Q&A for How to Bribe Someone

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    How do I bribe my teacher?
    Community Answer
    Be nice but not overly nice or it's going to be weird, and you're giving the wrong impression. Be the ''give the teacher an apple'' type of student.
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    How do you bribe a cop when you get arrested?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't advise trying to bribe a cop. It could land you in a whole lot more trouble. If you still want to try, you'd better have a whole lot of money, a good lawyer and nerves of steel.
  • Question
    How do I bribe my brother to give me his money for a holiday next year when he says that he doesn't want anything when I speak to him?
    Community Answer
    You should do something nice for him. For example, maybe make a gift basket for him ahead of time. Gifts are great for bribing.
  • Question
    How can I bribe my dad to get me a rolling backpack for school? I need one for my back problems.
    Community Answer
    Tell him about your back problems. You might even ask him to make an appointment with your doctor and, explain your back problems to the doctor, and see if your doctor agrees with you about the need for a special backpack. If all else fails, you could ask your dad if he would make it an early birthday/Christmas present.
  • Question
    How do I bribe my teacher?
    Community Answer
    Bribing your teacher is likely to be forbidden under your school's code of conduct, but you can try bribing him with money.
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    How do I bribe a friend with sweets?
    Community Answer
    Figure out which sweets are their faves -- it's always good to get a selection. Put them in nice hamper (appearance is everything). Give them a view of the sweets and say they can have some if they do X for you.
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    How do I bribe a teacher for food?
    Community Answer
    Leave your lunch box at home and at snack tell your teacher and ask for a snack. This will work best with a female teacher.
  • Question
    How can I bribe my mom into getting me some Yu-gi-oh! cards?
    Community Answer
    Try negotiating. Tell your mom you will do extra chores or promise her that you will bring your grades up in exchange for the cards.
  • Question
    How can I bribe my parents to get me a New Guinea pig hutch?
    Community Answer
    Explain the benefits of it, exactly how much it will cost, how often you will clean it. But first, show them how well you can take care of you guinea pig and it's current cage.
  • Question
    How can I bribe my friend into giving my headphones back?
    Community Answer
    Don't be friends with someone who takes your headphones and won't give them back to you. If it's just for fun, take their headphones and suggest you swap.
  • Question
    How can I bribe my mum into giving my phone back?
    Community Answer
    Think of something she really wants and offer it to her in exchange for the phone.
  • Question
    How do I bribe my mom to undo the parental control on my computer?
    Community Answer
    Trying to convince your mom to undo the parental control on your computer may be difficult, but try to show her how mature you are. She may still say no, but try to accept it and wait until you are of age for her to undo it.
  • Question
    How do I bribe someone to give me money?
    Community Answer
    That's not really possible. It wouldn't make sense to bribe someone to give you money WITH money, and if try to bribe them with goods or services, then you're just selling something or bartering.
  • Question
    How do I get my friend to give me an expensive thing if he was with me as I was reading this article?
    Isabel Wright
    Community Answer
    Don't. Friends aren't just for buying you expensive things.
  • Question
    How do I bribe teenagers?
    Community Answer
    Teenagers are just beginning to want independence, so often allowing them to do something they want to do is a good bribe. Money works well and food does sometimes, depending on the teen.
  • Question
    How could I bribe my friend into telling me their crush?
    Community Answer
    Tell them your crush in return, or if you don't have one, then think of another secret you can tell them in exchange.
  • Question
    How do I bribe a housekeeper in a hotel?
    Community Answer
    Cash is the most likely effective bribe for a housekeeper, as it is usually a lowly paid job. Depending on the reason you want to bribe them, it may need to be a few hundred dollars. Sometimes they may be happy to accept designer clothing, jewelry or something else they can sell.
  • Question
    How can I bribe a government person in a legal way to make a political move?
    Community Answer
    Bribery of government officials is not legal in any form. And acting under a bribe as a legal official could result in jail time. Try getting involved in your community, and communicating with your elected officials.
  • Question
    I want my friend to buy me Airpods for Christmas. How do I get him to do it?
    Community Answer
    You can drop hints, but ultimately, gifts are chosen by the giver and it's inconsiderate to expect something specific. If they're something you want that badly, you'll have to find a way to buy them yourself.
  • Question
    Can i bribe a person to not ask out my crush? And if so how will I go about doing this?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Liking someone, or crushing on them, in no way gives you any exclusive rights to interact with them romantically. You can't make a reservation on a person as you would a table at a restaurant. In fact, hang on. If you don't show up at a table you've reserved, fifteen minutes later they'll give it to someone else. Look. It doesn't matter how many people like a person. People choose someone they like, not the best person out of who are on offer. Your crush will either like you or not, regardless of who else is interested in them. Instead of bribing others, you should be getting to know your crush better, and give them a chance to get to know you better.
  • Question
    how to bribe a Somalian pirate to stop them from stealing the boat?
    Top Answerer
    Somalian pirates reportedly are after weath, including gold, precious jewels (diamonds, rubies), cash and ships they can use or resell. News reports have never said the victims bribed the pirates, or made a bribery attempt. Perhaps a good bribe might be to speak and act as if the boat / ship is haunted from multiple ghosts.
  • Question
    I only have an hour to clean my room. How do I bribe my brother into doing it and quickly?
    Community Answer
    Try telling him that you will help him will something in the future that he is too lazy to do, for example, if you help me clean my room I’ll do your chores tomorrow for you.
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