Q&A for How to Allocate More RAM to Minecraft

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    After using method one, my Minecraft still runs at 38-42 fps, and it only uses 1250 MOB out of the 4,000 I assigned it. How do I fix this?
    Community Answer
    RAM isn't the only thing that contributes to the amount of FPS. You need to consider how powerful your CPU is and what your graphics settings are in game. My suggestion is try lowering your render distance and particles. Also, make sure V-Sync is off, as this does limit your frame rate. Another thing you could try is installing Optifine, which gives you more control over your graphics settings.
  • Question
    If I have 2 GB of RAM, do I use -Xmx1G or -Xmx2G?
    Community Answer
    I would say the first one, as you would then allocate 1 GB of RAM, and you don't want everything else on your computer quitting.
  • Question
    My newly built computer has 16 GB total of RAM. Am I okay to allocate half of it to Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    16 BG is a lot of space.You shouldn't need all 8 GB to play Minecraft.
  • Question
    If I allocate too much RAM, what is the command to remove some of the RAM?
    Community Answer
    There is no command, you just input the command to go lower. If you put too much, you'll see your computer go slower.
  • Question
    I have 3.19 GB usable and 64 bits. Should I use 1.5 GB for Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how much total RAM you have. Allocating too much RAM to Minecraft could actually make your game run more slowly. If you have at least 6GB total then you should be ok if you allocate 1.5GB to Minecraft. However, allocating more than the standard 1GB is usually unnecessary for performance unless you are using texture packs or mods.
  • Question
    If I have 6 GB of total RAM, how much RAM should I input?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what else you have running in the background. If nothing, you could put 3-4 GBs.
  • Question
    What do I do if it says couldn't reserve space when I have plenty ready for it?
    Community Answer
    This means you don't have enough RAM for starting Minecraft. Try restarting your computer; if that doesn't work, press CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE then see where RAM is being used and try to free some.
  • Question
    Can I allocate 3.5 GB of RAM to Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you would need a x64 or 64-bit version of Windows or Mac. It is also recommended to only allocate a maximum of one quarter 1/4 of your total usable RAM. Anything under this amount is perfectly fine to allocate.
  • Question
    What is the recommended amount of dedicated RAM I should have for a server?
    Aidan Gamerdude
    Community Answer
    If you expect 1 - 5 players, then allocate about 512 MB. However, if you plan to do intensive tasks (TNT, a lot of mobs, etc.) allocate more. For every 5 additional players, just bump it up by another 512 MB.
  • Question
    I have 2gb RAM in a 32 bit PC. Can I allocate 1.5GB to Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can, but it might not be a good idea considering you only have 512MB of RAM on your computer. It's like giving family size chocolate bar to a kid, and giving a lollipop to a family.
  • Question
    What do I do if my Minecraft server crashes periodically?
    Community Answer
    Look at your mods and if they need to be updated, update them. There should be crash reports in the .minecraft files located in your %appdata%.
  • Question
    How much RAM should I allocate to Minecraft if I only have 3 gigs ram with 2.6 gigs usable?
    Community Answer
    I would say 1.2-1.5 gigs, you typically don't want to give more than 1/2 of your system's ram to a program, but I have found that if that game is all you have open, you can typically run it at just 1 gig under the systems RAM, meaning on my 4G laptop I could run with 3G, or in your case you could run at 2 gigs, though as I said, this is typically not recommended.
  • Question
    How much maximum RAM I could dedicate to the game if I have only 4GB of ram?
    Community Answer
    Give it 2GB of RAM: this will make it so everything else doesn't start lagging and crashing if you add more.
  • Question
    I have 4, I allocate 2 and it gives me an error, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Really, unless you're hosting for 10 or more people, 2 gb is overkill. Try giving just 1 gb. But to answer your question, perhaps you don't have enough RAM.
  • Question
    I have 8 GB RAM, should I put it 1 GB or 2 GB?
    Community Answer
    4 GB RAM if you have 8 GB.
  • Question
    I have 8 GB RAM and my computer says that it doesn't have enough space in memory even though it shows only 2 GB used. How do I resolve this issue?
    Community Answer
    There could be a number of issues on your computer. Do you have a paging file? Not having one has been known to slow Windows down a lot. Do you have other programs open? Those take up RAM, so close out of the ones you don't need. Do you mean you allocated 2 gigs to Minecraft? Or do you mean Task Manager only shows 2 GB used? If the latter is correct, there might be something wrong with your PC. However, if "it shows only 2 GB used" is talking about Minecraft's allocation, then the other questions apply.
  • Question
    What is a good percentage of allocated RAM?
    Community Answer
    Between 4 and 8GB is recommended for Minecraft.
  • Question
    My laptop doesn't have the file minecraft_server. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You have to go on minecraft.net and download the server file. Then run the file and you will have a minecraft_server folder.
  • Question
    What do I do if I get the Java virtual machine error in Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    You either tried to allocate too much RAM, or you may have typed something incorrect in the java arguments.
  • Question
    Do I start the new file or the server launcher first?
    Community Answer
    You would start the new file to begin the processing to run it.
  • Question
    How much RAM do I need to allocate if I have 8 GB, but I also run mods and have large cities?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If you run hundred of mods at the same time, I'd say 4 to 6GB is enough. But you also need to see if the mods/modpack you installed is well optimized. For example, I was running FTB Infinity Evolved with its +170 mods perfectly, but Minecraft Mage with ~120 mods was freezing every second.
  • Question
    I'm using the old launcher, and I've allocated it -Xmx3G. I've got an 8G laptop, but it won't allow me to start the actual game. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    This shouldn't have anything to do with your RAM. Check out the error and log. Check around on the internet.
  • Question
    Is this possible to put more RAM into Minecraft on the Pocket Edition?
    Community Answer
    Since the Pocket Edition is for phones, you would need to increase the storage on your phone.
  • Question
    I have 32 GB of RAM. How much should I allocate to Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the texture pack you use. If you are going to play with normal textures, allocate 4 GB. If you are going to use things like shaders, allocate 8 GB.
  • Question
    I have 3.78 GB ram and have allocated 2 GB to Minecraft. Is that safe?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend allocating less than that. It is usually the safest when you allocate 1/4 of your total RAM, which in your case is 512 MB.
  • Question
    I input 5 GB of RAM, but it's still only using 1. How can I fix this?
    Community Answer
    Not all 5 GB are used. Apps will only use up as much RAM as they need in the moment. It's not something you can fix. Try doing intensive tasks (e.g. high particle settings and TNT) and see if the RAM usage goes up.
  • Question
    I'm confused. When I make the advanced settings switch green, the only thing I can click is "Ok." What happens after that?
    Jay Pormei
    Community Answer
    Some cracked launchers don't exist in some advanced settings. What you're going to do is to use the official Minecraft launcher. Log into your account, then go to the "Launch Options" tab.
  • Question
    How do I know how much RAM to add to Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    If you're using 0 mods -- 2GB. If you're using less than 100 mods, get 4GB. If you're using between 101-200 mods -- 4-6GB. If you're using more than 201 mods -- 6-10GB.
  • Question
    I changed the JVM arguments to allocate 4 gigs of RAM, but when I try to run Minecraft with mods it says it's only using 512 MB. Can you tell me why?
    Jay Pormei
    Community Answer
    Try to use this command again: -Xmx4G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn512M . This is my argument that allocates more RAM to Minecraft to 4 GB.
  • Question
    How do I get more RAM to Minecraft if I have Tlauncher?
    Ypk Gaming
    Community Answer
    Click on the "Settings" icon on the bottom right of the Tlauncher window; you should be able to drag a circle to increase or decrease the amount of RAM you want. Then, click Save.
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