Q&A for How to Be Polite to Everyone

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    What if I don't like someone because they always have to have things their way?
    Community Answer
    Then just ignore them. If they think that the world revolves around them, then let them be trapped in their own bubble. If you have to be around that person, it's okay to (politely) stand up for yourself. Simply say, "That's fine for you, but I'm not doing it that way."
  • Question
    Why do we say hi to everyone?
    Community Answer
    It's just a way of showing that you are friendly, polite, and not arrogant.
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    I want to be helpful to others, but I always feel shy. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Start by doing simple things like opening a door for a teacher and helping a friend. Then your confidence will build up and you can start doing bigger things.
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    I am always rude with everyone. How can I change my attitude?
    Community Answer
    When you feel like you are going to give an unnecessary comment, try staying silent or just simply nod. Staying silent gives you a bit more time to think about what you could say and be polite, instead of blurting out something rude and getting into trouble.
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    How do I make friends with people who have different personalities?
    Bianca Apetroaei
    Community Answer
    Share about yourself and your background, and ask open-ended questions about them. If you don't like the direction the conversations going, change the subject.
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    I'm a broke high school kid, and I've got this friend, and we go out for food a lot. I really can't afford it. What should I do so I don't seem rude?
    Community Answer
    If you want to keep going out to meals with him, eat ahead of time and just get a drink at the restaurant. Otherwise, suggest other activities. You could grab a coffee or tea instead, or even invite him over to hang out at your house. If you want to make the situation clear, there's nothing rude about saying something like, "I like hanging out with you, but I can't really afford to go out to meals as often as we have been. Can we do something else?"
  • Question
    How do I start a conversion with someone I don't know?
    Community Answer
    Here are a few lines: "Hi, what's your name?" "Hi, I'm [insert name here]." Mention something about the class you are in or the job you are working at together. Ask when they started working there, what they're studying in school, or what they packed for lunch. Ask about their family or talk about the weather or their favorite subject in school, etc.
  • Question
    If I have behavioral problems, how should I deal with things?
    Community Answer
    Try to learn to calm yourself down and think through your emotions before reacting to situations or people. This will teach you to be more mindful of your words and behaviors. You may also need some professional help from a therapist to learn how to manage your behavioral issues effectively.
  • Question
    If I have 5 siblings, how do I make time to be kind to everyone?
    Community Answer
    Start with the little things and be consistent. Basic manners and a couple of compliments can go a long way. If a sibling does something big, recognize that as well. Be sincere, and realize that it doesn't take a ton of time to pay a little extra attention to others.
  • Question
    How do I react if people ask for financial assistance, but I'm a student and I can't afford to help?
    Community Answer
    Just tell them that. Say something like, "I'm sorry, I wish I could help, but I'm a student and very short on funds myself."
  • Question
    Sometimes It is hard for me to be polite to other people when I don't like them, is there a way to change this?
    Community Answer
    Go out of your way to perform an act of kindness for someone you don't necessarily like once a week. It will become a habit and you will become more tolerant of them.
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    How can I not show off?
    Community Answer
    Try to be modest when it comes to your talents. People respect modesty more than egotism, and showing off only serves to make people think you think you are better than them.
  • Question
    How do I change my personality when everyone already knows me as me?
    Jinx WildHeart
    Community Answer
    Whatever you do, be yourself. If you really want to change, be quiet for a week and then slowly change your personality to your liking.
  • Question
    So, I really hate people in general, is there a way I can make friends?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like you're being pretty judgmental. If you want friends, you're going to have to be a little nicer and a little more open-minded. Join a club or activity that sounds like fun to you. You'll probably meet similar people there. Talk to people and get to know them. You don't have to like everyone, but if you don't give people a chance, you'll never make any friends.
  • Question
    If someone is not polite with us then how should we react with that person?
    Community Answer
    Be polite to them, even if you think they should be knocked out. A lot of people have no manners now and it shows, but as long as you have manners and are respectful, then that's all that matters. Even if the other person you are talking to has none. So, just be kind, or maybe try to leave the conversation with them.
  • Question
    How can I stay calm at my wife and love her without shouting at her?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    On street corners, you often see little footpaths worn out of the grass made by people cutting the corner through the grass instead of following the pavement. It could be that you've been shouting at your wife for so long that it's become a habit. Break that habit by paying focused attention not to shout every time you speak. After a while, not shouting will become the habit. However, whoever yells first loses. Because if a person has an excellent argument and an insult, they always present the argument first. If you shout, you only do so because you have nothing better to say. Find out what frustrates you, think about what you want, think and feel, and communicate that.
  • Question
    I have this friend who’s mean to me, but I still want to be her friend. But I kinda want to end things now. How do I do it in a polite way without hurting her feelings?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Ending a friendship will always cause some hurt; that can't be avoided. A confrontation often causes a lot of grief for both of you, so perhaps letting it fade out naturally could be your way to go. When she wants to hang out, you 'have other plans'. When you meet, say 'hi' and 'how are you', but don't talk for too long and don't share personal thoughts and feelings. Keep those conversations short. However, instead of ending the friendship altogether, I would strongly recommend you stand up for yourself first: "Look, we're friends! You are mean to me, and that's not right."
  • Question
    How can I remove my arrogant character and be polite instead?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Think about being polite as often as you can, and act on it at every opportunity. Sooner or later it will come more naturally, and it will get incorporated into your behavior and thoughts.
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    How can I remove shyness?
    Community Answer
    Start small. It's okay for things to take a long time. Just start by talking to someone you know okay, asking them to go to a coffee shop or another public place. If you get too scared, that's fine, there's always next time. If you are able to get through coffee with the person, that's a great step. Keep talking to people, just small talk at first, until you feel ready to step out of your comfort zone.
  • Question
    I try to resolve the drama at work with confrontation but the coworker whom the problem is with runs from me. It gets nowhere she always tries to have the last word. Or never owns up to being wrong.
    Community Answer
    Inform a superior or member of HR of the situation and your want to deal with it directly, and ask if a meeting could be planned for you, the other worker and a member of HR.
  • Question
    How do I make a person who's untalkative and shy interact with others?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Human interaction is something we all crave. It is built into our DNA, our instincts; it's a basic need, like water, shelter and an internet connection. So even though this person doesn't talk much and is shy, you can safely assume the person wants to talk to people. Start from that mindset; you're not introducing the person to a new concept, you're showing a way to satisfy a desire already felt. Beyond that, don't force this person to a party with fifty people in attendance, or in a room with just one other person. Go for a party of four, and invite this person too. Do something outdoors.
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    I have an uncontrollable loud voice whenever I am angry, and I have said a lot of nasty things to people when upset. Please, how can I solve this problem?
    Community Answer
    A wise rabbit, aka Thumper, once said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothin' at all," in this case, that is very good advice. Think before you speak, and if you know you're prone to outbursts when you're angry, stop and walk away before you say anything. Bite your tongue. This is an issue that is not truly "uncontrollable." If you really cannot manage to curb your impulses, see a therapist.
  • Question
    How do I say hi? I'm really shy to say that to anyone.
    Community Answer
    You just have to get used to doing it. It gets easier. Start by talking to people you already know, like friends and family, and gradually work your way up to talking to strangers.
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