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Q&A for How to Build a Planter Box from Pallets
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QuestionWhat type of material should I fill my planter box with?Jovace Nelson is a Landscaping Expert and the CEO of Vacetime, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Vacetime, launched in 2018, is an agricultural building management service. Jovace and his team specialize in creating custom landscaping makeover services for both residential and commercial properties, living walls, and environmental education. Jovace studied Business and Management at Penn State University.It all comes down to what you're growing in the flower bed. For flowers like orchids, you can use eggshells or carbon. If you're growing food, make sure to control the pH levels. It really comes down to what it is that you're growing because it all breaks down and starts to decompose, and then it becomes fertilized.
QuestionIs it necessary to line the timber planter with rubber or plastic to stop rotting or soil loss?Community AnswerNo, don't line a planter box with plastic, rubber, or anything that stops drainage from watering the plants. Try using burlap or garden fabric, both of which allow for drainage and aeration.
QuestionWhat glue is used for the pallets?Community AnswerIf you need to use glue, use wood glue, available at most home improvement stores and craft stores.
QuestionHow many pallets does it take to make one box?JLuckenbillCommunity AnswerUsually, you can make a planter box out of just one pallet. However, it depends on how big you want your planter box and the design you choose.
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