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Q&A for How to Activate a Fire Alarm
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QuestionHow can I smell carbon monoxide, which is an odorless gas?Community AnswerYou cant; get a carbon monoxide detector and put one in your kitchen and in all bedrooms.
QuestionAt my school, I've seen kids who looked like they were about to pull the alarm, but stopped at the last moment. Should this be reported?Community AnswerYes. This should be reported. Most likely they had a failure of nerve, but may end up actually pulling the alarm next time, so it's important the authorities know about it.
QuestionHow do I reset a fire pull station?Community AnswerNOTE: Only do this if you're authorized to do so! On most newer pull stations, a key is needed to reset it. Put the key in, twist until it opens, put the cover back on, and take the key out. Some older pulls may require an allen wrench to open it, instead of a key.
QuestionThe alarms at my school have braille on them. Some kids touch the alarm, and the trigger, but only to read the braille. Should this be reported?Community AnswerNo, you don't need to report someone just for touching the fire alarm, only if you see someone pull it (or even if you hear someone talking about pulling it).
QuestionCan I pull a fire alarm as a joke?Community AnswerNo. If you do, you'll get a citation and a large fine, and other possible unpleasant ramifications. It's not a toy, it's there to protect people, including you. Also, think about the people who have anxiety, illness, disabilities, etc., who will be harmed by having to get out of the building even though it's a false alarm. So, really no, you cannot pull it for a prank.
QuestionWhat is the small glass bar in my school's fire alarm?Community AnswerThe glass rod is the indication that this pull station has been activated and to serve as a deterrent to criminals who pull them as a prank.
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