Q&A for How to Breed Malawi Cichlids

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    Will the fry survive without the mother's protection?
    Community Answer
    The fry will need to be removed from the main tank or the parents/other fish will eventually eat them. Some may survive if they stay well hidden in the rocks.
  • Question
    Do I have to separate them or can I just leave them to it if there are hiding spots?
    Community Answer
    I have been successful and have never separated any fish. Usually, if they are not separated, they will find their own corners to finish the process in.
  • Question
    How big do the fry have to be before they can go into the main tank?
    Community Answer
    When the fry are bigger than the mouths of the adult fish, then they can be introduced into the main tank. Make sure there are many hiding places for the young, because Malawis are territorial, especially to newcomers.
  • Question
    What should I be feeding my breeders?
    Community Answer
    Just feed them as per normal. They do not need a lot of attention and sometimes that might even cause stress. Take care of them just like how you normally take care of your fish and feed them their usual flakes or pellets and give them nutritious treats such as brine shrimp every once a while.
  • Question
    Do other mother cichlids eat eggs?
    Community Answer
    African cichlids actually brood through their mouths but do not eat hatched eggs.
  • Question
    At what age does a female typically lay eggs?
    Community Answer
    Usually when fully developed -- maybe about 3-5 months old. Then will take about a month for the eggs to hatch.
  • Question
    Are earthworms safe to feed to any Malawi cichlids?
    Community Answer
    Earthworms are safe for all fish, especially the smallish red worms.
  • Question
    Do red zebras sometimes eat their own fry?
    Community Answer
    Yes. When frightened, Malawi females will eat their own fry. Also, a female with eggs or young in its mouth will lose her brood if she is removed from the water.
  • Question
    How long does it take for an egg to become a fish?
    Community Answer
    As the fish grow, they hatch into fry with an attached yolk sac, and then mature into fish. The process usually takes around a week to 10 days, although it can vary widely.
  • Question
    I have juvenile cichlids. How long will it take for them to start breeding?
    Community Answer
    It depends on age and growth. If you never do water changes and keep adult cichlids in a 30 gallon, they will be very stressed and might not breed at all. If you have a large enough tank, do your water changes, and have the correct male female ratio (for breeding purposes at least 1 male for every 3 females), they will breed as soon as they reach sexual maturity. This can take anywhere from 4 months to a year, sometimes even longer. Keep a healthy tank and they'll breed as soon as they can.
  • Question
    Will a large spotted pleco eat the fry?
    Community Answer
    They shouldn't purposely try to eat the fry, but they might accidentally eat them if they are laying on the floor of the tank.
  • Question
    What's the right tank temperature?
    Top Answerer
    A water temperature around 80°F (27°C) is ideal when breeding Malawi cichlids.
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