Q&A for How to Become a Goddess

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    Is it okay for a man to find his inner goddess?
    Community Answer
    Yes, be yourself and it is totally fine.
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    How do I do this for an Egyptian goddess?
    Community Answer
    Follow the same steps, but accessorize with more gold and warmer colors, such as autumnal browns and oranges.
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    How do I get powers?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, there is no way to get genuine powers, but you can use your imagination to give yourself any powers that you can think of!
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    How do I connect nature if I don't have a garden?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to have a garden to connect with nature. Go to the park, a nearby wooded area or body of water, or anyplace you can find grass and trees (or sand and sea!). Meditate, just be yourself and relax.
  • Question
    Can I be a goddess if I have physical deformities?
    Community Answer
    Goddess is not dependent on body. Goddess refers to a consciousness, a belief, an embodiment. So no matter what, as long as you have a heart and you're breathing, you can be and are a goddess.
  • Question
    My friends have already started to think that I am a goddess! One of my friends said, "I don't think you are a human. You are either an alien, robot, or goddess." How do I respond to this?
    Madeline Dexter
    Community Answer
    Try be humble about it! Thank them, but later give them compliment or maybe find something they do that you wish you could do.
  • Question
    Can a plus-sized girl like me be a goddess? All the pictures I've looked at of Greek goddesses only have skinny women.
    Community Answer
    Yes, you definitely can. Any person can be a goddess no matter what size they are because the essence of being a goddess is about attitude, style and being attuned to nature and the world. Your size will not factor into being a goddess.
  • Question
    Can I look like a goddess if I don't apply any makeup ?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! The most beautiful women are the natural ones. Your skin is likely to be clearer and have that goddess glow if you don't wear makeup too. Just moisturize often and take care of your skin, don't forget sunscreen to keep your youthful brightness. Embracing your natural face is the most goddess-like thing you can do. Keep up the good work.
  • Question
    This might sound silly, but what if I want to be the goddess of something?
    Gem BW
    Community Answer
    It's not! Choose something to invest in. Theme your house, and talk about it a lot.
  • Question
    Am I supposed to be secure to be a goddess?
    Gem BW
    Community Answer
    Yes, be naturally happy and healthy. You don't need to have a perfect life, but you should be emotionally and physically secure.
  • Question
    I am a tomboy and I want to be a goddess to impress my friends, can I still be a beautiful goddess?
    E May
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course you can! The goddess Artemis may be considered a tomboy but she is also still considered beautiful.
  • Question
    How can I be a Aphrodite goddess?
    E May
    Community Answer
    Wear more pink, find ways to connect to the ocean, learn how to become confident and do things that make you feel beautiful.
  • Question
    What colours does Athena wear?
    Top Answerer
    Some people view her clothes as just being white, but in reality, she is especially associated with the colours blue and gold.
  • Question
    Can I do this at age 11?
    Fire and Ice
    Community Answer
    Of course! Anyone can do it, no matter your age. As long as you follow the steps, you should be fine. Remember to ask for permission from a parent or guardian before using some things. Makeup, for example.
  • Question
    Can a tomboy be a goddess?
    Fire and Ice
    Community Answer
    Yes. As long as you have the will to become a goddess, anyone can do it! Being a tomboy does not affect anything.
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