Q&A for How to Become Popular on YouTube

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    What should I do if my first comment is a hateful one?
    Community Answer
    Like Selena Gómez once said, "Kill 'em with Kindness," say something like, "Thank you, for your opinion, but please take your negativity elsewhere." Trolls are often looking for a fight and when they don't get it, they normally go away. Now, this doesn't mean that all trolls will go away but the strategy most people use is, "just ignore them," which almost always works.
  • Question
    I am a teenager. Can I become popular on YouTube?
    Community Answer
    Of course! A lot of famous YouTubers started out as a teenager. If you think you are old enough and you want to make videos, then go for it. Most people don't usually care about the age aspect provided you're mature and offer interesting content. Just have confidence in yourself and have fun with it, as people respond well to someone with enthusiasm and dedication.
  • Question
    What happens if people hate you?
    Community Answer
    Nothing. You can keep making videos and not worry about what people say (you can block comments if you prefer). If they have some constructive criticism, you could use it to make future videos better. Or you can just stop making them if you're not getting anything out of it.
  • Question
    Do you make money when you're a YouTuber?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can and you can turn this feature on or off. When you are beginning and have 20 views or so, you won't earn a lot of money though, so don't quit the day job.
  • Question
    How do I become popular on YouTube if I'm a kid?
    Community Answer
    Aim to have a YouTube channel with about 500 subscribers. Start small and act maturely. Don't openly tell your age. A turn off for many viewers are gaming videos unless that's your sole target community. But you can always start with them. Singing videos and covers tend to do well. Comment on other people's videos a lot, as that encourages them to find you. Don't focus on popularity; instead, focus on having fun and enjoying YouTube.
  • Question
    What can I do if I really want to make YouTube videos but I'm afraid people won't like me?
    Community Answer
    Start small and have fun. If you like your videos, there must be someone else out there who likes them too! Show confidence, but don't be cocky.
  • Question
    Does it cost money to become a YouTuber?
    Community Answer
    It doesn’t cost anything to use YouTube, but it can cost money to set up all that you need to make quality videos. For example, you might need camera gear, a microphone, capture card, pop filter, green screen, lighting, recording software, editing software, props, costumes, makeup, sounds, objects, etc. Your time might also need to be included as part of the costs.
  • Question
    Does the quality of the video effect its popularity?
    Community Answer
    Quality is a major aspect when making and editing videos. People won't want to watch videos that are blurry and/or low quality. It's something people notice right away. This doesn't mean you need to get a really expensive camera, just make sure your videos aren't blurry or pixelated.
  • Question
    Would having a good intro, for my videos, help me get popular?
    Community Answer
    Yes! It shows that you are taking your time to make an intro and make your video look more professional. An intro can also show viewers small bits of your video, like a preview, so they know what they're going to be seeing.
  • Question
    I want my fans to know I'm getting my equipment ready and it's taking lots of time and I'm losing subscribers. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You can make a quick video updating the fans on what you're doing and letting them know you'll have a new video soon. Otherwise, don't worry about it. You'll probably gain subscribers again once you start making videos again.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to show my face?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to show your face. There's lots of YouTubers who simply use a background image and some text when doing performances, such as song covers.
  • Question
    Do I have to buy a webcam or can I get a webcam for free?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes there are webcams installed in the front of your computer at the top of the screen. If not, you will need to buy one. A dcenet camera is a good option but if you're just starting, visual quality doesn't have to be 1080p or anything fancy like that.
  • Question
    How do I know what games to record to be popular?
    Community Answer
    Start with games that are currently popular, such as Minecraft. You can also consider games that don't have a lot of videos or tutorials, but that are still well-known.
  • Question
    How difficult is it being a YouTuber? How do you deal with all the hate?
    Community Answer
    It's not very difficult. A lot of the hate will sound dumb or kind of funny. Some of it won't even make sense.
  • Question
    How does someone get paid for having videos on YouTube?
    Community Answer
    YouTubers get paid based on how many people watch their videos and how long they watch (you'll get paid more if someone watches to the end rather than only the first two minutes). You also get paid for putting ads in your videos with bonuses every time someone clicks the ad.
  • Question
    Can my channel get famous if I live in a country like Albania?
    Community Answer
    Why not? I'm sure you can get famous if you have the dedication, time and commitment to your channel and keep things interesting.
  • Question
    What's the best camera to use if you're a new YouTube content provider in the beauty category?
    Community Answer
    The best camera to use is any one that you have access to. Meaning, don't go out and buy an expensive camera, use your phone or computer webcam. If you want to buy a camera, get one that's cheap but good quality, like the Nikon Coolpix.
  • Question
    How do I make my videos popular if no one will watch?
    Community Answer
    Ask your family and friends, then ask them to tell their friends to watch and share.
  • Question
    I'm scared the people at my school will see my videos and make fun of me. Advice?
    Community Answer
    You might not want to show your face until you get 500 or 1,000 subscribers. Also, don't tell anyone at school your channel. And if someone makes fun of you, just say, "At least I have more subscribers than you!"
  • Question
    Can I become popular on YouTube without my parents finding out?
    Community Answer
    You can, but if you become popular enough your parents will eventually find out. You have to think about your channel potentially getting to your aunts/uncles/cousins/etc. who can tell your parents.
  • Question
    Is 30 too old start a makeup tutorial channel?
    Community Answer
    No. There are many people on the internet of varying ages, and your age should have no bearing on the success of your channel.
  • Question
    Can you please provide some tips for selecting a topic for videos?
    Community Answer
    Make a video about something you know about, or something you like to do. For example, if you like Minecraft, make Minecraft videos.
  • Question
    Would a GoPro be a good camera?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what type of content you want to post. If you are an adventurer, or you will post videos like mountain-bike riding, or anything like that, a GoPro is just perfect. It's okay for video-blogs and other content, if you're okay with the lens distortion.
  • Question
    What do I do if my parents won't let me show my face?
    Community Answer
    You should probably wait until you move out of the house to start your YouTube channel.
  • Question
    Do I have to wait until I reach a certain number of subscribers to show my face?
    Community Answer
    No! You can show your face in your very first video if you'd like. It's up to you.
  • Question
    Which camera should I use for making videos?
    Community Answer
    Any camera, you could even use your phone if you're on a budget. Focus on the quality of the camera.
  • Question
    What are the best free video editing apps?
    Community Answer
    iMovie and Videoshop are the best free video editing apps available today.
  • Question
    I'm only 13, can I become popular on YouTube?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You can be popular at any age! Just be careful, don't give away any personal information in your videos like your name, age, location, etc.
  • Question
    What if I want to record the game I'm playing?
    To a&q
    Community Answer
    Put a camera in front of the game screen or get an app to record your screen for you.
  • Question
    I don't have a microphone, camera or other gear. What can I do to make my videos look better?
    Community Answer
    You could just use the built-in camera and microphone on your computer or mobile device.
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