Q&A for How to Address Nuns

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    Can I send a package to a particular sister in the monastery?
    Community Answer
    Yes, although note that it may reach her at varying times of the year. Some convents only allow sisters to receive packages and letters on their feast day, birthday, Christmas, Easter, etc., and it may also depend upon her stage in formation.
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    How can a teenager/child address a nun?
    Community Answer
    A nun should be addressed as "Sister" by anyone of any age. The superior of a religious house of nuns is addressed as "Reverend Mother."
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    What should I do if I'm unsure?
    Community Answer
    Nuns are usually addressed as 'Sister', but if you are unsure, the best thing to do is to ask the nun herself how she likes to be addressed. The main things are to be respectful and polite.
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    How should I address a head nun?
    Kim G
    Top Answerer
    The head of a convent or monastery should be addressed as Reverend Mother. If she has not attained the rank of Mother Superior, then she should be addressed as Sister.
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    How should a child/teen address a nun?
    Amelia Jacobs
    Community Answer
    The same anyone else addresses a nun. Age does not change the amount of respect needed.
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    How do I act in front of a nun?
    Badhger Gaming
    Community Answer
    Just act normal around her. If your “norm” seems somewhat inappropriate to you, treat her like you would your grandmother.
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    Is there any reference to addressing a nun, specifically a Mother Superior as "Avise?"
    Top Answerer
    A mother superior is an abbess or prioress. 'Avise' means (verb) to look at; to view; to think of; to advise; to counsel; to consider; to reflect. A noun is aviser, which today is spelled adviser. A Mother Superior is known as an Advisor, but is mostly referred to as Mother, or Mother Superior.
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