Q&A for How to Be Anointed (Christianity)

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    Do I need to fast before I can get the spirit of prophecy?
    Zakiyyah Nance
    Community Answer
    The spirit of prophecy is something that God gives to people he feels can handle it and can be trusted to use it appropriately. Fasting to receive the gift of your choice is probably not going to work. I think you should pray for his will and he will give you what you need instead of what you want.
  • Question
    How do I receive the gift of prophecy and healng?
    Community Answer
    You can pray and ask God to give you the gifts that he has intended for you. Be open. It's a gift -- not necessarily something that every Christian has or needs.
  • Question
    Which type of oil should I use to anoint myself?
    Community Answer
    Plain olive oil is ideal for anointing oil.
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    How long does the anointing takes to perform?
    Community Answer
    Being anointed should not take you more than a few minutes if you truly put your faith in God.
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    Can children be anointed?
    Community Answer
    There is no age requirement for anointing. It can be administered to all, including non-Christians.
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    Can a person speak in tongues without being saved or while still having sins?
    Community Answer
    Speaking in tongues is something you do if you have a very close relationship with God and know about the Holy Spirit and what He does for you. It's a gift from the Holy Spirit; those are different for everybody, so some never get to speak in tongues. 'Still have sins' is not the right way to put it, because we all have sins. We sin every day because human's nature is sinful. That's why we need God. But one cannot speak in tongues without knowing God.
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    Can I anoint myself with oil?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Place some oil on your thumb and make a sign of the cross on your forehead before continuing your prayers.
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    When I start praying my hands start vibrating and shaking fast and the type of shaking like electric impulses if I may ask what does it imply? What gift do I have?
    Community Answer
    This is the Holy Spirit, he comes in many ways. It doesn't necessarily mean you have a gift (though you do have one, God gives one to everyone). This means Jesus is connecting with you. God wants to know you, and he is making that known to you.
  • Question
    I perform healing and deliverance. Do I have a prophetic anointing?
    Top Answerer
    A prophet speaks supernaturally in a way that reveals the true person of Jesus Christ. The evidence of their prophetic anointing is the consistency of their behavior, not a performance or an act. Not everyone who says they have done miracles in Jesus' name will be allowed to enter His kingdom. Are you living as Jesus said to live? Are you encouraging others to follow Jesus... in your words and in your behavior?
  • Question
    Why do you put a sign of the cross when you anoint? When I have seen others anointed, no sign of the cross was made.
    Top Answerer
    The sign of the cross is simply a symbol put into practice by the Church. There is no scriptural instruction to use any symbol when anointing with oil, so some Christians do not uphold that specific practice. This is perfectly fine.
  • Question
    Is it possible that I might have a reprobate mind if I do things without feeling sorry for them?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it is possible that a person who feels no remorse may have a reprobate mind. It is also possible that such people have simply hardened their hearts and willfully trained their conscience not to alert them, or they have learned how to ignore the inner voice of their conscience. However, those who ask such a question should also be able to ask God to soften their heart, begin to pursue life in their conscience, and make earnest efforts to live obediently to God.
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    How can I consecrate myself for anointing?
    Top Answerer
    Consecration is an act of setting apart something for holy purposes. Christians may set themselves apart through a variety of spiritual disciplines. Paul recommended studying the Word of God in order to seek God's approval. This could involve reading and reflection while asking the Holy Spirit to reveal how to live obediently. It may be helpful to journal any spiritual insights that you discover. Fasting is a discipline of the body, denying yourself food for a short period of time while devoting yourself more to seeking to know God better. Prayer is a spiritual practice of conversation with God; pray for God to work through you.
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    What words do I say when I draw the cross on my forehead with the oil?
    Top Answerer
    You may wish to say something similar to, "Jesus, Redeemer, I am Yours. I give myself completely to You. Be the King of my heart, the King of my soul, the King of my mind, the King of my words, the King of my attitudes, the King of my life. In Your faithfulness, remove my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness so that I serve You all the days of my life."
  • Question
    I have been praying more and asking God to fill me with His spirit, but it hasn't happened. Can someone help with prayer?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Ask a Spirit-filled believer to pray with you and teach you how to pray for an overflowing of God's Spirit that lives within you.
  • Question
    Why is it olive oil only?
    Top Answerer
    Olive oil was a very common oil available to the apostles. It continues to be used to this day in most churches.
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    My hands become hot and tingly, what does that imply?
    Top Answerer
    It may indicate that you have a circulation problem. Some people pray with lifted hands. If you find this causes discomfort, lower your hands in prayer, perhaps lifting them occasionally.
  • Question
    How will you know your gift?
    Top Answerer
    You may not "know" which gift that God intends for you. Like a child learning to stand, then walk, then run, you may grow in assurance of the gifts as you practice them. Let God work through you and expect to grow in grace as you serve Him consistently.
  • Question
    What are the signs that will make me know that God's anointing or the spirit of the Lord is on me?
    Top Answerer
    A person can know that they are anointed when they have a renewed love for God's Word, a tender heart that is broken and not prideful, a desire for more of God's presence through the Holy Spirit, a zeal to share the love of God with others.
  • Question
    How can my spiritual eye be opened?
    Top Answerer
    Our spiritual eyes are open when we stop being blind to our own sin or stop turning away from the Truth. This can occur through reflection upon relevant Scripture, giving the Holy Spirit to work in you and through you, and devoting yourself to prayer.
  • Question
    If everywhere is filled with the Holy Spirit, especially in the Church, and your body keeps vibrating but not really speaking, does it mean am connected?
    Top Answerer
    No. People often become emotionally charged when praying. Emotional responses include physical responses like crying or shaking. The shaking is not an evidence of spirituality. In fact, it can become a distraction from listening to the Holy Spirit. The true evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit is the transformation of your mind and your behavior.
  • Question
    How will I know which is my gift?
    Top Answerer
    The Holy Spirit will likely have you operate in the gift that is most needed in the situation in which you find yourself. If someone is sick, the most likely gift would be healing. If someone needs financial help, the gift will most likely be generosity. If someone is trying your patience, the gift will most likely be patience. Let God work through you in a supernatural yet practical way.
  • Question
    What is adoption of the Holy Spirit?
    Top Answerer
    Jesus described his true followers as being born again. This is because a person must become a member of God's family through faith in Jesus Christ. The Scriptures teach that we are enslaved to sin before we are transformed into obedient children of God. The Holy Spirit miraculously transforms a sinner into a child of God. We do not adopt the Holy Spirit. He works in us to adopt us into God's family.
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    Is sharing the word preaching?
    Community Answer
    Yes it is. By sharing the word, you are teaching about God. Preaching is the same.
  • Question
    What should I do before I will get anointed by God?
    Community Answer
    If you are in church, one usually proceeds to the altar and kneels quietly, thereby waiting for the anointing to come around to your place. Then get up and follow on back to your seat, or exit the church.
  • Question
    What are the 15 spiritual gifts?
    Community Answer
    The 15 spiritual gifts are: Love, joy, peace (patience), prudence, kindness, gentleness, thoughtfulness, generosity (magnanimity), wisdom, cheerfulness, forbearance, virtue, faithfulness, fortitude, and grace.
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