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Q&A for How to Adjust a Rear Bicycle Derailleur
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QuestionMy rear derailleur does not have a barrel adjuster. How do I adjust it without this?Community AnswerUse the tension adjuster at the gear shifter at the handlebars located under the shift system at the base of the cable housing.
QuestionI have a 7-gear rear derailleur. Recently it started to jump up by 1 gear. For example, if the gear shifter is at 6, it settles into 7 automatically. Moving from 6 to 5 actually moves the gear from 7 to 6. How do I resolve it?Community AnswerAdjust your barrel adjuster until it drops into the correct gear, which may require adjusting the cable at its anchor point first.
QuestionWhat if the cog is spinning without engaging the wheel?Community AnswerIf the cog is spinning, it's most likely that the chain itself is out of line. Guide the chain back onto the a gear and hand-pedal it forward gently until it clicks in.
QuestionMy 11-speed will not shift up into the highest (32) cog. Is this a limit screw problem?Community AnswerIf your bike used to be able to shift up to the highest cog but does not now, it is more likely the cable. Derailleurs generally don't go out of adjustment once properly set (unless the derailleur hanger is bent). Tighten the cable by adjusting the barrel adjuster out (counter clockwise). If that does not work, you may need to change the cable.
QuestionWhy are there shards of metal coming from underneath my crank?Community AnswerYour bottom bracket could be over-tightened, causing the crank to shred and cut off metal from around the housing.
QuestionWhat is a derailleur hanger?Community AnswerIt is a metal piece distinguishable by its shiny metal. It is there to protect the bike; if the derailleur is damaged, your bike doesn't shift well.
QuestionHow do I install a new derailleur?Community AnswerFirst, remove the chain and then remove the tension cable. Next, unscrew the rear derailleur from the frame. Then, thread the chain through your new derailleur and screw the new derailleur onto the frame. Finally, re-attach the tension cable and adjust it using the steps shown above.
QuestionThe rear gear will not move from the 5th gear to the 6th without shifting 3 times. How do I fix it?Community AnswerKeep it lubricated so it shifts quickly.
QuestionWhat do I do if my chain slips over the teeth? Is there a tension adjustment for the derailleur?Community AnswerThat could be due to an old chain or old gears. An old chain will have either worn out or stretched links that no longer fit the teeth. Old gears can have worn out spaces between their teeth so that the chain doesn't match up with the gearing and can't hold like it should. This is more likely to happen when the system is under a lot of pressure and on gears that are used more than others. This is assuming by slipping you mean the chain doesn't move gears but just slips a few teeth of the gear. You can measure a chain to see if its insides are worn out and if it is the correct length. If that all adds up, it will mean you need to replace the freewheel or the small front chain rings.
QuestionHow do I adjust a grip shifter on my bike?Community AnswerShifters (lever or grip) generally don't need service. They may need lubrication once in a while.
QuestionIs the only way to tighten a chain on these bikes by loosening the rear wheel and pulling it back?Community AnswerIf you’re talking about a single speed/fixie with horizontal dropouts, then yes, pulling the wheel back is one way to adjust the chain tension. On my single speed, I use 2 metal parts called chain tensioners that keep the wheel in the correct position once adjusted correctly. But there are also other ways, such as installing a chain tensioner (different - this is a small cog on an arm) or an eccentric bottom bracket.
QuestionI cannot align the derailleur with the sprockets, especially the largest one.Rudy TothCommunity AnswerYour rear derailleur has two screws one that state L for Level (Out) and the other being H for Height, when you change gears for the rear side. These should be adjusted with much care, for it will take you hours to get the right adjustment.
QuestionWhy is my rear derailleur riding on the cassette?Community AnswerIt is likely that the chain is too long. You'll need to shorten the chain enough that the spring-loaded derailleur’s jockey wheels take up enough slack so that the derailleur doesn't ride on the cassette when the bike is in the highest gear.
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