Q&A for How to Build a Dog Agility Course

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    How can I make my own dog agility course indoors?
    Elisabeth Weiss
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Elisabeth Weiss is a Professional Dog Trainer and owner of Dog Relations NYC, a dog training service in New York, New York. Elisabeth relies on science-based, force-free, and reward-based techniques. Elisabeth offers behavior training, puppy manners, body awareness and injury prevention, diet, exercise and dog nutrition services. Her work has been featured in New York Magazine and on the Dog Save the People podcast. She also trained all the dogs in the movie "Heart of a Dog" by Laurie Anderson that features Elisabeth's journey with Laurie Anderson's and Lou Reed's dog Lolabelle and how her passion for playing the keyboards played a significant role in improving her quality of life after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Expert Answer
    You can use all kinds of things around the house to help your dog improve its agility. I've used broomsticks, plumbing, squeegees, ramps, and even plungers. Just be sure to familiarize the dog with the equipment and show them what you want them to do.
  • Question
    Can older dogs be in a competition?
    Community Answer
    Honestly, it depends on the competition rules and how old your dog is. But you can always make your own competition and have some friends come over to be judges.
  • Question
    How far apart should the jumps be for a medium size dog?
    Community Answer
    Just make sure there's enough room for your pooch to land safely and then bound over the next jump. Don't cram the jumps together or it'll be physically impossible for your pup to make the jump. This may take some adjusting as your dog practices.
  • Question
    Are beagles good for agility? I want to do agility with him, but I'm not sure if he likes it.
    Community Answer
    Any healthy dog can do agility! Before treating the sport as a competition, it should be seen as a fun game to play with your dog. If your dog doesn't seem to be enjoying himself, lowering your expectations of your dog can make it more fun for everyone. Remember, it's a game!
  • Question
    Are all of these obstacles often used in actual competitions? I know weaving poles are but what about a tire jump?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a tire jump is used in competition as well as a bar jump, broad/long jump, dog walk, a-frame, tunnel, chute tunnel, teeter totter/see saw, and triple jump. Keep in mind competition grade equipment is a different quality than the equipment most people use for practice.
  • Question
    How long should I train my puppy before entering her in a contest?
    Community Answer
    It differs for every puppy; as long as you and your puppy are confident, prepared, and ready to go, then it's never too early to enter them in a contest!
  • Question
    Should I wait until my dog is an adult to try the weaving poles? I heard that it’s not good for a young dog’s back because they’re still growing.
    Community Answer
    If your dog is a small dog probably three years old is the right age. For a big dog, two years old should be fine to start learning.
  • Question
    If I want to do a dog show with small dogs, and I am using a garage with rugs down where the dogs walk. Is that a good place? I did my research, so I have made it a safe and welcoming place.
    Rebecca Clark
    Community Answer
    As long as the dogs feel happy and it doesn’t get too hot in there, it should be a great place for a dog show!
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