Q&A for How to Apologize to a Leo

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    How do you reconcile with a Leo?
    Tara Divina
    Vedic Astrologer
    Tara Divina is a California-based Vedic Astrologer. Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient, sacred art of self-understanding and divination. With nearly 10 years of experience, Tara gives personalized readings that answer her clients' biggest questions about relationships, money, purpose, career, and other big life decisions.
    Vedic Astrologer
    Expert Answer
    Apologize by telling them that you were wrong and they were right. Some Leos embody the characteristics of the lion, acting regal and courageous. They want to be treated like kings or queens and appreciate being told they are right.
  • Question
    What if a Leo needs a longer time to cool down?
    Community Answer
    Let them cool down. When you think they had cool down a bit, ask them. Tell them you're sorry and mean it.
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    What should I do if he doesn't answer my texts?
    Community Answer
    Maybe he hasn't cooled down yet. Give him some time and space, and if you see him in public, apologize. These conversations often work better when had face to face.
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    What do I do if a Leo won't respond to me?
    Community Answer
    Nothing, just got about your business.The more you distance yourself from him, the more he will try to win your attention back.
  • Question
    Are these things even true?
    Community Answer
    They typically work for Leos (as well as other people).
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    If I cheat on him again and again, will he still forgive you?
    Community Answer
    Probably not. Leos never forget, and loyalty is extremely important.
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    What is the best female match for a male Leo?
    Community Answer
    Sagittarius women are best matched with Leo men. Virgo women are the worst match for this sign because Virgos tend to be highly critical and Leo men do not like to be criticized.
  • Question
    My boss is a Leo, and we had an argument on Wednesday. I got so upset at him because he misjudged my character, so I walked away while he was talking to me. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    If you weren't fired, you're extremely lucky. Leos have no tolerance for disrespect, especially when directed at them. Apologize for your behavior by following the steps above, and try to make it up by going above and beyond with your work.
  • Question
    How do I calm my Leo crush down when he's got a short fuse and trying to fight all the time?
    Top Answerer
    This kind of temperament comes out of Leos if they feel disrespected or slighted. Ask him about it. If he doesn't simply brush it off after a few days, you've properly wounded his pride.
  • Question
    How do I say sorry as a Leo?
    Top Answerer
    Say the words 'I'm sorry' without it being followed by a "but" or other qualifier. Avoid acting like you've been wounded in some way. Stay humble. Actually follow through on corrections.
  • Question
    What stimulates a male Leo sexually?
    Top Answerer
    Just about anything that implies sex. Flirting, lingerie, slow jazz and the like. They won't care much about location or timing; what they do care about is eye contact and emotion.
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    What is the best male match for a female Leo?
    Top Answerer
    Gemini, Aries and Sagittarius will likely be your best matches.
  • Question
    If I slap a Leo and he doesn't forgive me, how do I save the relationship?
    Top Answerer
    With lots of patience and luck. Leo finds it difficult to forgive, especially someone who was trusted. Don't try to force anything; let him come back to you on his own terms.
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    I'm a Leo. And when it comes to apologizing, I never take people seriously. When you push me too far, everything we had is over. Should I stop being like that?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but remember that actions speak louder than words. If the other person is making an honest effort, make sure to recognize that. Also, it is never appropriate to use the zodiac to excuse your poor behavior and attitude toward others. It's still you doing the actions, not your star sign.
  • Question
    How can I apologize to my Leo boyfriend? I cheated on him and he now doesn't want me back.
    Community Answer
    Apologize in every single way you can. Leos forgive easily when they think that you honestly want them back and trust that you will be loyal. Try to give him all the gifts you can, but mainly give him space to relax. Prove him that you will be loyal to him from now and not cheat anymore. Make sure that you don't do it again, because Leos usually get angered very easily and, if repeated, may not forgive you.
  • Question
    How do I help build a Leo's pride back up when I broke it?
    Miss 'Lena
    Community Answer
    Stroke their ego, not only alone, but in front of their friends. They will definitely appreciate that.
  • Question
    I've been in a relationship with a Leo woman with one week. But one day I just got jealous of her cause she is messaging with her friend, and I intentionally showed her my phone showing my convo with a girl.
    Lexus Raven Sykes
    Community Answer
    The Leo woman would not be impressed by this, or become jealous. Don't assume the Leo girl texts her friend because she "wants" them. Although a week is still fairly new relationship, so you don't know but asking her is better than assuming anything.
  • Question
    What happened if you tell a Leo to leave? Will he come back to you?
    Lexus Raven Sykes
    Community Answer
    If you tell a Leo to leave, they'll leave. That's the one thing that you can actually tell they to do that they won't get rebellious for. It is an indicator that they aren't welcome in your life.
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