Q&A for How to Calm Hyperactive Children

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    How can I redirect my child's attention when they're being hyperactive?
    Kylee Money
    Parenting Consultant
    Kylee Money is a Parenting Consultant and the Founder and CEO of Parenting Made Joyful. Since 2001, Kylee has worked with over 1,000 parents and families on sleep training, behavior management, potty training, and more. She is a contributing writer and board advisory member at Pampers.com, a CBS News Parent Expert, and featured on Fox and Friends and Buy Buy Baby. Kylee also speaks nationally at parenting expos on the subject of sleep training.
    Parenting Consultant
    Expert Answer
    You want to give two choices to redirect their behavior. For example, if your child is being too loud in the living room and upsetting the dog, you would give them a choice. They can either go in the other room and find a puzzle to play with or go in the other room and color with some crayons. Either one is fine, but they may not stay in the room and continue being loud.
  • Question
    I'm 14 and was wondering if there's any techniques I could use in a classroom to calm down from my hyper mood swings?
    Community Answer
    Use a stress ball or a balloon (not inflated) filled with sand.
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    My son is 7 years old, and he can't concentrate at school due to his ADHD. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Most schools will allow the child to chew gum, which may help. Alternatively you can get a fidget cube to give him for something to focus on.
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    My son is 7 years old. At home he is very good, but in school he can't sit in one place, he is hitting other kids and he is saying bad words. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    I would say to sit him down and talk with him. Tell him what you know about his behavior at school and ask him why he is doing it. Make it clear that the behavior is unacceptable. Spend some time with him and he will open up to you.
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    How can I calm my four year-old son? He gets noisy, irritable and hyper quite often.
    Community Answer
    Try to put something on the TV that he likes to relax him and then maybe get him a hot drink and read a book. If his energy level is too high for that, maybe play outside with him, or arrange a play date with other children his age.
  • Question
    How can I help a hyperactive three year old?
    Community Answer
    Offer to do something fun. Look up toys and games that are recommended for that condition, as they can help ADHD children learn to focus. Getting your child involved in sports will help them in the long run, as they will put their energy into that and learn valuable lessons along the way. Karate is often recommended by experts for this reason. Also, look into foods lower in sugar and gluten, as some believe these can exacerbate the condition.
  • Question
    How do I calm a hyperactive four year old?
    Beau Gavigan
    Community Answer
    The playground is a good option. Let the kid run wild for about an hour or two, typically on a nice day after dinner. This will help burn off some of those dinner carbs and wear him/her out. Plan on a nice, relaxing bath afterwards.
  • Question
    I'm an 11-year-old looking to calm down. I use slime and stress balls but they don't work. I gain energy by being around others and cannot control myself. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Go outside and run around for a while, if you have any siblings or parents that would want to take you to the park then do that, or you can go into your room, turn the music on and dance around your room until your tired.
  • Question
    How can I calm a 3 year old ADHD child?
    Community Answer
    Offer to do something fun. Look up toys and games that are recommended for that condition, as they can help ADHD children learn to focus. Getting your child involved in sports will help them in the long run, as they will put their energy into that and learn valuable lessons along the way. Karate is often recommended by experts for this reason. Also, look into foods lower in sugar and gluten, as some believe these can exacerbate the condition.
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    How do I calm a 1 year and 9 month old baby?
    Community Answer
    Carry the baby in a swaddle, and gently pat its back while make "shhhh" noises. The parent's touch makes the baby feel more safe and the swaddle makes it feel as if it has a shell to protect it. Giving the baby milk during this process may help as well.
  • Question
    My son is 10 years old and he is a single child. He has a short concentration span in the classroom, and he is a hyperactive child. How can I improve his concentration in the classroom?
    Community Answer
    Despite the bad reputation it gets sometimes, ADHD medication really is useful and can better a child's school life. Talk to your pediatrician about getting your child on medication.
  • Question
    I have ADHD and my friend said it's good to drink soda to keep calm. Is that true?
    Top Answerer
    Absolutely not. Soda is extremely unhealthy for everyone. Talk to your doctor about medication or talk to your therapist about calming techniques.
  • Question
    My young child sleeps late. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Get him into a routine and limit the length of naps during the day. Staying on a regular sleep schedule may calm the child.
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    My 12-month-old baby wakes up at 5 am and doesn't go to sleep until 9 pm. She doesn't sleep during the day. I'm worried, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Your child probably is just a restless sleeper, as many other children are. One tip that many professionals share is making your child feel comfortable and safe. Installing some sort of clock that ticks in the room will signal to the child that it is time to sleep. So only put the ticking on at bedtime. Or, hang some of your pajamas by your child's sleeping area. The child will be able to sense your presence through the scent of your pajamas.
  • Question
    My 7-year-old son is a very bright kid in class but is easily distracted by himself while fiddling around with anything. That's when he loses focus along the way. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    That's boys, they want to be out playing and don't want to be stuck indoors. And who can blame them? Kids don't have a moment of freedom nowadays, when they should be spending all day outside running in the fields. Increase his physical activity and space to play outdoors, and don't pressure him with schoolwork. When he's interested and motivated -- whenever that time comes -- he'll get through his studies super quickly.
  • Question
    How do I calm a hyper child?
    Community Answer
    Try to tire the child out by taking a trip to the park.
  • Question
    My son is five years old and has ADHD. How should I handle him?
    Community Answer
    Young children can be stressful at times, but can be very loving. Just love him as you would any other child.
  • Question
    My child doesn't have ADHD but is very hyperactive. She jumps off her bed during the night, and she's always stressed. My child also sits in her bed. Should I bring her to the pediatrician?
    Anderson Bridges
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should. These could be signs of both ADHD and anxiety.
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