Q&A for How to Become a Baha'i

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    Who are some important Baha'ists in Iran?
    Community Answer
    The Baha'i's in Iran face a lot of persecution; some are imprisoned, and many have lost family members who have been killed. There are aren't currently any Baha'i leaders in Iran. The government allowed the Baha'is to have leaders in 2008 called the Yaran (the friends); all seven were arrested in May, 2008, and are still imprisoned.
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    If I'm a minor, can I still be a Baha'i?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. The age one can become a Baha'i at is 15 as this is the age of maturity.
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    What is the Baha'i law about marriage with a non Baha'i?
    Community Answer
    The requirements are having a Baha'i wedding wherein the consent of all living parents (and each other) is obtained, stating the vow, "We will all verily abide by the will of God", and having two acceptable witnesses present.
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    I recently have mat a Baha'i man. He is 68 and I am 57. Is sex not allowed in the faith?
    Community Answer
    Sex outside the faith technically is not allowed, but in practice it sometimes happens and usually is not an issue, because Baha'is are supposed to be lenient and non-judgmental about such things.
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    Do the Baha'i's accept homosexuals into their faith?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely yes. A homosexual may join and is welcomed.
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    I believe in reincarnation. Is this acceptable in Baha'i?
    Community Answer
    No. Baha'is believe that after death, the soul does not return to Earth - it proceeds to a world which is as different to this one as this universe is to the womb. They also believe that while your state (e.g. of suffering or not) in this afterlife is determined by your earthly actions, everyone in the afterlife is able to learn, grow, and improve their state.
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    Why do Baha'is hate Covenant-Breakers? How is that compatible with the slogan of world unity?
    Community Answer
    Baha'is don't hate anyone. Unity is the primary Baha'i principle and hatred is its antithesis. Baha'is do try to limit contact with those claiming to be Baha'i while actively opposing the administrative unity accepted by about 99% of the Baha'is around the world. Avoiding these 'Covenant-Breakers' has limited sectarianism and fostered unity in the global Baha'i community - which is now the second most widespread religion in the world. The Baha'i model is viewed as a template for everyone to embrace in order to advance an ever-progressing global civilization.
  • Question
    Is it known that the law is chastity before marriage and fidelity in marriage?
    Top Answerer
    Known among whom? Baha'is know this - or at least, they should! Seekers may not know this initially but they will likely learn it before converting.
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