Q&A for How to Be a Billionaire

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    How old do you have to be to invest in business and buy stocks, real estate, and the like?
    Community Answer
    There is no specific age to start to be an investor. Warren Buffet started when he was 7 years old. Read up on what you want to invest in, and ask anyone you know who invests for tips.
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    How can I become a billionaire quickly if I am young?
    Community Answer
    Work hard and connect with people who have money. They may introduce you to investment and job opportunities.
  • Question
    When starting my own company, is it better to do so on a national level or an international level?
    Community Answer
    Often, it's better to start a company on a national level. When your company is gets big enough, you go international.
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    How can I save money when I'm so broke?
    Top Answerer
    You can't. But maybe you're not as broke as you think you are. Maybe you're just in the habit of buying things you don't absolutely ''need.'' Try living within your means. Don't buy anything unless you literally cannot survive without it. If you ever get un-broke, start saving a little bit of money every month. It doesn't have to be much. Just start saving. You'll surprise yourself after a while.
  • Question
    Can a singer become a billionaire?
    Community Answer
    Hypothetically, anyone can become a billionaire through any job, but realistically, no. Most wealthy musicians have amassed their wealth in other ways. If your dream in life is to become a billionaire, there are only a select number of jobs which could even allow a person to become one and even these jobs have next to zero odds. Instead of focusing on money, find something you love to do because having passion is the most important thing.
  • Question
    Can a 13-year-old become a billionaire? If yes, how?
    Top Answerer
    Every billionaire was once 13. Read books about investing. One good one is "The Making of An American Capitalist" about Warren Buffett.
  • Question
    How do I become a billionaire from being a writer?
    Top Answerer
    Write about a subject that is overwhelmingly fascinating to millions of people.
  • Question
    Can I be a billionaire mechanic with bad grades in high school?
    Community Answer
    If you work hard, anything is possible. However, you'd probably need to own an entire chain of mechanics workshops across a country, and offer something extraordinary over and above what other mechanics do for the billions to roll in. Perhaps focus first on improving those grades and broadening your talents before dreaming of your billions; it also pays to realize that money truly isn't all that matters in life.
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    How do I open my own business?
    Community Answer
    You should read other articles on wikiHow about starting your own business. For example, here is an article which should directly answer your question.
  • Question
    How can I quickly become a billionaire?
    Community Answer
    Invest in the right stocks.
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    If you are only a high school graduate, is it possible to become rich?
    Top Answerer
    Absolutely. You may have to work harder and smarter than all those college grads, but there are rich people who only finished high school and poor people with masters degrees and doctorates.
  • Question
    I will be retiring within the next seven years. How much should I be saving on a monthly basis so that I can earn not less than US1000.00 per month as my pension?
    Top Answerer
    Use an online retirement calculator to make this determination. They can be found on many financial websites. Just websearch "retirement calculator."
  • Question
    Should I just tell my parents to pay me so I earn more?
    Community Answer
    No. Unless you are actually working for your parents, there is nothing for them to pay you for. You could earn a little money by doing chores or jobs for your parents. But your parents have limited money, which they probably work hard to earn, and they need most of it for their own expenses. If you want to earn a lot of money, you will have to work for it yourself by getting a job, starting a business, and/or doing the other things suggested in the article when you're old enough.
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    Can I be a billionaire if I start a retail business?
    Top Answerer
    Possible. Not probable.
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    How do I start learning about the stock market?
    wikiHow Contributor
    Community Answer
    Search on the internet; Khan Academy is a good place to start. If you just want to get into the stock market, contact a broker.
  • Question
    I'm not asking to become a billionaire, but can I become a millionaire as an automotive designer with an average income of $80,000 - $110,000 per year?
    Top Answerer
    Absolutely, as long as you invest wisely and live within/below your means. It will take time, but if you can manage investing 20% of your income monthly, you will get there.
  • Question
    Can I have billions if I left school?
    Community Answer
    Anyone can have billions, it is just that most everyone will never have billions because the system is rigged so that the few have billions and the rest have nothing of the sort. Whether or not school helps depends on who you are and the luck you experience. There is a lot of baloney about going to school and not going to school when in actual fact it really comes down to how many risks you're willing to take and how confident you are and that is something deep within.
  • Question
    Can an non-energetic person succeed in business?
    Top Answerer
    Not unless s/he musters up some energy.
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    Do grades really matter in becoming a billionaire?
    Community Answer
    No. Grades do not decide one's future. What matters is your talent and the knowledge you gain and use to become a billionaire.
  • Question
    What educational qualifications should I have?
    Community Answer
    A few degrees that would be beneficial are in the areas of business, engineering, and accounting. An MBA degree would be very helpful to succeed in business.
  • Question
    Does this apply to the UK?
    Top Answerer
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    Do I need to get into my field of study before I know where I can invest, or can I invest before getting into the field?
    Top Answerer
    Invest as soon as possible. Ask advice from someone already in the field.
  • Question
    Is it possible to be a billionaire by 32?
    Community Answer
    Yes, many people have become billionaires at young ages.
  • Question
    Can artists become billionaires?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is possible for artists to become billionaires, but most artists do not make that much money.
  • Question
    I'm 16. Please tell me, what will make me the richest man in the world?
    Top Answerer
    Own huge oil fields.
  • Question
    Can I be billionaire if I set up a bakery?
    Community Answer
    It is possible, but highly unlikely. If you wanted to reach billions, you would have to open a chain of bakeries. Even then, it is extremely unlikely. However, if you follow your dreams and work hard, you can do anything.
  • Question
    Where can I learn about stocks and the stock market for a more precise and successful investment?
    Top Answerer
    Read biographies of and advice from current billionaires.
  • Question
    Can you be a billionaire with out going to bussiness school?
    Top Answerer
    Absolutely. It simply takes a huge amount of extremely hard and amazingly smart work.
  • Question
    Do you think I could be rich by selling lemonade?
    Community Answer
    Probably not; selling lemonade is a good start for kids who are interested in business, but it's not a great long term plan.
  • Question
    Can I be a billionaire in the transport industry?
    Top Answerer
    It's not likely, but it's not impossible.
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