Q&A for How to Be Popular on Scratch

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    Do you need to click on the link that the Scratch team sent to your email to share and comment on scratch after you have joined Scratch?
    Joris Joriukas
    Community Answer
    Yes, you have. It's just a verification link that allows you to share and comment on Scratch. If you don't click on that link, you will be still able to use Scratch, just without sharing and commenting.
  • Question
    How do I get a famous scratcher to follow me?
    Community Answer
    Don't send follow requests, that won't help at all. Just make good projects that you think a lot of people will like and hopefully a famous scratcher will find out about you and give you a follow!
  • Question
    I got banned even though I didn’t break community guidelines. It says something like the network was blocked. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try emailing them. Hopefully they will see it and unban you. Also, if you don't hear back for a few weeks to a month, try emailing them once again.
  • Question
    Can I advertise my projects?
    Community Answer
    No! Never advertise your projects on a trending or any project. You can get banned for doing this. If you see an "advertise here" project or studio, you can, but don't go overkill by doing it multiple times.
  • Question
    I do not know how to make good games on Scratch. I want to make a Five Nights at Freddy's Fan game on Scratch, but even tutorials do not work. There is always a problem with the code that I cannot fix.
    Community Answer
    You can use YouTube, Scratch, and other wikiHow tutorials to find out how. When you strike problems in your own programming though, you need someone knowledgeable to help out. One source of possible help is to go to a coding help studio on Scratch.
  • Question
    How to get my Scratch projects trending?
    Community Answer
    Trending is really hard and most scratchers don't get there. You can get trending by having people viewing, loving, and favoriting your projects. Just don't advertise because it doesn't work and you will lose some fans and followers.
  • Question
    I've been on scratch for almost 2 years now. I draw and post my art on there, but I feel like no one pays attention to it. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Add tags, like #art and #animations, so when someone looks those words up, your project comes up. Also, you can make a project related to the Scratch design studio and ask to add it, because whenever you do that, it will end up getting hundreds of views in a day.
  • Question
    My project got curated earlier this month. I’m gaining views, faces and loves but very little follows. And tips?
    Community Answer
    Always learn new methods and be nice and give feedback to people's projects.
  • Question
    I have been on Scratch for almost a whole year and still have the same number of followers. I want to become more famous, but I am not good at coding and get bored when I do it.
    Community Answer
    Don't get bored. Improve your skills. You can famous people's profile their first will be so terrible but the projects will be improving.So improve your skills and don't get bored.
  • Question
    How do I be really popular like Griffpatch or 9rainbowtails? I do all the stuff in there, and nobody really notices me.
    Community Answer
    It takes a while to become as popular as them. Make what you like making, and make projects that might get featured. Following others is a good way to get popular as well. Just do what you like to do and put it on some studios and slowly it will get noticed. Keep in mind that the two Scratchers you mentioned have been Scratching for years.
  • Question
    How do I get on trending?
    Community Answer
    To get your projects featured, make projects that are not targeted toward a specific group of viewers, and make projects that include lots of coding, such as a mouse train project.
  • Question
    I have been adding projects, but I have only 30 followers. How do I get more?
    Community Answer
    Make a few high-quality projects rather than lots of low-quality ones. Make what you enjoy and work hard. Adding them to studios can help, and so can engaging with the community. This means joining studios and chatting with people. It can take a while to get lots of follows.
  • Question
    How to get unblocked on Scratch if your permanently banned? and how to get lots of followers and views?
    V. Mikhail
    Community Answer
    If you feel like you are false-bannned, try contacting the Scratch Team for ban appeal, and to get a lots of followers and view (in legal and clean way ofc), you need to struggle make a cool projects, join community or studio and be open to the public so people may notice you.
  • Question
    How do people make such good sprites?
    raunak singh
    Community Answer
    You can make good sprites by drawing them, like animating on Scratch, or use some sprite from the web!
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