Q&A for How to Build Glutes

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    What if one of my muscles gets sprained or pulled while exercising?
    Community Answer
    You should lay off exercising that part of your body for a few days (2-3) so you muscles have a little time to heal. Also, do not push yourself too hard, if you feel pain while exercising, stop or slow down.
  • Question
    How can increase my buttocks fast?
    Community Answer
    Squats are key. Doing squats causes a lot of tension on your quadriceps and on your glutes.
  • Question
    I have a soft butt. Should I lose weight or build muscle?
    Community Answer
    Exercising your glutes will typically do both.
  • Question
    I do squats and was doing lunges. I also jog a couple times a week, but I still have dimples on the sides of my butt. Do you think side leg raises will eliminate that? What would you suggest?
    Community Answer
    "Dimples" on the sides of your butt are actually a result of having a great deal of strength. I wouldn't worry about it too much. In fact, many people find them quite attractive. Aside from gaining an excessive amount of fat (which is even less ideal), there isn't really a way to get rid of them.
  • Question
    I have a lot of problems with my glutes, and I need to build them up for swimming. What would be the best exercises for me to do?
    Austin Trent
    Community Answer
    Squats, lunges, running. Be safe doing squats, though (make sure your form is good). Injury is no joke when it comes to exercise.
  • Question
    Is it true that if I have soft butt it doesn't become bigger?
    Community Answer
    No, usually it means that it has too much fat on it, or not enough muscle to make it firm. Either lose fat to make it firmer or gain muscle.
  • Question
    Will running make my butt smaller?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on how much fat and muscle you already have in your butt. Running can help maintain your butt and prevent it from shrinking, but it won't really do much to add a lot of muscle to it.
  • Question
    My buttocks is flat and soft, what can I do or eat to make it bigger and stronger?
    Community Answer
    Squats are the best exercise for your glutes. As for food, make sure to eat plenty of protein, whether it comes from powder, beans, nuts or meat.
  • Question
    Will this also make my thighs bigger? I don't want that.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    As a rule of thumb, doing strength exercices such as push-ups slowly will build both strength and mass, while doing them quickly will only increase strength. Do your sets quickly if you don't want bigger thighs. This is very general and also depends on personal factors, such as diet, sleep, stress levels, metabolism, and injuries. Other tips are: vary your routine as much as possible. Try working out every day for a month without repeating a single exercice. Always train the muscles that are opposites, do at least one dip for every push-up. Bodyweight training is also great for a strong yet slender body.
  • Question
    Can I make my glutes bigger?
    Austin Trent
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. They're a muscle just like any other muscle. Squats, lunges, and running are great, but try to limit your lifts to 10 reps maximum for size. Anything higher than that is conditioning your body for endurance.
  • Question
    I need stronger glutes for gymnastics. What exercises would you recommend?
    Community Answer
    Deadlifts, bridges, and the Romanian deadlift are excellent exercises for your need.
  • Question
    What can I do if I want to make my butt flat and strong?
    Community Answer
    More squats and yoga.
  • Question
    If you don't have hips genetically, can you get it through these exercises?
    Community Answer
    Your hip size is determined by your pelvic bone, because of that you will not be able to drastically widen your hips, but if you follow the instructions in this article you will get somewhat wider hips.
  • Question
    My butt is are large and soft. I lose confidence with them. Should I continue this exercise for shrinking or is this by my genetics?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    Performing the exercises in the article will certainly help, however the finest exercise you can do is the deadlift. (Look up how to perform properly, it's easy once you know how!). When at the top of the movement, make sure to squeeze your but cheeks together, imagine you're pinching a coin between them. Perform 5 reps, 3-5 sets every workout. Work out 3 days a week. Always try to add between 2.5kg to 5kg every workout, and when it starts to get quite heavy, perform extra warm up sets with a higher weight.
  • Question
    I have hips but my buttocks are not firm, which workouts can help me build bigger butts?
    Muhammad Umar
    Community Answer
    Squats are a great way to build your thighs. Body weight or weighted squats are both fine.
  • Question
    I am 52 and have never been able to achieve having a firm butt is it possible at my age?
    Community Answer
    Building muscle becomes more difficult with age. It will probably take you longer than most others to build muscle, but with enough dedication, it might be possible. Try focusing on general fitness instead (not just your butt), as it will improve your physique and also prevent many age-related conditions in the future.
  • Question
    I have glutes strain, should I rest?
    Community Answer
    Rest your muscle to allow your injury to heal. When the pain decreases, begin normal, slow movements. For mild and moderate muscle strains, you should rest your muscles for about 2 days. However, if you have a severe muscle strain, you should rest for 10 to 14 days.
  • Question
    How can I grow my other gluteus? I realised that I have a gluteus imbalance.
    Community Answer
    To strengthen the weaker gluteus, begin with single-leg exercises such as the single-leg deadlift and single-leg Bulgarian split squat until some balance is restored.
  • Question
    What products must I use for glute building?
    Community Answer
    You can use anything for equipment, really. You can use your own bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells, or resistance bands.
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