Q&A for How to Apply Natural Makeup for School

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    Can I skip adding contour?
    Community Answer
    Skipping contour is perfectly fine! Contour is only used to change/define your face shape and nothing more. If you feel confident in your own skin then there shouldn't be a problem!
  • Question
    What do I apply powder with?
    Community Answer
    You can apply powder with a beauty blender, a makeup brush, or if all else fails, your fingers will do.
  • Question
    Should I wash my face before applying makeup?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to, but it is much healthier for your face, as it can prevent acne and clogged pores.
  • Question
    What is best for seventh grade?
    Community Answer
    You can keep it simple. Avoid applying deep eyeshadow or heavy makeup, and try to look as natural as possible.
  • Question
    Can I wear natural makeup or any makeup in fifth grade?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Check your school handbook and make sure that it is allowed first. Also, run the idea by your parents to see if they agree to you wearing makeup. If they agree, then I don't see why not! Just remember to be responsible when wearing makeup, and don't wear too much. I would stick with powder, eyeshadow, mascara, and tinted lip balm.
  • Question
    What should I wear if I'm in 4th grade? I know that seems young, but I want to look nice for special occasions.
    Community Answer
    First, ask your parent's permission, you want to run the idea of makeup by them before you do anything. When I was in 4th grade, I wore powder, light eyeshadow, and tinted lip balm as my daily makeup. The powder should be enough to hide any blemishes on your face and brighten up your complexion. The light eyeshadow color will make your eyes seem bigger and balance out your face. The tinted lip balm is good for chapped lips, and to make your lips seem pinker and nicer.
  • Question
    Do I have to apply toner even if I don't need it?
    Community Answer
    Pretty much everything is optional, so if you feel like you don't need toner, go ahead and skip it.
  • Question
    How do I apply natural makeup that covers up scabs/scars from spots on my face?
    Community Answer
    You could use a foundation powder, which is more natural and easier, but isn't full coverage. I would also apply the tiniest bit of concealer and dab it in, then apply the powder, as then it looks more natural. But you don't need to hide who you are, even with scars/spots, etc. Be you!
  • Question
    Can I use concealer to cover acne?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Concealer works great for this purpose, just make sure to find one that matches your skin tone.
  • Question
    What is a good beginner makeup kit?
    Community Answer
    A good beginner makeup kit would contain: moisturizer, concealer, powder, clear brow gel, and a tinted lip-gloss. When you feel confident enough to wear more, feel free to add foundation, bronzer, blush, mascara, etc.
  • Question
    Do I have to wear makeup to feel confident in school?
    Community Answer
    Not at all! Check out the tips in Look Your Best Without Makeup at School .
  • Question
    So, I want to wear a light blush and a bit of mascara, but I don't know if my mom will allow it. How do I convince her that it's to make me feel more confident, and that I'm not trying to change me?
    Community Answer
    Try going up to her when she's in a good mood and ask her politely. Explain to her that you want to use it to enhance your natural beauty. You can practice in front of a mirror to become more confident when you ask her.
  • Question
    Can I apply contour or blush lightly?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Just dab off the excess and then apply. Be sure to blend it out thoroughly.
  • Question
    Is bronzer, mascara, and concealer needed?
    Community Answer
    Bronzer, mascara, and concealer isn't needed. Maybe you don't want to wear makeup at all or just wear blush or certain makeup products. No makeup at all, some makeup, and a full face is all gorgeous.
  • Question
    I'm in year 6 (I'm British) and my school has a strict no makeup policy. I tried making it super natural once but my teacher still knew. Is there any way to wear makeup without getting caught?
    Community Answer
    It's very unlikely. If your teacher knows that you had makeup on, they'll remember how you look with any makeup no matter how natural and light. Maybe wait till the following year, with new teachers.
  • Question
    My mother does not allow me to wear makeup or fake tan. She won't let me go to a beauty salon. I am ugly, can I still be Barbie?
    Community Answer
    You are beautiful with or without makeup or a tan. You're not ugly, you're special! Besides, being Barbie isn't being beautiful; it's hiding your true beauty and who you are as a person. And fake tans involve chemicals that may not be healthy for your body.
  • Question
    Do you have to wear foundation or concealer?
    Community Answer
    No. It is totally up to you what you have and what you do and don't wear! You can wear what you have to make it your own style.
  • Question
    What types of makeup would you think be best for me if I am in sixth grade and have super oily skin?
    Shenoa Teng
    Community Answer
    If you have oily skin, try using a mattifying primer before you put makeup on, then a mattifying concealer/foundation and set with a translucent powder. You can also put the primer in places where you get really oily and powder after. You can then continue the rest of your makeup. During the day, if you notice you still get oily, carry a travel-size translucent powder or oil blotting sheets to try and tone it down.
  • Question
    Would a pop of glitter in the corner of the eye be too much?
    Shenoa Teng
    Community Answer
    You can use a highlighter to put in the corner of your eye to make your eyes look more open and awake. It is not too much, as long as you aren't going overboard. Just don't put it in your actual eye, that will be irritating and harmful.
  • Question
    What if I don't have concealer?
    Shenoa Teng
    Community Answer
    You don't need concealer to complete a makeup look. You can use any type of base product to try and cover.
  • Question
    Is 13 too young for makeup?
    Community Answer
    It depends on who you ask. Just don’t go overboard. You don't need to look like you're 25.
  • Question
    Can or should I add eyeliner?
    Community Answer
    It’s best to save the eyeliner for special occasions. Even if your school doesn’t have makeup restrictions, eyeliner isn’t the best idea for daily use, especially during PE, because it could smudge.
  • Question
    What skincare should I use?
    Community Answer
    Bubble is a very good and cheap skincare brand you can find at Walmart and Ulta. If you want to go more high end, Fresh and Tula are good brands to invest in.
  • Question
    What if I don't apply foundation?
    Community Answer
    Use concealer instead to cover up any dark circles or blemishes, and blend it in with a sponge or clean fingers.
  • Question
    Should I put mascara on the bottom lashes and on top? Or is just the top more casual?
    Jenn Cornelia
    Community Answer
    If you want to make your eyes pop more, put some on the top lash, but if you want your lashes to look longer, go with both.
  • Question
    Should I wear makeup to school?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you want to, but keep it minimal: concealer, mascara, light blush and a bit of gloss is really all you need.
  • Question
    Which mascara would you recommend?
    Community Answer
    Some good ones include Essence Lash Princess, elf Lash & Roll, L’Oreal Telescopic, Fenty Beauty, Hella Thicc and Mac Lash Stack.
  • Question
    How do I limit large pores with my makeup?
    Community Answer
    Use a primer that will blur your pores. Some good pore blurring primers include Laura Mercier Pure Canvas, Maybelline Master Prime, Smashbox Photofinish and the NYX Pore Filler Stick.
  • Question
    I am a tomboy, but I still want to look cute and pretty. What type of makeup should I use?
    Community Answer
    Try using concealer and only a bit of blush and lipstick. This will make you look less girly, but still cute and pretty.
  • Question
    How do I ask my parents about putting on makeup?
    Community Answer
    Look up the makeup you want (moisturizer, bb cream, and lip gloss are good with most parents) and come up with reasons why you want them (try not to say, "Everybody else is wearing makeup!" as this rarely works). Then talk to your parents at a time when they are not busy, angry, or stressed. If they say no, don't whine or argue. Let them think it over and try asking again in a few weeks or a month.
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