Q&A for How to Build Your Body Fast

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    How do I get rid of back fat?
    Brendon Rearick
    Personal Trainer & Strength Coach
    Brendon Rearick is a Personal Trainer, Strength Coach, Fitness Program Director, and co-founder of Certified Functional Strength Coach (CSFC), a fitness education company in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 17 years of experience in the fitness industry, Brendon specializes in strength and conditioning, and his company CSFC has certified over 3,000 trainers in over 20 countries. Brendon has worked as a Program Director for Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning (MBSC) and earned his massage therapy license from the Cortiva Institute-Boston. Brendon holds a BS in Kinesiology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
    Personal Trainer & Strength Coach
    Expert Answer
    Your best bet will be to eat well and find a consistent exercise routine. While it's pretty difficult to target specific areas of your body, like your back, if you keep up with cardio and strength training, you should lose some of that fat.
  • Question
    How can I get a big body fast?
    Brendon Rearick
    Personal Trainer & Strength Coach
    Brendon Rearick is a Personal Trainer, Strength Coach, Fitness Program Director, and co-founder of Certified Functional Strength Coach (CSFC), a fitness education company in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 17 years of experience in the fitness industry, Brendon specializes in strength and conditioning, and his company CSFC has certified over 3,000 trainers in over 20 countries. Brendon has worked as a Program Director for Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning (MBSC) and earned his massage therapy license from the Cortiva Institute-Boston. Brendon holds a BS in Kinesiology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
    Personal Trainer & Strength Coach
    Expert Answer
    I would recommend lifting weights using 8-12 reps per set. This ensures you're lifting weights that are heavy enough to give you a good workout. You'll also want to do compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, like squats, deadlifts, and push-ups.
  • Question
    How do I increase my weight?
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Michele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Consume more calories than you burn. If you are eating as much as you can, visit your doctor to rule out something more serious such as a thyroid problem. Some people achieve gains from supplementing with shakes, such as Boost, or protein powders such as Mass Gain, to get the extra calories.
  • Question
    Which food should I not eat when trying to build body fat?
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Michele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Expert Answer
    When trying to build body fat, I recommend avoiding low-calorie foods such as celery. Stick to foods that are both high-calorie and healthy, like avocado, nuts, and salmon.
  • Question
    How do I get abs in 30 days?
    Michele Dolan
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Michele Dolan is a Fitness Trainer based in Sidney, British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002, and was certified as a Personal Trainer by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Michele is also a Registered Clinical Counselor, and uses her 20+ years of fitness coaching experience to help clients understand their mind-body connection. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC), certified by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. In her work, Michele uses the tools of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. She practices and teaches mindfulness and acceptance in all of her coaching work. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.
    Certified Fitness Trainer
    Expert Answer
    It can actually take 6-8 weeks for obvious muscle development. To get visible results, work your abs three times a week, and make sure you don't have excess fat covering your abdominal area. See http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Six-Pack-Abs for more advice.
  • Question
    How can I make my chest bigger?
    Community Answer
    You can do push-ups, bench presses, incline bench presses, cable flies and a lot more. For mass, try doing more sets of fewe repetitions with heavier weight. Also, working the areas aroud your chest, like your lats and shoulders, will mae your chest appear larger.
  • Question
    How can I increase my weight through fitness?
    Community Answer
    You increase weight through fitness by increasing your muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat. However, you'll still need a lower body fat percentage for your muscles to show.
  • Question
    How can I adjust to a fitness lifestyle as a deskjob person?
    Community Answer
    Begin with small changes, like getting up from your desk to move around and stretch every hour during the workday. Use part of your lunch break to do some vigorous walking or do some stairs. Work in a visit to the gym several days a week.
  • Question
    How can you form a six pack at home?
    Community Answer
    Eat lean meats, reduce junk food consumption, and do sit-ups. There are also exercise apps specifically for abs.
  • Question
    Should I exercise before or after eating?
    Community Answer
    You should exercise before eating, and then eat a meal high in protein afterwards. Your metabolism will be boosted after a workout (and your appetite will be increased).
  • Question
    What exercises can I do to get taller?
    Community Answer
    Skip rope daily for 30 minutes and jog for 30 minutes. Do leg stretches and pull-ups as well.
  • Question
    How long does it take to build muscle?
    Community Answer
    Training science states that a natural lifter can gain about 10 lbs of clean muscle in the first year. After that, you might get another few additional pounds over a few more years. Some people gain fat on top of the muscle and think it's muscle -- it's not. Muscle gives fat a shape so it appears like it is. Measure your body weight and body fat percentage and draw your conclusions from these two.
  • Question
    How do I know if I am pushing myself hard enough?
    Community Answer
    You should be sore the next day, but not too sore that you are in a lot of pain.
  • Question
    II'm a vegetarian, so what foods should I eat for building body?
    Community Answer
    High-protein foods will build muscle and give you more energy to exercise. Eat nuts, tofu, chickpeas/hummus, and garden-grown protein.
  • Question
    What supplements should I use to gain weight?
    Community Answer
    Protein powder is a great supplement to build muscle, but be specific about what you buy because it's not regulated by the FDA. Note that you should still be getting the majority of your protein through whole foods.
  • Question
    What food should I eat to build my body fast?
    Pel de Pinda
    Community Answer
    Make sure you eat enough (if you're not fat, gain some weight). That is the most important part, but you also have to eat enough protein. You can drink milk, eat chicken and other meats, beans, cheese and protein shakes are also convenient to get enough protein in. Try to aim for 2 grams per kg of lean body mass. So if you weigh 80kg and have 20% body fat, then you need 80*0.8*2 = 128g of protein a day.
  • Question
    How can I increase my height fast, as well as building my body?
    Community Answer
    Height is mostly determined by your genetics, and you can't control your genes; however, you could try healthy foods that contain calcium, protein zinc and vitamin D . You could also try to to exercise daily - running, basketball, tennis, swimming, etc. - because this stretches your spine. Also, be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night; this is when your body rebuilds muscle and grows.
  • Question
    How can I calculate my body fat percentage?
    Community Answer
    You can look online for a BMI calculator, which is designed to help you calculate your body fat percentage.
  • Question
    How can I gain muscle mass quickly at home?
    Community Answer
    Try to eat 5 - 6 meals per day that contain a lot of protein. Work out as heavy as you can for 4-5 days a week, lower your reps, include rest days. Be sure to get enough sleep, and include cardio training to make your muscles more visible. Avoid anabolic steroids and use supplements like creatine, protein or BCAA if you have trouble eating enough calories.
  • Question
    How do I gain more mass on my body?
    Community Answer
    Do heavier weight training (lift heavier weights with lower repetitions), be sure to eat a lot of protein, and rest in between lifting days (or work an entirely different part of the body) to allow the muscles an opportunity to regrow bigger. Be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Question
    How can I build my best and grow taller in 30 days?
    Cam Fenley
    Community Answer
    I can't help you to grow taller, that is all genetics. To build a bigger chest, the bench press is your best friend. Do high sets, low reps, with heavy weight. You can also do incline bench presses and dumbbell bench presses.
  • Question
    What must I do to become fit in one week?
    Community Answer
    You must do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 km running every single day.
  • Question
    How do I build my body quickly as a tall boy?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    The blessing and the curse of being tall is that you'll always look taller than you'll look fat, skinny or jacked. But the methods in the article still apply. Exercising and eating the right foods (high protein, clean carbs and non-saturated fats) will be very effective. If you want some personal recommendations however, I've found that tall people struggle with bench presses and squats but we can still do well with push ups and deadlifts. Just pick a routine and follow it with consistency and dedication and you'll have put on some noticeable mass in 8 weeks time.
  • Question
    How often do I need to rest my body to build my body fast?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    As a general rule of thumb, let a muscle rest 24-48 hours after working it, depending on how hard you work it. If you do some push ups on Monday, you might be able to do some again on Tuesday. If you do push-ups, bench press, flys and some sled pushes then you'll need to rest until Wednesday or even Thursday. if you don't want to worry about this then don't try to make your own routine, use one that was made by someone else. it should have things like rest pre-programmed into the workout.
  • Question
    How can I keep my obliques? It is very hard to keep.
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    Obliques are stabilisers more than anything, so you'll develop good obliques if you remain tight throughout your big compound movements, your squats, deadlifts, overhead presses. But if you want to target your obliques and core more directly, try a side bend! Always look up how to perform an exercise properly before you do it yourself!
  • Question
    How can I increase my weight and build body at home?
    Raphael Key
    Top Answerer
    Increasing weight and muscle mass requires you to eat more food. focus on proteins for muscle growth and clean carbs and fats for energy. For exercise, try to perform exercises like push ups, pull ups, squats and whatever core exercise you like the most. If you find these movements too easy or too hard, look up bodyweight progression and you should be able to find the variations of these exercises that challenge you just the right amount!
  • Question
    Is body building an easy task?
    Dmitriy Schwarzburg
    Community Answer
    Body building takes a lot of commitment and if you are competing, a very strict exercise and diet regimen. You will have to track your macronutrients and count calories and exercise consistently, at times for several hours a day. The usual chain of events involves bulking for a few months, with high calories, high carbs, high protein, and low fat, followed by a cut, where you will significantly reduce your caloric intake and focus primarily on eating protein and vegetables, steering clear of carbohydrates and fats.
  • Question
    How do I bulk correctly?
    Community Answer
    Progressively eat more calories, eat enough protein and prioritize more carbs to fuel hard training.
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