How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Be Popular
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QuestionI've moved to a new school and everyone is already in cliques. Which one should I try to join? What are some good qualities to look for in a group? How do I approach them and start a conversation?Community AnswerCliques of a few close friends are usually hard to join, and can even be nasty to people who try. You've got a better chance at joining a group with a common interest, whether they're officially a club or just a large bunch of friends. This also gives you a topic of conversation, since you know the group likes talking about sports, or art, or video games. Try to avoid groups that seem dominated by one person, or that try to manipulate you or make you pass "tests" to join them.
QuestionBut what if this doesn't work? Isn't it worse to try and fail than not to try at all?Community AnswerYou're probably worried about feeling embarrassed or made fun of. If you think the popular kids would be extra mean or bully you, don't even try to join them. They're probably just as cruel to each other. If you haven't seem them act that way, it's probably not as bad as you imagine.
QuestionI have a crush at school that is very handsome and popular. What do I do to get him to like me?Community AnswerFirst of all, don't act desperate. Start to hang out with his/her friends and eventually, your crush. Make him/her a usual friend and eventually get each other's numbers and meet up! After that, it's up to you. Just remember to be yourself!
QuestionI want to be popular, but I don't want to hang out with the popular kids. What do I do?Community AnswerDon't just try to be popular; try to be popular with the people you respect. If you don't know enough people like that, try joining a new after school activity or club.
QuestionI have friends who are very popular because they hang out with kids that are a year older and do bad things. Should I join in or not?Autumn SmithCommunity AnswerNever. Popularity is never a good excuse to do bad things. Stay where you are now with other friends and try to help those friends who are doing bad things to stop. They could get themselves seriously hurt.
QuestionHow do I get popular when people think I'm weird?Community AnswerDon't change who you are. You aren't weird; you're unique! Try joining a club or talking to different people. You never know who could become a good friend. Just keep putting yourself out there. The more friends you make, the more popular you'll become.
QuestionI always fear situations where I can be judged. What can I do to become more social?Community AnswerJust be yourself and find people who like the same things you do. And when you're ready, talk to other people. You just have to get out more and get out of your comfort zone.
QuestionWhat if I'm not in the same lunch period as my friends, but I don't want to make new friends?Community AnswerYou don't have to make new best friends or anything, just find someone you can chat with. Pick out a group of people you recognize, or someone you know from class, and say hi.
QuestionBut aren't popular girls mean? They are at my school because they think they're hotshots. I want to be friends with them, but they make out that they're too good for me.Community AnswerIf they're showing you that they're too good for you, why do you want to be their friend? Most people's answer to this question is because they're popular. No amount of popularity is worth devaluing yourself to win the friendship of people like that. Not all popular girls are mean, by the way.
QuestionWhat should I do if people only seem to like the rich girls, even when I always try to be friendly?Community AnswerYou should find people who are nice, and who like you for who you are and not for your money.
QuestionCan I be popular if I'm not slim?Community AnswerOf course! You do not need to be slim in order to be popular. If you want to get noticed, try being outgoing and getting to know people. If you feel confident in yourself, then that makes you more attractive to others too, so consider getting your hair done in a cute way or wearing some light makeup.
QuestionHow can I stop being sassy?NathanGatewood2Community AnswerTry doing one good deed a day. Compliment one person a day. People will respect you for that.
QuestionEveryone at my school hates me or bullies me. Isn't it easier just to move schools?Community AnswerMake sure a trusted adult knows how serious the bullying is. You can find bullying hotlines online where you can find support right away. Do this now while you and your parents consider a new school.
QuestionHow do I get my crush's attention?Community AnswerGo somewhere you know you'll see them. I go to football games at school because I know my crush will be there. Hang out with his/her friends, find common interests, introduce yourself to him/her, and maybe invite them out to a movie or something (with a group if that would make you more comfortable).
QuestionI pretty much have done all this stuff but don't seem to fit, what is something I could do about that?Community AnswerTry to find people who are dealing with the same thing you are. If you see someone alone talk to them! If nobody is ever alone, find someone who you know is really nice and just talk to them.
QuestionHow long will it take to become popular?Community AnswerIt completely depends on you. It could take a few weeks, a few months, or even longer. If you're more outgoing though, it won't take as long.
QuestionDo you think that popular girls dress cooler? Do popular kids like better dressed girls?Community AnswerI don't think popular girls necessarily dress cooler, but they might be dressing in a way that looks trendy or new or fashionable. It's not about dressing better, it's about dressing well, but that doesn't mean it has to look expensive either, just look well put together and it will create great first impressions.
QuestionI would really like to be popular and for the popular kids to know who I am and to invite me to their parties. But I don't think I am social enough. What should I do?Community AnswerThis article along with other articles that are similar will help you a lot. If you're more introverted, you'l have to push yourself a bit more than a naturally extroverted person to socialize and get involved in group activities. Expect that it will be uncomfortable and plan to "fake it till you make it."
QuestionAt my school popular girls dress cool act cool and know cool songs. Do I have to be like that to be truly popular?Community AnswerNo. You don't need to know songs to be cool. Be your own cool.
QuestionI want to be popular, but what if they laugh at me when I try?Community AnswerNobody should laugh at you for trying to be popular, as long as you aren't acting desperate or trying too hard. As long as you act like yourself, many people won't even notice your attempts to move up in the social ranking, it will happen naturally.
QuestionWhat do I do if I'm super shy?Community AnswerSometimes it's about just taking a step out of your comfort zone. Try talking to someone new, for example. Do not push yourself to do things that are too daring, or even dangerous, but it is safe to do something you haven't done before that will have a positive effect (like making a new friend). Be yourself with everyone, and talk to a wide variety of people once you get used to using your voice everywhere. If you want, join a club, but make sure it interests you so you don't find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
QuestionAs mentioned before, "Often, popular girls are not very nice girls." So we have to stop being nice to be like them. Does it actually work?Community AnswerYou don't have to stop being nice. There are different types of popular people. You can be nice or not nice and be popular, but being nice is a safer bet, as more people will tend to like you then.
QuestionWhat if I have social anxiety?Community AnswerPractice talking to one person at a time until you are their friend. Then when you have lots of friends, you can talk to 2 people and increase the number until you do not have social anxiety anymore.
QuestionI am Asian, and I'm not good at English because I moved to a new country a few months ago. Most of the students are American. I'm afraid of being bullied. Is it even possible to be popular among them?Tsuki ArtistCommunity AnswerIt is very possible! Americans tend to think kids from other countries are cool. Try to find a friend group to join, and tell them your stories of what life was like in Asia. They'll probably be very interested and curious. Make sure not to overdo it, though. Just be nice to everyone, and most of all, be confident.
QuestionWhat if I don't seem to fit in, or what if this doesn't work?Community AnswerIf you have problems fitting in, join clubs that have to do with something you enjoy. This way you will meet new people with the same interests as you. if the clubs still don't work, then try to greet anyone you see who you know. If you see someone in the halls, simply ask how they're doing, or how their day went. Ask if you can walk them to class. All you have to do is be nice and friendly and you shouldn't have any problems making friends.
QuestionAll the popular people at school hate me. How do I make them like me again?Community AnswerYou can't "make" people like you, and usually, the harder you try, the more it backfires. Just work on being the best, happiest version of yourself. Happy confident people are naturally attractive.
QuestionI'm not that attractive, and I'm about to start a new school. Any suggestions?Community AnswerI also changed schools. I just tried to be nice and friendly to everybody, even people outside my class who I barely knew. I also went out of my way to join clubs and take part in school events where I was able to show off my talents and meet new people. I highly recommend this approach. You may not become friends with everybody, but you should meet some people you're compatible with.
QuestionWhat if you go to school at home?Community AnswerJoin different clubs, and you will meet friends. Plan things for some weekends and invite them out. They should start inviting you out as well.
QuestionWhat do I do if the popular kids are a tight knit group, and if they don't want to get to know me?Kiandra BellCommunity AnswerMy friend says to "force yourself in there" so you can try that if you want to. But normally you have to put in some effort. It may turn out they're not your kind of group to hang around, in which case you'd just want to get your own friends. But if you really want to be friends with them, then introduce yourself, or get to know one of them first, then get to know the others and start hanging around with them. If it doesn't work out, then they weren't very good people from the start.
QuestionI don't normally wear makeup, but I really want to. Any advice?Community AnswerYou have to take the first step, and one day, show up with light makeup. Be prepared -- people will notice, and make comments, but the majority will be good ones. Make sure the look is something you're comfortable with and proud of, so that you feel confident and not ashamed of yourself.
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