Q&A for How to Care for a Crowntail Betta Fish

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  • Question
    How do you know if your betta is healthy?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    You'll know your betta fish is healthy if its eyes are clear, its fins aren't tethered, and it's actively eating.
  • Question
    How do I bond with my betta fish?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    If you feed your fish in the same location every day, your fish will bond with you and become more friendly. Never tap on the glass since the noise is amplified in the water and it will stress out your fish.
  • Question
    My bettas keep burying themselves and that kills them because they can't get oxygen. Why are they doing that?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    It's possible that your bettas are trying to hide or build a comfortable sleeping place in the substrate. If you don't already have plants and other hiding places in your tank, try adding some. If the problem continues, try removing the sand or gravel--bettas can thrive in a tank with a bare bottom. Check to make sure there isn't too much light shining into your tank, since this can bother bettas and encourage hiding behaviors.
  • Question
    Is there something wrong if my fish is creating a lot of bubbles around the top of his large bowl?
    Community Answer
    No, not at all. This is called a bubble nest, and it is perfectly healthy.
  • Question
    is it normal for a betta fish to turn from dark to light?
    Community Answer
    Yes. A betta fish can have a marble gene that allows it to change colors over periods of time.
  • Question
    Am I allowed to turn my lights off and on, or will that hurt the fish?
    Community Answer
    That's fine, it will not hurt the fish. However, if you don't have much natural light coming into the room through a window, it's a good idea to have an aquarium light on during the day so your fish can experience a normal day/night cycle.
  • Question
    Do they need saltwater?
    Community Answer
    No, they are freshwater fish. But you have to put conditioner in the water before you put the betta in or it will get sick.
  • Question
    I've had my Betta fish for a while now, every time I go near the bowl he gets scared. Will we ever have a bond?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    Get him out of the bowl, which is stressful and cramped, and into at least a 5 gallon tank, which can hold decor, a filter, a lamp, and plenty of oxygen. Don't tap his glass, and make sure he sees your face while he eats, so he will bond with you. Don't overfeed him, though, and make sure your fish is out of the way of very bright lights, a lot of noise, or other fish that might fight him.
  • Question
    How much food do you feed it?
    Community Answer
    Around 2 to 4 pellets per feeding time, two times a day. Overfeeding brings on sluggishness. Don't feed them for one day every two weeks, to avoid constipation issues.
  • Question
    Why doesn't my betta always eat it's food?
    Community Answer
    He might not eat his food, because he might not like the type of food you are feeding him. You could also be feeding him too much food. If he is not eating on a regular basis, he might be sick.
  • Question
    How do I know if my betta likes the food I'm feeding it?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    If he eats it, he likes it! You can offer him some other type of food to see if he eats more ravenously, if you want. Don't overfeed him, though -- only feed twice a day, just a few items per meal.
  • Question
    How do I tell if my Betta has settled in ?
    Community Answer
    If your Betta swims a lot, and it rests at a specific place, then it has settled in
  • Question
    What signs of sickness can my Betta show?
    Community Answer
    When sick, Betta fish may stop eating and move around less. They may also develop a whitish film.
  • Question
    How do I stop my crowntail betta from hiding?
    Community Answer
    Let it get used to its environment and get more comfortable. Feed it yummy foods like blood worms to coax it out from hiding.
  • Question
    My beta fish slept a lot and never moved around when I first got him, but now it's about a week later and he seems more active and happy. Is that normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. Your betta was getting used to his new environment and probably recovering from shock.
  • Question
    My betta is very small. Will he get bigger?
    Community Answer
    Betta fish won't get much bigger than about two inches, so depending on how big your fish is now, they may or may not get bigger.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my betta is asleep?
    Community Answer
    If your betta is motionless, it is likely asleep. You can tell that it's asleep and not dead because the gills will be moving.
  • Question
    Why do my crowntail bettas always stay at the bottom of the tank when I first get them?
    Community Answer
    Your bettas are probably just stressed out from being carried around and transplanted into a new environment.
  • Question
    How large can a betta get to be?
    Trung Huynh
    Community Answer
    Betta fish grow up to 3 inches long. Male betta fish grow slightly larger than females, but they still stay within this 3-inch limit.
  • Question
    How do I get my beta fish to bond with me?
    Community Answer
    Play with it. Use things around your house that won't rub off and contaminate your tank. You could create a hoop using a pipe cleaner for it to go through. This is tricky, though, and it may need to earn your trust, before it thinks it is safe to try it out. You could also get it to follow your finger. Just make sure not to tap the tank.
  • Question
    How many gallons of water does a betta need?
    Community Answer
    A betta will need at least 2.5 gallons of water.
  • Question
    How do I clean the bowl?
    Community Answer
    DO NOT use soap or any other cleaners when cleaning the tank. Doing so will kill beneficial micro-organisms that build up over time. Simply remove the gravel and decorations, and rinse and scrub them with luke warm water to remove any gunk/ poop / old food etc. Also, wipe down the glass.
  • Question
    What is the average life expectancy of the crown tail male betta?
    Community Answer
    The average lifespan would be around 3 - 4 years with proper care: a minimum of 2.5 gallon tank, a heater, decor, regular cleanings, a filter and the proper food can all ensure a long lifespan for your betta.
  • Question
    Can I use the betta fish water that it came in at Walmart?
    Community Answer
    I recommend never buying fish or any other pets at Walmart as they do not care for their animals very well. If you already have, then use fresh, new water, as the water at Walmart could be contaminated and full of diseases.
  • Question
    Do betta fish like lots of decor, or do they want more space? Do they like having companionship with other fish?
    Community Answer
    Betta fish need some sort of decor or a place to hide when they fell stressed out. Bettas are very aggressive towards other fish, even other betta fish, however bettas don't tend to mind bottom feeders (otocinclus).
  • Question
    What do you do when your tank light heats up the water?
    Community Answer
    Limit the time that the light is on; for example, you could use a cycle of two hours on, one hour off. You could also consider elevating the hood above the water level or using a lower wattage of light.
  • Question
    I have a 5.5 gal tank with a great divider, but the divider is blocking some of the light. It is difficult to see their beautiful colors. How can I fix this problem?
    Community Answer
    Get a divider with small holes. Light will flow in, and you will see their colors! This also works to keep them apart.
  • Question
    I have a male crown beta with a red spot in one of his eyes. What could this mean?
    Community Answer
    A red spot could indicate sickness due to polluted/dirty water. If he had the spot when you got him, the fish may have been kept in unclean water before. However, if he has developed the spot recently, his current water environment might be polluted. Try to clean the aquarium water more often.
  • Question
    What can I do to determine its gender?
    Community Answer
    Check out wikiHow to Determine the Sex of a Betta Fish for some helpful advice.
  • Question
    What fish can I put in the tank with my betta?
    Community Answer
    You can put any other fish except for another betta; they can hurt each other and don't live well together.
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