Q&A for How to Become a Good Muslim Girl

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    What can I do if someone calls me a terrorist just for wearing the hijab?
    Community Answer
    Try not to get upset about it; realize that they are the problem, not you. If people are judging an entire religion just because of a group of terrorists who "claim" to be Muslim, then they are wrong. If you feel able, you should educate them about the truth of Islam and why terrorists do not represent your views.
  • Question
    I am a sinner and I have repented and sought Allah for forgiveness, but am still feeling bad for myself and not feeling comfortable. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have sincerely asked Allah for forgiveness, really mean not to do it again, and have done your best to repair what was done wrong (like given back stolen property, apologized to someone you hurt, replaced something broken) there is no reason to feel uncomfortable. Allah is pleased with those who repent! Even if you slip up and commit the same sin again, just repent to Him again and try not to go wrong again, for as long as it takes to get it right. Shaytaan may be making you uncomfortable: say the 3 quls morning and evening, and ayatul kursi or surah naas when you feel bad, and keep in wudhu and ask Allah for protection. Otherwise good job! You're on the right path!
  • Question
    My parents aren't helping much with teaching me Islam, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    It is your right to be educated on the foundations and fundamentals of Islam. If they do not teach you, then they are not bringing up their child righteously. It is good that you want to live by the teachings of Islam, you should go to your local mosque and ask the imam for advice on this situation. You can still teach yourself about Islam, but you should speak to your parents about this and bring it to their attention.
  • Question
    If I haven't always prayed, and I used to tell lies, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    You can start praying anytime! Try to do all five, but if you can't manage that, do what you can and increase it. I started at 1 rakat once a day, and in 4 months was doing them all properly. Hanafis have to make up all missed prayers since they were Muslim. Allah loves truthfulness, so starting today, speak only what it true. Ask Allah for forgiveness for past lies. If you slip up, repent again and try to be truthful again.
  • Question
    Can Muslim girls get educated?
    Community Answer
    Yes they can. A Muslim girl has hopes, dreams and passions too and they deserve to be fulfilled.
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    Will Allah give me what I want if I do this?
    Community Answer
    Inshallah, he will but remember it all matters about your niyyah and if your niyyah isn't clean, then Allah will not accept your duas. Sometimes Allah may not give you what you want because he has a better plan for you or you may receive something better in jannah. Most of the time he does and may Allah give you what if its the right thing, ameen.
  • Question
    I want to wear hijab regularly, but I'm not Muslim. When I wear hijab, people question and criticize me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    A hijab is a symbol of modesty. You can continue wearing one because you want to cover yourself up. A hijab doesn't always have to be a religious symbol.
  • Question
    What can I do if I don't have enough time to do dhkir and read the Quran?
    Community Answer
    Try to take some time out of your day to do these things. If it isn't possible, then you can always do dhkir while traveling to and from work or school, before sleeping, while cooking, cleaning, working out, etc.
  • Question
    What can I do if I love someone but need to stay away from him so that I don't go away from Allah?
    Community Answer
    "But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." (Quran 2:216). It is a trick of Shaytaan to make you love this person so that you will be led astray. Know that real love will bring you close to Allah and not away from Him! Focus on yourself, keep busy, stay healthy, and make lots of dua, inshaAllah the right person will show up in time to take your hand and lead you to Jannah.
  • Question
    I currently don't wear a hijab at school and I'm thinking that I should but I feel a bit awkward since I'd be the only one in my class wearing a hijab. Should I just keep myself uncovered for the next few years or should I start wearing a hijab now?
    Community Answer
    The sooner the better! You shouldn't really care what other people think. Just always tell yourself that you are beautiful on the inside and that you're a good person.
  • Question
    What can I do if I miss a lot of prayers?
    Community Answer
    First of all, recognize why you are missing prayers. If you are being distracted or are too lazy to pray, remember that you are constantly being watched by Allah and that on the day of Judgement, your destiny might be hell. If you still miss prayers, try to become closer to Allah by praying and asking for his forgiveness. Feeling guilt, sorrow, and regret will motivate you to stop missing prayers. Ask your family and friends to constantly remind you to pray, or ask them if you can all pray together.
  • Question
    I am a Muslim woman, what happens if I miss only a few prayers?
    Community Answer
    It is not allowed to miss a single prayer but if you miss a few prayers, offer them later as qadha salah.
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    Is it necessary to wear hijab at home?
    Community Answer
    You may if you want, but it is not necessary; you are at home, so only your family can see you.
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    How can I stay happy?
    Community Answer
    Love Allah and Muhammad and commit to being a good person.
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    How do I learn Arabic?
    Community Answer
    They are many books available that teach Arabic from many different base languages. There are also many resources available on the internet.
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    What should I do if my family doesn't allow me to wear a scarf and niqab?
    Community Answer
    Explain to your family why you want to wear it and the importance it has for you. If they don't understand, slowly bring them to faith. When you're old enough and allowed to make such choices on your own, do so and tell your parents that it has always remained important to you.
  • Question
    How do I keep up in my prayers in Islam?
    Community Answer
    Keep a table and tick it each time you have prayed that way you know how many you have missed.
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    As a Muslim lady, I do read Quran and do dhikr, but I feel sad and think of bad thoughts. What can I do?
    Top Answerer
    Negative thoughts come from Shaytaan. When you get them, seek refuge in Allah by saying "aoodhu billahi minash shaytaanir rajeem". Put all your worries and trouble to Allah - never think that your worries are so big, because they are nothing to Allah, so put your reliance and trust to Allah whatever may come. When stress comes, read the du'a of the Prophet Yunus when he was trapped in the stomach of a whale: "la-ilaha ila anta subhanaka inee kuntu minadh dhaalimeen".
  • Question
    How can I be sure that I want to convert to the Muslin religion?
    Community Answer
    The answer is already within your heart. Islam is a religion of fiqrah (natural instinct of human). It enables people to get close to The Creator in any way we live that had been prescribed in Al-Quran and Hadith. Ask yourself if this is that you really want? Be honest and true to yourself.
  • Question
    Why is it necessary for me to wear the hijab?
    Community Answer
    Because Allah says that it will help make you religiously stable mentally, verbally, and physically. When you actually wear it, you will feel a closer connection with Allah.
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    Until what age must women must wear a hijab?
    Top Answerer
    Ideally, they should wear it as soon as they become mature and continue to wear it for the rest of their lives. Remember that hijab is not just a piece of clothing; it's a modest way of life.
  • Question
    What if you are in a situation that somehow you have to talk to a boy?
    Community Answer
    In that case, see that boy in a positive manner and think you're doing it only because it's necessary for something important. Try to have someone else with you.
  • Question
    Is niqab as important as hijab in Islam?
    Community Answer
    Covering everything of your body except for your face, hands, and feet is obligatory for a woman in Islam. If a woman wants to do the extra step of wearing a niqab, then she can do it. A niqab is just as important as a hijab in Islam because the point in both of them is to cover yourself.
  • Question
    Do Muslims have sex?
    Community Answer
    Yes they do but not before marriage as that is haram. A Muslim should only engage in sexual activities with his/her marriage partner.
  • Question
    My boyfriend wants me to be an Orthodox Muslim. I'm not sure about this though.
    Community Answer
    Having a religion like Islam is good as you have something to guide you. However, it's important to reach decisions about your religious preferences yourself, not because somebody else insists on it. Think about it longer for yourself; you might even discuss it with people you trust and you know have your best interests at heart. Do some reading in depth about the topic. Then make a choice based on what is right for you, not your boyfriend.
  • Question
    I don't wear a hijab because of the discrimination that Muslims face today. What can I do to feel more confident about wearing it?
    Community Answer
    You may encounter some harassment, but incidents where women are killed for wearing the hijab are extremely rare. Pray to Allah to keep you safe and strong when making this decision for yourself.
  • Question
    What would someone do if they couldn't pray because they were ill, like if they had cancer or something?
    Community Answer
    Allah (SWT) won’t hold it against you if you aren't able to perform the prayers because of illness, but if you are conscious, you can still pray to Allah in your mind. He hears these prayers.
  • Question
    If I wear jeans when I'm a kid, is that haram?
    Community Answer
    Wearing jeans isn't a sin; many Muslims do it. You're still a kid, so don't worry about it.
  • Question
    Why do women have to avoid men, even if they have no intention to get too friendly?
    Top Answerer
    This depends on your interpretation. Of course, you don't have to avoid men; it's up to you. However, some scholars are more traditional and strict in their views, while others have varying opinions of where to cross the line. Personally, I just say be mature when dealing with unrelated men/women. You certainly don't need to avoid men; just be modest and mature!
  • Question
    Can I marry a guy of another religion if he converts to Islam?
    Community Answer
    Yes; if he converts, you can marry him.
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