Q&A for How to Become a Famous Writer

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    What sites are there that I can submit my stories to?
    Community Answer
    Tumblr is a great site for uploading poems and stories and then tagging them under appropriate categories such as #sci-fi, #romance, etc. Wattpad is also a great resource for getting your writing out there and showing how good a writer you are.
  • Question
    How do I come up with GOOD, creative ideas?
    Community Answer
    Read as much as you can, you will get a better idea for what kinds of stories work. Next, brainstorm and write down as many ideas as you can think of (i.e summer camp, castle, magic, gods, powers, etc.). Cute a few of them until you have a nice plot for a story. (A girl who can't feel pain has awoken in an apocalyptic type era.) Then write! Let your imagination roam free and others will feel your creativity as well.
  • Question
    Where is the best place to write a book?
    Community Answer
    Write your book wherever you feel creative. Find somewhere similar to the setting of your story or essay to inspire new ideas.
  • Question
    What kind of stories do people like most?
    Community Answer
    There are billions of people in the world and they all like different things. Write what you like, and you will find your audience.
  • Question
    How long should my chapters be?
    Community Answer
    It depends what the chapter is about. For example in the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling had something important happen in each chapter. So depending on what is happening, you will have a certain number of pages. A good goal wold be from 10 to 20 pages. Don't write less than seven pages or more than 40. You do not want it too short or too long.
  • Question
    What are some good websites to share my stories and poems so that I can get reviews to improve my writing?
    Community Answer
    Some good websites are Wattpad, Quotev, WritersCafe and if you like writing fanfiction, you can go on to Fanfiction.net.
  • Question
    Do I need to go to college to be an author?
    Community Answer
    No. You can be an author whether you went to college or not. Don't worry! Just go for it.
  • Question
    How do I finish a story that I lost interest in?
    Community Answer
    Try stepping away from it for a while, and working on something else. After a few weeks, return to your first story, and see if your motivation has come back.
  • Question
    What site can I post my poems on to become famous?
    Community Answer
    Wattpad is a well-known app and website where you can publish your work. If it's good, you are likely to receive recognition there. Did you know that Fifty Shades of Grey was a Twilight fan fiction on Wattpad before it was turned into a book?
  • Question
    How do you get a book into a bookstore?
    Community Answer
    You have to go through a publisher.
  • Question
    What do I do with a whole bunch of story starters?
    K1LLSTR3AK 1313
    Community Answer
    I would try to combine them in a way that you can make it into one interesting story. Anything you don't use now, like interesting characters or plot points, set aside for use in later projects. That's what I always do!
  • Question
    What types of people should I show my stories to?
    Community Answer
    A good idea is family and friends, they can give you helpful tips and know you well. Then, if you want the book to be famous, a good idea is to go to a publisher to get it published.
  • Question
    Do I need to go school to become a famous writer?
    Community Answer
    It depends; however, you don't necessarily need to go to school in order to become a famous writer. Many famous writers, like Roald Dahl, Charlotte Bronte, and Mary Shelley, all went to school. School helps in making these authors famous as it taught them better grammar and a greater vocabulary.
  • Question
    How do I make my own book company as a child?
    Funny people
    Community Answer
    First, tell your parent/guardian that you want to write a book. They will need to sign many contracts. After writing your story, get feedback. Once you're finished with the final cop,y which you will publish, find publishers with your parents that specialize in the genre of writing your book is about.
  • Question
    How do I get myself motivated to work on my novel?
    Community Answer
    If you started on writing a story, but you can't get yourself to continue it, make a plan. Work on a plot map, and write down details about the characters and the setting to bring your story into clearer focus. Sometimes, I read a book and think of how I can make my book that interesting. Find your favorite book and think about it. Once you have many ideas about your book, it will be almost impossible to stop writing.
  • Question
    If I want to write a picture book for kids, how long does it need to be?
    Community Answer
    It can be as long as you want it to be! Most children's books probably run between 10-20 pages though, so I would probably try to stay within that range.
  • Question
    How does a book gain publicity?
    Community Answer
    Books gain publicity through marketing. If you want your book to be popular, then you need to let people know that it exists. Spread the word via social media or word-of-mouth; you can even ask your friends and family to help you publicize your book.
  • Question
    I am currently writing a self-help book and I would really like to share my views with the world and uplift the life of young people. Where do I submit my short writings in order to get recognized?
    K1LLSTR3AK 1313
    Community Answer
    If you want to go public, the best place would probably be Twitter, or Facebook, they would spread the news better than a blog. If you want it published, the best place is authorhouse.com, it's free of charge. If you want more advice, if you have a Google+ account, you should subscribe to the following channels: The Writers' Discussion group, or The Writers Community. They should be able to help more.
  • Question
    How many lines should be in one paragraph?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the paragraph, and your writing style. A paragraph should be as long or short as it needs to be.
  • Question
    For a beginner, the writer wouldn't be making money, so how do I earn a living while writing on the side?
    Community Answer
    Get a day job. Most writers have them when they're first starting out. If you have no college degree or noteworthy skills, you can work in retail or service (stores, restaurants, bars, etc.). You might also be able to find office work as a receptionist, administrative assistant, etc. If you have a degree in something related to writing or communications, consider looking for freelance copywriting work.
  • Question
    Should I write in English or in my native language?
    Community Answer
    Write in whatever language you are comfortable.
  • Question
    How do I know if I'm already a good writer?
    Community Answer
    First of all, even if you're already good, there's always room for improvement. Secondly, have other people read your stuff and tell you what they think. Not just friends and family, because they might lie to spare your feelings. Post stuff online and see what reaction you get (Wattpad is a good site for this). You can also try submitting stuff to literary magazines and/or publishers. Don't be surprised if you get a lot of rejections, all writers do. Just keep working hard!
  • Question
    How do I know that my idea won't be stolen?
    Community Answer
    There are many legal systems put into place to ensure that your book and ideas can't be stolen. I would recommend hiring a lawyer and going from there.
  • Question
    If I post stories on webs like Wattpad, how will they be published? Are there any necessary qualifications I should possess?
    Community Answer
    No to post books on Wattpad is fine, if you are posting them you do not need a publisher since it is made to let people publish books freely. Though if you do post them there is a very low chance of you actually making money compared to "really" being published.
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