than you can imagine.
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