Q&A for How to Be a Renaissance Person

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    How do I start a renaissance?
    Top Answerer
    Check the dictionary definition of "renaissance man" (which equally applies to ladies), and you will get a clear picture of what it means. It has more to do with involvement in math, sciences and the arts than this article says. Leonardo da Vinci is the best-remembered one with these gifts.
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    After following the steps in this article, when do I find time to relax and recuperate?
    Community Answer
    Personally, I don't need to "find the time." When you go with the flow, you realize that actual relaxation doesn't require a separate block of time, but rather an integration into your daily schedule.
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    How many children did Leonardo da Vinci have?
    Community Answer
    It is very probable that Leonardo da Vinci was gay. He did not have any children.
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    Who was the most prolific writer of this time period?
    Community Answer
    Probably William Shakespeare. He is famous for the many plays he wrote during his lifetime, many of which are still popular today, such as Romeo and Juliet.
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    How do I get better at each subject without an available guide "Sorry but I have nobody to ask because I live in a pretty fast paced and busy lifestyle".
    Community Answer
    I remember having a boss who said: "If you want to get a job done, give it to a busy man". Although I never heard an explanation of this proverb, I think the reason must be that a busy man has to make quick decisions, and perhaps therefore develops hunches about the right way to do things. But if you really want to be a renaissance person I am sure you will have to alternate between periods of intense activity and periods of reflection, thereby becoming your own guide.
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    I have a filled schedule. How can I make a better renaissance schedule?
    Community Answer
    Consider budgeting your time as you would your finances. Look for where you can make cuts, and what you may be spending too much time on. Ensure that you are well-rested, too.
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