Q&A for How to Build a Popsicle Stick Tower

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  • Question
    What could cause the tower to fall?
    Community Answer
    The tower could fall if the glue is not strong enough or is still wet and dripping. The weight of the popsicle sticks, especially if the balance is off, can also cause the tower to fall.
  • Question
    Can it hold text books on top?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the tower will withstand the weight of several textbooks if constructed properly.
  • Question
    Why are popsicle sticks good for making a tower?
    Community Answer
    Popsicle sticks have good structural integrity, like bricks.
  • Question
    Why is making a tower with cubes the "best" way to build a good tower?
    Community Answer
    Because the cube shape will hold up to the greatest pressure.
  • Question
    How much weight will one level withstand?
    Community Answer
    The amount of weight one level can withstand will be dependent on how well it is constructed and the type of glue used to hold it together. You can test the strength of one level by adding weights on top until the level breaks.
  • Question
    How long will it take?
    Community Answer
    There are a lot of factors that go into that, the type of glue you have (some dry quicker than others), the height you want your tower, the time you spend actually assembling the physics aspects, etc. To put it simply, it will take as much time as you want to put into it.
  • Question
    Will the tower stand up by itself?
    Community Answer
  • Question
    Are there ready made kits for this project?
    Community Answer
    There are no purchasable kits, but any local craft store will have boxes of popsicle sticks and wood glue.
  • Question
    Can only 30 craft sticks be made into a skyscraper or a bridge be able to hold 4 geometry textbooks?
    Community Answer
    The tower would be short and it would have to have many support beams; however, it is possible but will require a lot of patience.
  • Question
    Will the tower be strong enough to withstand the force of a hair dryer for 30 seconds?
    Community Answer
    Chances are it will probably fall over, as the tower is very lightweight. This all depends on the setting used on the hairdryer though, and how forceful the air coming out of it is.
  • Question
    How much weight can the tower support?
    Community Answer
    It's hard to say since that depends on the quality of the construction. If you build a strong, straight, sturdy tower, it could probably hold anywhere from 15-20 pounds if not more. If the structure is flimsy or poorly built, it will probably collapse very easily.
  • Question
    How do I build a Popsicle tower just with Popsicle sticks and regular glue?
    Community Answer
    This article details exactly that. The only things you need to complete this tower are Popsicle sticks and glue.
  • Question
    How tall should I make it?
    Community Answer
    You can make it as tall as you want to make it.
  • Question
    Can I use a hot glue gun to build a popsicle stick tower?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as you use a reasonable amount of glue.
  • Question
    What kind of glue is best to use when building a Popsicle stick tower?
    Community Answer
    It is best to use wood glue, as the bond will be strongest.
  • Question
    Will this tower be 18 inches tall and be able to withstand the force of a shaken table?
    Community Answer
    What it can withstand depends how well you have made the tower. If you haven't put much effort into it, it will probably fall over. As for the height, you determine that.
  • Question
    Could I use a hot glue gun for gluing instead of wood glue?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the hot glue gun is actually more efficient for this project's purposes, but it needs to be used properly for best results. If you're a child, get an adult's permission and/or supervision.
  • Question
    What do I use if I don't have wood glue?
    Community Answer
    You could use super glue or hot glue instead.
  • Question
    Will the popsicle stick tower collapse easily?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how you build the tower. If the glue isn't strong enough, it may collapse. If the sticks are uneven, it may collapse under the weight of something heavy.
  • Question
    What type of structure does this tower model?
    Community Answer
    The type of structure this tower models closely resembles a basic construction tower often found in construction sites. However, you could alter your design to imitate any structures you'd like.
  • Question
    How much weight does the Popsicle stick tower support?
    Rutendo Chikeya
    Community Answer
    This Popsicle stick tower was constructed for a high school physics class project. It is made of Popsicle sticks and super glue. It weighs ~133 grams, is ~9 inches tall, and supported 1,475 pounds without breaking (could have held more, but ran out of weights).
  • Question
    Can a Popsicle stick tower hold a brick on the top and still stay standing?
    Rutendo Chikeya
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of glue used and how stiff and rigid your triangulation is.
  • Question
    How do you stick Popsicle sticks together?
    Rutendo Chikeya
    Community Answer
    Wipe the surface of both of the Popsicle sticks with a clean paper towel to remove any dust or lint. Apply a thin layer of craft glue to the first stick at the point where you’d like the second stick to adhere to it. Press the second Popsicle stick onto the glue-covered portion of the first stick. Apply pressure to the joint for ten seconds to ensure that the Popsicle sticks will be firmly connected. Wipe up any excess glue that oozes from the joint with a damp paper towel. Place the sticks onto a solid surface such as a table top and allow the glue to dry.
  • Question
    What materials do I need to build a Popsicle stick tower?
    Community Answer
    Popsicles, wood glue, and pegs. Most of these items can be found at a craft store, or even somewhere like Walmart.
  • Question
    If I shake the model of my Popsicle stick tower, will it fall?
    Lochlan Walton
    Community Answer
    Only if you push it over, then yes it will fall and break. And if it happens, you might be very sad that all the work you put into that tower will be lost!
  • Question
    Can I use triangles and put them on each face to support more weight?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that would work to add more stability.
  • Question
    Would a triangular structure work as well as this tower?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Since the triangular structure is able to distribute the force evenly, chances are that the triangular structure would be able to withstand equal or higher forces.
  • Question
    What type of glue must I use?
    Top Answerer
    Use wood glue. That's white glue specially formulated for use with wood.
  • Question
    Would using tiny metal brads or nails give this structure more integrity?
    Top Answerer
    No. Wood glue will form the strongest joints.
  • Question
    I have to make a tower and I learned that triangles are the best shape to use. Is that true?
    Top Answerer
    A triangle is the most stable (strong) of all the geometric figures. Therefore, triangles do make the best bracing for a project like this.
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