Q&A for How to Attend an Anime Convention

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    Are hentai body pillows acceptable?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the kind of convention you are attending and its intended audience. Not everyone accepts hentai body pillows, and you may get some harsh comments or remarks.
  • Question
    Should I still register if I'm just checking the convention out?
    Community Answer
    Depending on the convention, you do not have to register at all if you just wish to hang out in the halls. Keep in mind that, without a badge, you will not be able to enter the dealer's hall or artist's ally. You also won't be able to attend events such as concerts, panels, and masquerades.
  • Question
    What do you do if there is somebody with the same costume as you? Do you just change it?
    Community Answer
    No, it doesn't matter if someone is wearing the same cosplay as you. There will be plenty of people with the same costumes. Take pictures with them!
  • Question
    How old are you supposed to be to get in?
    Community Answer
    If you are accompanied by an adult, usually any age. Without an adult, you will often need to be at least 17. You will need to check your local con's website though as the age ranges may vary.
  • Question
    How early should I show up?
    Community Answer
    Conventions have long lines. Some people camp outside to be first in the door. Be a few hours early and have all the necessary arrangements in check (daily essentials, water, snacks/lunch, a cozy blanket to snuggle with while you're waiting). Take a book or tablet to keep your mind occupied during the wait.
  • Question
    I'm so nervous. How do I fit in?
    Community Answer
    You'll find others with similar interests. Be friendly and open and willing to engage in conversations with strangers, and you'll be just fine.
  • Question
    I'm a girl, what should I wear to go to the Anime Con?
    Community Answer
    You can cosplay as your favorite character if you want, but you don't have to. Just make sure whatever you're wearing is comfortable.
  • Question
    How much money should I bring to a con?
    Community Answer
    You should bring enough money to pay for your food and water for each day that you are attending. If you plan on visiting the dealers' hall and artists' alley, plan on bringing some extra money.
  • Question
    Are there any good raves at a con?
    Community Answer
    Some do. Ask around.
  • Question
    If I'm cosplaying at a convention (AX), do I have to wear my badge or keep it near me? My mom is coming with me (I'll be in my early teens), so should she hold it?
    Top Answerer
    Always wear your badge.
  • Question
    Do I have to wear a costume to go to the convention?
    Community Answer
    No. Unless your costume is reasonably comfortable, it would probably be a better idea not to cosplay, especially if it's a 2-4 day convention. If you don't have access to a washing machine, your costume may also start to smell. I would probably wear my costume for 1-2 days and the last day or two just wear some comfy clothes. With that said, if you're determined to cosplay, just do it.
  • Question
    How do I ask a cosplayer if I can take a picture them?
    Community Answer
    Just ask if you may take their picture. Most people would either say yes or politely say no.
  • Question
    How can I overcome my shyness and behave more like my character?
    Community Answer
    Just focus on your character's style, behavior, and actions. Try to think you're in their mind, and just have fun.
  • Question
    I am planning on going to a convention with my friend. We are 12, and she's gone several times, while this will be my first. Any advice in general?
    Top Answerer
    Show up as early as you can to get the most out of your time there. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, as you will be on your feet for most of the day. If you are planning to split up and do different things during the day, have a meetup point, and have fully-charged phones so you can contact each other -- cons can get very busy/crowded!
  • Question
    How many animes should I be a fan of to be sure I'll get enough enjoyment out of a convention?
    Community Answer
    If you force yourself to have fun, you really won't enjoy the experience. Say you're a fan of three different anime - just focus on those three. If you have a friend who likes a different anime than you, go with them to check it out and maybe you'll garner an interest for it. It's totally fine to check out new things, but don't "force yourself" to be a fan of new anime when you really aren't.
  • Question
    If I'm going to attend the signing session, should I bring my own paper or it will be provided?
    Community Answer
    Bring your own paper, an autograph journal, or a piece of merchandise that you want signed. It depends on the convention, but usually paper is not provided.
  • Question
    What time should I get to the convention?
    Community Answer
    You should get there between a half hour and an hour before it starts.
  • Question
    What should I do if I don't know which hotel to rent?
    Community Answer
    Check the convention's website; they often have lists of recommended hotels that you can reserve. You can also do some research on past convention information to see if other people have posted about any good hotel experiences.
  • Question
    What if I'm under 18 (i.e. can't go alone) and live in the middle of nowhere (i.e. no conventions nearby)?
    Community Answer
    You need a parent or someone older than 18 to take you. Children won't be accepted in unless with a guardian.
  • Question
    What do you mean by 'badge'? I'm about to go to my first anime convention and I have already bought tickets, do I still have to wait in line?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The first day, you will bring your tickets with you, and wait in the preregistered line. At the front of this line, they will verify your identity and take your tickets, giving you a (usually plastic) badge in exchange. This is what gets you into all the con areas. Do not lose this. Some cons won't replace a lost badge, and most have very strict badge checks at every entrance to every event, as well as the dealer's room/artist's alley.
  • Question
    How old must you be to run a booth?
    Community Answer
    This will depend on the convention. Information like that should be on the con's website.
  • Question
    Does it cost money to get into a convention?
    Community Answer
    It completely depends on the convention, but many do have an entrance fee that varies widely in price.
  • Question
    If I'm going to cosplay, should I bring one or a couple of different costumes?
    Community Answer
    If you're just going to be at the convention for one day, you probably don't need more than one costume. However, if you're going to be there for several days, you can bring a couple and wear one on the first day, a different one on the next, and so on.
  • Question
    I am going to a meet up at the convention I'm attending and it is my first time. Should I cosplay on my first convention or will people at the meet up be okay with not dressing up?
    Community Answer
    It really depends. If you want to cosplay, then you should do it. I'm sure that they would be okay with you not dressing up. Remember, you don't have to go all out on a costume. You can do subtle things, like have a purse with a picture of a character on it or the name of an anime.
  • Question
    I am wearing ears and a tail, but it's not based on any anime, does it have to be?
    Community Answer
    No, you can wear whatever you want.
  • Question
    I'm almost a teenager. A couple of friends and I are going to a convention in 6 months, and we're worried about cosplay. What should we do if someone approaches us?
    Community Answer
    If somebody approaches you, stay calm! They most likely just want to either talk to you, ask you a question, or even take a photo with you. Remember, anime conventions are great for making friends!
  • Question
    I’m a girl, is it ok to cosplay as an anime character who is a guy?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can! If people make rude remarks or comments, ignore them or laugh it off. To make things a little easier, you could do a genderbend.
  • Question
    Can I go to a con for a specific anime, like Sailor Moon, etc.?
    Community Answer
    Not usually, but you can go to any convention with any costume, so feel free to wear whatever you want.
  • Question
    Does my cosplay have to be an anime character?
    Top Answerer
    No! You can cosplay from a movie, TV show, cartoon, comic book, and more! There will be tons of other people who aren't dressed up as an anime character, so you have the freedom to cosplay as whoever you want!
  • Question
    Do you have to stay at a hotel or can you stay at your house for the convention? This will be my first one and I am really confused.
    Miracle Johnson
    Community Answer
    That depends on how close you are to it. If you can get up early and it is far away, you can stay at home.
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