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Q&A for How to Become a Quick Learner
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QuestionHow can I improve my learning skills quickly?Ted Dorsey is a Test Prep Tutor, author, and founder of Tutor Ted, an SAT and ACT tutoring service based in Southern California. Ted earned a perfect score on the SAT (1600) and PSAT (240) in high school. Since then, he has earned perfect scores on the ACT (36), SAT Subject Test in Literature (800), and SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 (800). He has a BA in English from Princeton University and a MA in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles.See if you can find a way to relate what you're learning back to your own life. Making the material personal will help you retain it better.
QuestionHow can I improve my intelligence?Community AnswerA huge part of learning is repetition. Try memorizing and reviewing information on a regular basis. You could also look into playing some brain strengthening games on your smart phone or computer.
QuestionHow can I improve my potential?Community AnswerJust be serious about your works. Also, practice your skills and give important things as much time as you can.
QuestionHow can I learn quickly at 36 like I could as a teenager?Community AnswerWhat you have learned doesn't just sit there waiting to be revived. You need to use it and use it a lot or you lose it for good. Renew your learning often and go over it again and again just as people work out in the gym -- they get stronger by working out again and again. Your brain works the same way --repeat and repeat again and the thing you want to learn will stick. It has been shown that brains are able to learn all life, so there the only excuse for getting dumber is getting less nimble in learning, as in, your willpower to learn is everything.
QuestionIs 74 too old to study?Community AnswerOf course not! It is never to late to study and improve your knowledge. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
QuestionHow can I read and comprehend quickly?Community AnswerYou can try scanning the page for important words and phrases. If you pick up the key words in a piece of writing, you can quickly get a basic understanding. However, if you want to read quickly with thorough comprehension, you'll have to practice reading through the whole text at faster speeds. Try looking up speed reading tutorials online.
QuestionIs there something I need to be eating in addition to what you listed?Community AnswerKurma and raisins are good because they will help to improve your memory. You just need to eat them every morning.
QuestionHow do I get good grades?Community AnswerYou have to study. When you receive a due date for a project or homework, set the due date a week earlier; that way, you will finish it on time.
QuestionHow do I improve my studies and compete against my classmates who are much smarter than I am?Fikir GebeyehuCommunity AnswerYou never have to compete against anybody! Competing can lower your confidence and produce depression when being pushed down. But to improve your studies, you could take online courses which help and have videos. Also you can get workbooks for your specific grade which gives you the information you need to get better grades, reading helps as well.
QuestionHow do I improve my learning abilities?WikiVYCommunity AnswerRead books that you like. Play outdoor sports. And play indoor games like chess that boost your cognitive abilities. If you can add 5 to 15 minutes of extra activities, you can focus better and learn more after it.
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