Q&A for How to Be Free from Sin

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    How can I receive the Holy Ghost through baptism?
    Community Answer
    Go find a local church that holds baptism events. In a proper baptism, you will be doused in the water, not just have it sprinkled on your head.
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    I like to watch the moon and throw full moon parties. Is that sinful?
    Community Answer
    No; you're appreciating nature, not worshiping it. You're celebrating a gift from God and thanking Him for the beauty of the night.
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    Is pleasuring yourself a sin?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your religious beliefs. Most schools of thought see masturbation as natural and a good way to relieve sexual tension, but some religions view it as a sin.
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    Something triggers me to speak against God, but I don't want to because I want to be God's best friend so I tend up speaking against that voice that tells me speak against God. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your pastor and ask for guidance. There's not much you can do except keep denying the voice.
  • Question
    Is non-payment of tithes a sin?
    Community Answer
    No. Jesus says (you can look it up) that tithing should be done cheerfully and not as an obligation. It is good to tithe but it is (from my understanding) not a sin to not tithe. If you do decide to tithe, tithe only what you can. Depending on your income, a good amount to tithe is 10%.
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