Q&A for How to Avoid Becoming a Script Kiddie

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    What's the difference between a hacker and a script kiddie?
    Community Answer
    The difference comes down to knowledge and experience. Real hackers know much more about computers, software, coding, etc. and can write original scripts while script kiddies rely on exploiting the work of hackers.
  • Question
    How do I know if someone is a script kiddie?
    Community Answer
    Script kiddies will often brag about being a hacker and this will include showing off pictures of them using other people's programs to "hack" into stuff. They will also use big words like assembly and console when they do not understand one bit what these words mean. They will make no attempt to actually learn anything to do with programming.
  • Question
    Where is there an example of what a script kiddie actually is?
    Community Answer
    Basically teens who use hacking tools while having no idea how they actually work because defacing websites and creating botnets is fun. They tend to brag a lot about how they're the best hacker too. It's not actually an age specific term, people of any age can be script kiddies, but their childish behaviour is the reason for the term.
  • Question
    How do script kiddies use malware?
    Community Answer
    Script kiddies usually use malware and online hacks that are free and are used as a way to be a black hat-like hacker, with no knowledge of what the actual gain or effect the malware can cause.
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